Dear MolPro developers,<br><br>I seem to be not able to run molpro on more than 32 processor (node) on a cray XT4 system. Am I hitting some kind of ceiling in number of processors for particular type of job?<br><br>Here is some of the relevant information:<br>
<br><br><br>cpu : Opteron 2300.000 MHz<br> FC : ftn<br> FCVERSION : 9.0<br> BLASLIB : -lacml<br> id : lbl<br><br>Nodes nprocs<br> nid06581 1<br> nid06582 1<br> nid06583 1<br> nid06584 1<br>
*****<br>64 such entries...<br>ga_uses_ma=false, calling ma_init with nominal heap.<br> GA-space will be limited to 8.0 MW (determined by -G option)<br><br> MPP tuning parameters: Latency= 0 Microseconds, Broadcast speed= 0 MB/sec<br>
default implementation of scratch files=sf <br><br>input info..<br><br><br> Variables initialized (631), CPU time= 0.02 sec<br> Commands initialized (426), CPU time= 0.01 sec, 469 directives.<br> Default parameters read. Elapsed time= 0.30 sec<br>
<br>This is where it gets stuck/Hang<br><br>These are message on the standard output<br>ARMCI configured for 64 cluster nodes. Network protocol is 'PORTALS'.<br>could not unlink file prepin00025079<br>could not unlink file prepin00020843<br>
could not unlink file prepin00020785<br><br>Any help will be greatly appreciated. <br><br>Thanks.<br><br><br>-- <br>Regards,<br>Neeraj.<br><br><br>