I am trying to do an ab initio multiple spawning
dynamics for a system which contains an atom whose Gaussian width
parameter has not been optimized. The manual says that the user-defined
atom types with the parameters can be supplied at the end of the
Control.dat file.<br>
<br>When I do that, my Control.dat looks like <br><br>"<br> ...<br> ... <br> ...<br>!------ Output Options -----!<br> zEDatFile=.true. !Energy file<br> zNDatFile=.true. !Population file<br> zTrajFile=.false. !Trajectory data file<br>
zAmpFile=.true. !Amplitude files<br> zPotEnFile=.true. !Potential energy files<br> zXYZ=.true. !XYZ files<br> zCoupFile=.true. !Coupling files<br> zChargeFile=.true. !Charge files<br> zDipoleFile=.true. !Dipole files<br>
zTDipoleFile=.true. !Transition dipole files<br> WriteMolden=.true. !Write molden files?<br> MoldenStep=100 !time between molden files<br><br>!---New atom type (trial alpha value)<br> 1<br> Ge 32. 72.64 18.00<br>
<br>/<br>"<br><br>With this control file when I run my job, it crashes complaining:<br><br>"forrtl: severe (18): too many values for NAMELIST variable, unit 27, file [..]/Control.dat, line 44, position 0 "<br>
<br>I think there is some formatting error in the Control.dat file.
Could someone please suggest the correct way of doing this calculation?<br><br>I
would also request the developers to provide an example input file to
carry out AIMS where states with different spin multiplicities are
<br>Thanks in advance<br>