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<b><font size=+1>New Version of Gabedit is available.
The new version is capable of displaying :
- <i><b>Molecular Orbitals</b> </i> :
load from <b>Molpro output file</b>, Gaussian output file, Gaussian cube file, <b>Molpro cube file</b>,
Molden file or Gabedit file.
- <b><i>The electron density</i><font size=+1> </font></b>: load from Gaussian cube file, <b>Molpro cube file</b>, or using orbitals load from Gaussian
output file, <b>Molpro output file</b>, Molden file or Gabedit file.
- <b><i>The Laplacian of density</i><font size=+1> </font></b>: load from Gaussian or <b>Molpro cube file</b>.
- <b><i>The elctrostatic potential </i></b>: load from Gaussian cube file.
- <b><i>The Molecular minus Atomic density </i></b>: using orbitals load from a Gabedit file.
- <b><i>The Atomic density</i></b> : using orbitals load from a Gabedit file.
It can write a variety of graphics instructions : <b>postscript, BMP and PPM </b>.
With This version of Gabedit you can draw/display molecule in 3D.
You can load(and save) geometry from : Gaussian input file,Molpro Input file,
Gaussian output file, Molpro output file, XYZ file, Gaussian Z-matrix, Mopac Z-matrix file, Mol2 file or Tinker file.
You can also visualize the geometry convergence using a Molpro or Gaussian output file.
Using The new version of gabedit, you can execute Molpro and/or Gaussian at your local machine or at a remote host server.
You can download Gabedit from <A HREF="http://lasim.univ-lyon1.fr/allouche/gabedit">http://lasim.univ-lyon1.fr/allouche/gabedit</A>
Allouche Abdul-Rahman Tel: 0472431929
Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon 1 Fax: 0472445871
LASIM batiment Alfred Kastler <A HREF="http://hplasim2.univ-lyon1.fr/allouche">http://hplasim2.univ-lyon1.fr/allouche</A>
UFR Physique
43 Bld du 11 novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex