Sir, <br> My self, S. Nagaprasad Reddy, pursuing Ph.D under the guidance of Prof.
S. Mahapatra, school of chemistry,University of Hyderabad, India.<br><br>I want to calculate ionisation values using ccsd(t) method. I have to calculate two states in each symmetry, here state,2; option is not working. Please give me any suggestions to calculate more states in the same symmetry. <br>
<br>My input is <br><br>! Cite this work as:<br> ***,coupling constants<br> memory,450,m<br> basis,avtz<br> gprint,orbitals,civectors<br> geomtyp = xyz<br> geometry = {8,<br> planar isomer<br>C 0.000000 0.696870 -0.915402<br>
C 0.000000 -0.696870 -0.915402<br>N 0.000000 0.000000 1.048260<br>H 0.000000 0.000000 2.056120<br>H 0.000000 1.396676 -1.731439<br>
H 0.000000 -1.396676 -1.731439<br>N 0.000000 -1.133496 0.360983<br>N 0.000000 1.133496 0.360983<br> end}<br> {rhf;occ,9,2,6,1;wf,36,1,0;}<br> {uccsd(t);occ,9,2,6,1;wf,36,1,0;}<br>
{rhf;occ,9,2,6,1;wf,35,3,1;}<br> {uccsd(t);occ,9,2,6,1;wf,35,3,1;state,2;}<br>
<br><br><br><br>Thanks in advance<br>S. Nagaprasad Reddy.