Hi, All<br>Can you provide me a input sample for the VB calculations(version 2006.1) for bezene. The following is my input. I can got the vb energy far below the CASSCF(6,6). However, using other VB code, I can get the the exactly same VB energy (using 2 Kekule and 3 Dewer structure) as CASSCF(6,6). I will be highly appriciated if you can help figure the problme. Thank you!<br>
<br><br>Yonghui Tian<br>Chemistry Department<br>Georgetown University<br>Washington, DC 20057<br><br><br>***,VB<br>gprint,orbitals=50,civector<br>gthresh,printci=0.01<br>MEMORY,100,M<br>Geomtyp=xyz<br>geometry<br>12<br>SSNN<br>
C -1.385991949 0.000000000 0.000000000<br>C -0.692995975 -1.200304237 0.000000000<br>C 0.692995975 -1.200304237 0.000000000<br>C 1.385991949 0.000000000 0.000000000<br>
C 0.692995975 1.200304237 0.000000000<br>C -0.692995975 1.200304237 0.000000000<br>H -2.508008778 0.000000000 0.000000000<br>H -1.254004389 -2.171999314 0.000000000<br>
H 1.254004389 -2.171999314 0.000000000<br>H 2.508008778 0.000000000 0.000000000<br>H 1.254004389 2.171999314 0.000000000<br>H -1.254004389 2.171999314 0.000000000<br>