.hmmessage P
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Dear all,<br>after compiling and tuning molpro, which both works, I encounter following error, when testing:<br>openc: Error in opening file /.../Molpro/bin/../lib/ABDATA<br><br>This problem has been reported before, and seemingly is related to the Intel MPI mpd daemon:<br>http://answerpot.com/showthread.php?1226767-Issue%20With%20Molpro%202010.1%20%28patch%202%29:%20ABDATA%20Missing<br><br>But I don't want to use MPI in first place, and I at least think, I'm not doing so. My configure options are:<br>./configure -auto-ga-tcgmsg -blas -i8 -lapack -Linux -mpp -x86_64 -var "BLASLIB=-L/.../acml4.4.0/gfortran64_mp_int64/lib -lacml_mp -lacml_mv" -var "LAPACKLIB=-L/.../acml4.4.0/gfortran64_mp_int64/lib -lacml_mp -lacml_mv"<br><br>As compiler I use gfortran (gcc-4.5), the molpro-version is 2010 patchlevel 24.<br>Thanks for any help, Sven<br><br>P.S.: On a sidenote, "make clean" doesn't work for me, it gives this error:<br>target clean only available with git cloned versions, please unpack the tarball again<br>is this intended?<br> </div></body>