Hi,<br><br>I was trying to calculate the potential energy surface of CO2 using the input given below. The program calculates the energy for all the pairs of C-O distances mentioned in the input. Thus it is expected that the table of output data contains energies calculated up to C-O distant pair rco1=3.08 and rco2=3.08. However table is incomplete; it outputs energies only up to rco1=2.58 and rco2=1.10. It seems that the table can output only up to a certain number of data points. I am using 2002.6 version of MOLPRO. Could anyone please let me know why this happens? <br>
<br> ***,CO2 PE curve,<br> memory,64,m<br> print basis, orbitals, civector<br> geomtyp=zmat<br> geometry<br> ang<br> x,y<br> C<br> O1 C rco1(i)<br> O2 C rco2(i) O1 oco<br> end<br> oco = 180 Degree<br> r1(0) = 0.900<br>
r2(0) = 0.900<br><br> do k=1,50<br> if (k.lt.30) then<br> dr = 0.02<br> else if (k.lt.40) then<br> dr = 0.05<br> else<br> dr = 0.1<br> endif<br> r1(k)=r1(k-1)+dr<br> r2(k)=r2(k-1)+dr<br> enddo<br><br> basis = vqz, ! Basis set specification<br>
i=0<br> do k=1,#r1<br> do l=1,k<br> i=i+1<br> rco1(i)=r1(k)<br> rco2(i)=r2(l)<br><br> hf<br> enhf(i)=energy,<br><br> <br> enddo<br> enddo<br><br> table rco1,rco2,enhf <br>
head R1,R2,SCF <br> save co2.tab<br> Title Results for CO2<br> ---<br><br>