<div> </div>
<div>I met some problem with the optimizaation with MULTI. I was told that there is some input errors, but since I just started to use molpro, I was not able to find out the problem.</div>
<div>Can anyone give me some suggestion about that? Thank you.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The output file displayed as following:</div>
<div> </div>
<div>***,laO2 geometry optimization<br> memory,1000,m<br> <br> r=2.21 ang<br> a=67<br> geometry={La;<br> O, La, r<br> O, La, r, O, a}<br> basis=<br> {<br> spd,O,avtz;c;<br> <br> spdfg,La,ECP28MWB_SEG;c;<br>
<br> ECP, la, ECP28MWB;}<br> <br> {hf;occ,13,5,8,3;closed,9,3,5,1;wf,45,1,3;}<br> <br> <br> {multi;<br> occ,13,5,8,3;<br> closed,9,3,5,1;<br> wf,45,1,3;state,2;<br> cpmcscf,nacm,1.1,2.1,accu=1.0d-7,record=5100.1<br>
cpmcscf,grad,1.1,spin=1.5,accu=1.0d-7,record=5101.1<br> cpmcscf,grad,2.1,spin=1.5,accu=1.0d-7,record=5102.1<br> }<br> <br> {Force<br> SAMC,5100.1<br> conical,6100.1}<br> <br> {Force<br> SAMC,5101.1<br> conical,6100.1}<br>
<br> {Force<br> SAMC,5102.1<br> conical,6100.1}<br> <br> optg, startcmd=multi<br> ---</div>
<div> Variables initialized (631), CPU time= 0.01 sec<br> Commands initialized (426), CPU time= 0.03 sec, 469 directives.<br> Default parameters read. Elapsed time= 0.39 sec<br> Checking input...</div>
<div> No subdirectives defined for OCC</div>
<div> No subdirectives defined for CLOSED</div>
<div> Unknown directive MULTI for program HF-SCF<br> ? Error<br> ? input errors<br> ? The problem occurs in check_commands<br>Job ran on Machine=co-compute1 </div>
<div> </div>