Dear Molpro Users,<br><br>I have specific question about how memory (or shared memory) is used in the parallel mode. <br>I want to run an CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ calculation of uracil dimer on my small-cluster with 16 cores (with 64 GB of memory)<br>
It seems that such system needs more than 8GB of memory for 1-core calculation, but it very slow, so when I'm trying to do a parallel calculation on 2 or 2^N cores<br>the memory demand is not reduced by that factor. I've changed "memory, 1000, m" option back and forth, but it was not helpful either.<br>
(I've used compiled mpp-binary Molpro 2012.1 from the website)<br><u>So Is Molpro distribute used memory over processes or copied the same information? </u><br>How I can control this behavior? <br>I've tried to use -G option (even that in manual written that "is no longer activated") but it was not helpful. I have not found the answer on this question in manual and other sources.<br>
Can one explain this issue?<br><br>Thank you!<br><br>Best,<br>Jani.<br><br><br>