Dear Sir,<br><br>I am facing a convergence problem when using Molpro to calculate potential energy surfaces of CO2 molecule. The input of the program is as follows:<br><br><br>*** CO2 PE curve ! Title: PE Curve for CO2<br>
memory,32,m<br>maxiter=100<br>geomtyp=zmat<br>geometry<br>ang ! ang is used if we intend to provide distance in Angstrom; default for Z-matrix is au<br>C<br>O1 C rco1(i)<br>O2 C rco2(i) O1 oco<br>
end<br><br>r1(1) = 0.400000 Ang<br>r2(1) = 0.400001 Ang<br>dr = 0.1 Ang<br>do i = 1,19<br>r1(i+1) = r1(i)<br>r2(i+1) = r2(i) + dr<br>enddo<br><br>oco = 180 Deg<br><br>basis = vqz ! Basis set specification<br>
<br>do i = 1,20<br><br>rco1(i) = r1(i)<br>rco2(i) = r2(i)<br><br>hf;<br>enhf(i)=energy<br><br>mp2;<br>enmp2(i)=energy<br><br>multi;<br>emcscf(i) = energy<br><br>enddo<br><br>table rco1,rco2,enhf,enmp2,emcscf !emscf !,ecas,emrci<br>
head R1,R2,SCF,MP2,MCSCF<br>save<br>Title Results for CO2 (Angle = 180 Deg)<br>!sort 3,1,2<br>---<br><br>It produces the output but without convergence for the MCSCF calculations.<br><br>Thank you in advance for any kind of help.<br>