<div dir="ltr">Dear Users,<br>I am using Molpro 2002.6 version installed on Suse 11 platform. I am unable to run Molpro program with xyz input with variables in it. The program looks like this:<br><br>*** CO2 PE curve<br><br>
geomtyp=xyz<br>geometry={<br> 3<br> CO2<br>C, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000<br>O, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, rco1<br>O, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, rco2<br>}<br><br>rco1 = -1.16<br>
rco2 = 1.16<br><br>basis = vdz<br>do j=1,10<br>hf<br>r(j) = rco2<br>ehf(j) = energy<br>rco2 = rco2+0.2<br>end do<br><br>table r,ehf<br>plot file='co2_hf.plot'<br>Title Results for CO2<br>---<br><br>Molpro assigns the matrix with all zeroes for co-ordinates of all atoms! What is going wrong? Any kind of help is greatly appreciated.<br>