Hello everyone,<br><br>I have met following same error several times when I do a CI calculation for the state of the highest spin multiplicities for different molecules:<br><br> Number of core orbitals: 28 ( 9 5 9 5 )
<br> Number of active orbitals: 10 ( 5 0 5 0 )<br> Number of external orbitals: 338 ( 114 72 97 55 )<br><br> Molecular orbitals read from record 2140.2 Type=MCSCF/NATURAL (state 1.3)<br><br> Coulomb and exchange operators available. No transformation done.
<br><br> Number of p-space configurations: 1<br><br> Reference wavefunction optimized for reference space (refopt=1)<br><br> State Reference Energy<br> 1 -2462.39035181<br>..................<br>...............
<br> ITER. STATE ROOT NORM CORR.ENERGY TOTAL ENERGY ENERGY CHANGE DEN1 VAR(S) VAR(P) TIME<br> 1 1 1 1.00000000 0.00000000 -2462.39035181 0.00000000 -0.10178291
0.00D+00 0.19D+00 1.32<br> 2 1 1 1.31183661 -0.12878874 -2462.51914055 -0.12878874 -0.02840665 0.24D-02 0.20D+00 35.64<br><br> NO VECTOR OF INTERNAL CI OVERLAPS SUFFICIENTLY WITH REFERENCE VECTOR 1. INCREASE NSTATI!
<br><br> OVERLAP BETWEEN INITIAL AND PRESENT VECTORS<br> 1<br> 1 0.0602475<br> ovmax= 6.02475161923600D-002 ovref= 6.02475161923600D-002<br><br> ERROR EXIT<br> CURRENT STACK: CIPRO MAIN
<br>And the following is the corresponding input file:<br> ***,MnOMnO<br> memory,250,m<br> gprint,orbital,basis<br> geomtyp=xyz<br> geometry={<br> x,y<br> 4<br> This is geometry input for MnOMnO with an xyz file<br> Mn 0.000000
-1.791410 -0.037003<br> O 1.369376 0.000000 0.115635<br> O -1.369376 0.000000 0.115635<br> Mn 0.000000 1.791410 -0.037003}<br><br> basis={spdf,Mn,Bauschlicher-ANO;<br> spd,O,6-311G*}<br><br>
dkroll=1<br><br> rhf<br> closed,12,5,11,5;<br> wf,66,1,0<br> orbprint,5<br> <br> multi<br> occ,14,5,14,5;<br> core,9,5,9,5;<br> wf,66,3,10;<br> maxiter,50<br> <br> mrci<br> occ,14,5,14,5;<br> core,9,5,9,5;<br> wf,66,3,10;
<br> option,maxiti=500<br> <br> mrci<br> occ,14,5,14,5;<br> core,9,5,9,5;<br> wf,66,1,0;<br> option,maxiti=500<br><br>My question is why such error occurs and how I could avoid such error.<br>Thanks.<br>mingwei<br>