Hi users!<br><br>I been trying to calculate first five states of methyl fluoride my input is as follows<br><br> ***,coupling constants<br> ***,coupling constants<br> memory,350,m<br> basis={h=aug-cc-pvtz,<br> c=aug-cc-pvtz,<br>
f=aug-cc-pvqz<br> ECP,F,2,3,0;<br> 1; 2,1.000000,0.000000;<br> 1; 2,16.762800,96.241900;<br> 1; 2,19.857600,-4.581900;<br> 1; 2,0.031600,-0.001500;}<br> geomtyp = xyz<br> geometry = {5,<br>
planar isomer<br> c 0.000000 0.000000 -0.662299<br> h 0.000000 1.065430 -0.898167<br> h -0.922689 -0.532715 -0.898167<br> h 0.922689 -0.532715 -0.898167<br> f 0.000000 0.000000 0.740922<br>
end}<br> {rhf;occ,6,2;wf,16,1,0;orbital,2130.2,ignore_error;orbprint,5;}<br> {multi;occ,8,3;closed,3,0;wf,16,1,0;}<br> {mrci;option,maxit=100;occ,8,3;closed,3,0;wf,16,1,0;}<br> {multi;occ,8,3;closed,3,0;start,2130.2;wf,15,1,1;wf,15,2,1;}<br>
{mrci;option,maxit=100;occ,8,3;closed,3,0;wf,15,1,1;state,3}<br> {mrci;option,maxit=100;occ,8,3;closed,3,0;wf,15,2,1;state,2}<br><br>but after doing rhf and multi for a neutral ch3f mrci job has terminated by giving the following error <br>
<br>here is the part of output of the terminated job.<br><br> Molecular orbitals read from record 2140.2 Type=MCSCF/NATURAL (state 1.1)<br><br> ?Error: MCSCF not converged. This error exit can be avoided using the IGNORE_ERROR option on the ORBITAL directive<br>
<br> GLOBAL ERROR fehler on processor 0<br><br>this termination has occurred in the mrci channel<br><br>could you please help me to get out of this.<br><br>thanks for ur help!!!!!!<br><br>Aleem.<br>