<div dir="ltr"><p>Dear developers,</p><p>In the case of linear molecule (no matter symmetry is used or not), if analytic gradient is not avilable, the IR intensity of bending mode become to zero. The problem is in the Dipole Moment Derivatives: all the values in the X and Y components are zero by mistake.</p>
<p>For example, the bending mode Pi_u of acetylene (HCCH) is IR active, but the following calculation leads to a zero intensity. However, if the linear symmetry is broken by a small distortion, the IR intensity of Pi_u is correct.</p>
<p>***,C2H2</p><p>basis=3-21g</p><p>geometry={<br>C<br>X 1 1.<br>C 1 R1 2 90<br>X 3 1. 1 90 2 180<br>H 1 R2 2 90 3 180<br>H 3 R2 4 90 1 180<br>}</p><p>R1=1.21 angstrom;<br>R2=1.06 angstrom;</p><p>rhf;</p><p>ci;</p><p>{optg;active,R1,R2;}</p>
<p>{frequencies,print=1;print,hessian;}<br>---</p><p>Best regards,<br>Wenli<br></p></div>