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nuclear-electronic_orbital_method [2024/07/12 08:37] – external edit [2024/10/25 16:09] (current) – remove link to basis.php may
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-The electronic basis set can be freely chosen from the [[https://www.molpro.net/info/basis.php|Molpro basis set library]]. At the current stage no user defined mixed basis sets are possible within the NEO programs. +The electronic basis set can be freely chosen from the Molpro basis set library. At the current stage no user defined mixed basis sets are possible within the NEO programs. 
 The nuclear basis set is defined via the **''nucbas''** keyword. The default basis for nuclear basis sets must be defined in every case as the **''neo-basis''**. Afterwards, the selected NEO centers can be assigned with the desired basis set. It is highly recommended to use the specifically tailored [[https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0009233|PB basis sets]] for multicomponent methods developed by Hammes-Schiffer and coworkers. Note that all NEO centers need to be assigned individually with the same basis set. The nuclear basis set is defined via the **''nucbas''** keyword. The default basis for nuclear basis sets must be defined in every case as the **''neo-basis''**. Afterwards, the selected NEO centers can be assigned with the desired basis set. It is highly recommended to use the specifically tailored [[https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0009233|PB basis sets]] for multicomponent methods developed by Hammes-Schiffer and coworkers. Note that all NEO centers need to be assigned individually with the same basis set.