Hi,<br><br>I am very new to molpro. I just have a single-node version MOLPRO 2010.1 binary code installed in a node with 10 processor and 48GB memory. I always have some trouble to run parallel CCSD(T) when requesting multiprocessor job. The command I used is "molpro -n 8 <a href="http://h2o.com">h2o.com</a> &", but it always shows me the error message:<br>
<br> ? unknown option -n<br> ? The problem occurs in process_options_array<br><br>I also have a trouble to do CCSD(T)/cc-pvqz energy calculations on 5 heavy atoms and 5 hydrogen systems. Essentially, the intermediate file size should be around 30~60gb, but it seems that the largest intermediate file size is about 10GB then the program automatically quits.<br>
<br>Can anyone help me to solve the problems?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Xueliang <br>