<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Hi all<br><br></div> I want to compute
thermodynamical properties of a molecule with c2h symmetry with "themo"
keyword. First I did compute optimization followed by frequencies
specifying integral and wavefunction file at the top of the input file. <br></div>After
this, I did a single point calculation at optimal geometry reading the
information from .int and .wfu file generated in the frequency
calculation to transform the no symmetry orbital to c2h symmetric
orbital. At this stage, I proceeded to calculating thermodynamical
properties at optimal geometry by reading information from .int and .wfu
file generated in single point calculation. However, the calculation
exited with error message.<br><br></div><div>The input I use is<br></div><div><br> ***,(o2)2h+<br>memory,128,m<br>file,1,o4h+_<a href="http://ci_c2h_1_0_jumil.int" target="_blank">ci_c2h_1_0_jumil.int</a><br>file,2,o4h+_ci_c2h_1_0_jumil.wfu<br>GTHRESH, OPTSTEP=1.d-6, OPTGRAD=1.d-6, ENERGY=1.d-8<br><br>print,orbitals,civector<br>!symmetry,nosym<br><br>geomtyp=xyz ! use cartesian coordinates xmol style<br>geometry={<br>5 ! Number of atoms<br>HO4<br>H 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000<br>O 0.000000000 2.019210600 0.266075138<br>O 0.000000000 -2.019210600 -0.266075138 !optimal ci pts singlet<br>O 0.000000000 1.106900954 -0.485374719<br>O 0.000000000 -1.106900954 0.485374719<br>}<br><br>basis=aug-cc-pVTZ<br><br>{frequencies<br>thermo,sym=c2h<br>temp,300,500,100<br>print,thermo}<br><br></div><div>The error message is<br><br> Using no symmetry in wavefunction calculations<br> ? Error<br> ? No geometry parameters<br> ? The problem occurs in hessian_inp<br><br></div>I want to know what is the correct way of specifying in the input to read the numerical frequencies stored in the .wfu file?</div>