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index [2023/05/25 19:57] – gopenmol obsolete mayindex [2024/08/21 22:24] (current) – remove broken links may
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   * **Electronic-vibrational spectra** [[Franck-Condon calculations#ELECTRONIC-VIBRATIONAL SPECTRA (EVSPEC)|link]]   * **Electronic-vibrational spectra** [[Franck-Condon calculations#ELECTRONIC-VIBRATIONAL SPECTRA (EVSPEC)|link]]
   * **''ELSEIF''** [[program control#IF statements|link]]   * **''ELSEIF''** [[program control#IF statements|link]]
-  * **Embedded many-body** [[embedded many-body expansions|link]] 
   * **''ENDDO''** [[program control#DO loops (DO/ENDDO)|link]]   * **''ENDDO''** [[program control#DO loops (DO/ENDDO)|link]]
   * **''ENDIF''** [[program control#IF statements|link]]   * **''ENDIF''** [[program control#IF statements|link]]
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   * **''ERASE''** [[file handling#ERASE|link]]   * **''ERASE''** [[file handling#ERASE|link]]
   * **''EVSPEC''** [[Franck-Condon calculations#ELECTRONIC-VIBRATIONAL SPECTRA (EVSPEC)|link]]   * **''EVSPEC''** [[Franck-Condon calculations#ELECTRONIC-VIBRATIONAL SPECTRA (EVSPEC)|link]]
-  * **Ewald summation** [[many-body expansion#{\tt EWALD} directive|link]] 
   * **Examples** [[introductory examples|link]]   * **Examples** [[introductory examples|link]]
   * **''EXCHANGE''** [[the density functional program#exact exchange computation (EXCHANGE)|link]]   * **''EXCHANGE''** [[the density functional program#exact exchange computation (EXCHANGE)|link]]
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   * **''IF''** [[program control#IF statements|link]]   * **''IF''** [[program control#IF statements|link]]
   * **IF blocks** [[program control#IF statements|link]]   * **IF blocks** [[program control#IF statements|link]]
-  * **IMC** [[many-body expansion#incremental Monte-Carlo|link]] 
   * **Imported hamiltonian** [[integration#imported hamiltonian|link]]   * **Imported hamiltonian** [[integration#imported hamiltonian|link]]
   * **''INACTIVE''** [[geometry optimization (OPTG)#defining inactive geometry parameters (INACTIVE)|link]]   * **''INACTIVE''** [[geometry optimization (OPTG)#defining inactive geometry parameters (INACTIVE)|link]]
   * **''INCLUDE''** [[definition of Molpro input language#input format|link]] [[program control#including secondary input files (INCLUDE)|link]]   * **''INCLUDE''** [[definition of Molpro input language#input format|link]] [[program control#including secondary input files (INCLUDE)|link]]
-  * **Incremental Monte Carlo** [[many-body expansion#incremental Monte-Carlo|link]] 
   * **Indexed Variables** [[variables#indexed Variables (Vectors)|link]]   * **Indexed Variables** [[variables#indexed Variables (Vectors)|link]]
   * **''INDIVIDUAL''** [[properties and expectation values#populations of basis functions (INDIVIDUAL)|link]]   * **''INDIVIDUAL''** [[properties and expectation values#populations of basis functions (INDIVIDUAL)|link]]
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   * **LT-DF-LCC2** [[local methods for excited states|link]]   * **LT-DF-LCC2** [[local methods for excited states|link]]
   * **Macros in string variables** [[variables#macro definitions using string variables|link]]   * **Macros in string variables** [[variables#macro definitions using string variables|link]]
-  * **Many-body expansion** [[many-body expansion|link]] 
   * **''MASS''** [[molecular geometry#redefining and printing atomic masses|link]]   * **''MASS''** [[molecular geometry#redefining and printing atomic masses|link]]
   * **Mass-velocity** [[properties and expectation values#relativistic corrections|link]]   * **Mass-velocity** [[properties and expectation values#relativistic corrections|link]]
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   * **''MAXDAV''** [[the MRCI program#restricting numbers of expansion vectors|link]]   * **''MAXDAV''** [[the MRCI program#restricting numbers of expansion vectors|link]]
   * **''MAXITER''** [[the SCF program#maximum number of iterations|link]] [[the MCSCF program MULTI#maximum number of iterations|link]] [[the VB program CASVB#number of iterations|link]] [[the MRCI program#maximum number of iterations|link]]   * **''MAXITER''** [[the SCF program#maximum number of iterations|link]] [[the MCSCF program MULTI#maximum number of iterations|link]] [[the VB program CASVB#number of iterations|link]] [[the MRCI program#maximum number of iterations|link]]
-  * **MBE** [[many-body expansion|link]] 
   * **MCSCF** [[the MCSCF program MULTI|link]]   * **MCSCF** [[the MCSCF program MULTI|link]]
   * **''MCSCF''** [[the MCSCF program MULTI#structure of the input|link]] [[energy gradients#MCSCF gradients (MCSCF)|link]]   * **''MCSCF''** [[the MCSCF program MULTI#structure of the input|link]] [[energy gradients#MCSCF gradients (MCSCF)|link]]
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   * **Parallel** [[running Molpro on parallel computers|link]]   * **Parallel** [[running Molpro on parallel computers|link]]
   * **''PARAM''** [[the MRCI program#miscellaneous parameters|link]]   * **''PARAM''** [[the MRCI program#miscellaneous parameters|link]]
-  * **PBC** [[periodic-boundary conditions|link]] 
-  * **Periodic boundary conditions** [[periodic-boundary conditions|link]] 
   * **PES generators** [[PES generators|link]]   * **PES generators** [[PES generators|link]]
   * **''PESTRANS''** [[PES transformations#transformation of the coordinate system (PESTRANS)|link]]   * **''PESTRANS''** [[PES transformations#transformation of the coordinate system (PESTRANS)|link]]