Dear Molpro users,<br><br> I am trying to run UHF scf calculation on NpO2^+ but it doesn't seem to get beyond 2-3 iterations and the program quits with the following message:<br><br><br> Orbital guess generated from atomic densities. Full valence occupancy: 14 7 7 3<br>
<br> Molecular orbital dump at record 2200.2<br><br> Initial alpha occupation 6 5 7 3<br> Initial beta occupation 6 5 5 3<br><br> ITERATION DDIFF GRAD ENERGY 2-EL.EN. DIPOLE MOMENTS DIIS<br>
1 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 -561.57652943 1166.824804 -16.24030 0.00000 0.00000 0<br> Occupation changed:<br> Alpha spin: 11 4 4 2<br> Beta spin: 11 4 4 0<br> 2 0.302D+00 0.100D+00 -509.23245161 780.797020 55.57348 0.00000 0.00000 1<br>
Occupation changed:<br> Alpha spin: 5 5 6 5<br> Beta spin: 5 5 6 3<br> 3 0.309D+00 0.185D+00 -518.38899029 1312.399657 -23.94045 0.00000 0.00000 1<br> Occupation changed:<br>
Alpha spin: 11 5 4 1<br> Beta spin: 11 3 4 1<br> 4 0.671D+00 0.202D+00 -344.88378829 719.421186 92.86459 0.00000 0.00000 1<br> Energy increased. Restoring previous occupations:<br>
Alpha spin: 5 5 6 5<br> Beta spin: 5 5 6 3<br><br> IOCC<br> 1- 4 5 5 6 5<br><br> ICLOS<br> 1- 4************************<br> ? Error<br> ? Inconsistent closed shell occupation<br> ? The problem occurs in uhf_occ<br>
<br> GLOBAL ERROR fehler on processor 0 <br><br><br><br><br>Any suggestions how I can circumvent this problem? The input is as follows:<br><br><br>***,CH4-CH4<br>memory,200,m<br>GTHRESH,ENERGY=1.d-8<br>
geomtyp=xyz<br>geometry={ !dummy center in center of mass<br>3<br>Dimer<br>Np 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000<br>O -1.739061 0.000000 0.000000<br>O 1.739061 0.000000 0.000000<br>}<br>set,charge=+1<br>
set,spin=2<br>basis={<br>spdf,O,avtz;C;<br>ecp,Np,ecp60MWB;<br>spdfg,Np,ECP60MWB_ANO;C;<br>}<br>uhf;<br><br><br><br>Thanks.<br><br><br>-- <br>Regards,<br>Neeraj.<br><br><br>