Dear Molpro users and Developers,<br>Would I ask about solution of problem concerning execution of job mentioned below<br><br> memory,250,m<br> geomtyp=xyz<br> geometry={<br> 9<br> C 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000<br> C 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.34131600<br> H 0.92302200 0.00000000 1.90889600<br> H -0.92285800 0.00236700 1.90934600<br> H -0.92268900 0.00050100 -0.56798800<br> H 0.92265200 -0.00375500 -0.56769700<br> O 1.21514400 -3.22907300 0.05967900<br> O -0.72265000 -3.39657900 -0.95053200<br> O -0.00893400 -3.63202400 0.09876800<br> }<br> basis=VdZ <br> {hf;wf,40,1,0,0}<br> {multi,maxit=512;occ,24;closed,13;wf,40,1,0,0}<br> rs2c,shift=0.3,maxit=512,maxit=512;<br> ---<br><br>The job aborted with error message<br><br> A level shift of 0.30 is applied.<br><br> ITER. STATE ROOT SQ.NORM CORR.ENERGY TOTAL ENERGY ENERGY CHANGE DEN1 VAR(S) VAR(P) TIME<br> 1 1 1 1.04828444 -0.01448533 -302.49303098 -0.01448533 -0.66896662 0.48D-01 0.13D+00 79.36<br><br> ERROR WRITING 32768 WORDS AT OFFSET 15245872. TO FILE 8 IMPLEMENTATION=df FILE HANDLE= 1021 IERR=******<br> ? Error<br> ? I/O error<br> ? The problem occurs in writew<br><br>But I have enough disk space (more than 8 Gb). I got similar error message with other jobs (qcisd(t)/aug-cc-pvdz and casscf/cc-pvtz). How to treat mentioned above error message.<br><br>Sincerely,<br><br>PhD student Oleg B. Gadzhiev<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>