Dear all,<br><br>i'm trying to do an CASPT2 calculation on a simple molecule by using localized orbitals as starting guess for the CAS active space.<br>In particular, since i want to choose the orbitals to correlate, i first make a localization and then i exchange the orbitals in order to include the choosen ones in the active space. Here below some line from my input:<br>
<br>{rhf; wf,33,1,1;} ! hf calculation<br> <br>{locali,pipek; noorder;} ! localization<br><br>{multi; closed,15; occ,19; ! casscf(3,4)<br> wf,33,1,1;<br> start,2100.2; rotate,14.1,16.1,0;}<br><br>{rs2; ! caspt2 <br>
maxit,100;}<br><br>{optg;}<br><br>{put,molden,rs2_optimize.molden}<br><br>This example is for a (3,4) active space where i want to include the single occupied orbital (17.1) and the internal (14.1) which i exchange with the (16.1) in order to inclued its in the active space. Obiviously i had already plotted the localized orbital in a separate calculation and choose the orbital 14 for its chemical relevance. The record 2100.2 is where the program put the localized orbitals (i can't change it since if a i put a save card after the locali command i get an error!!).<br>
<br>My questions are: is this input right for my purpouse!? I'm a little bit confusing since if i plot the orbitals that are in the molden file i found that the 16.1 is totally different from the orbital i choose (ok that's are Natural Orbitals, but are so differents!?)...why the multi calculation should change the order of the orbital between active and inactive?!!? and how i can get sure that the orbitals in the active space are the onces i choose!?!?!?<br>
<br>I hope i was clear enough...<br>Thank you in advance for any help you could give me.<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Marco.<br>