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pes_generators [2024/08/29 11:20] rauhutpes_generators [2024/11/13 08:27] (current) rauhutmoschneide
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 The ''INTENSITY'' directive of the ''SURF'' program provides the option to alter the electronic structure methods for calculating the dipole surfaces. It also allows to define the VARDIP//n//D[X,Y,Z] variables separately. $n$ describes the dimension of the coupling surface and can be chosen to be 1 - 4. The ''INTENSITY'' directive of the ''SURF'' program provides the option to alter the electronic structure methods for calculating the dipole surfaces. It also allows to define the VARDIP//n//D[X,Y,Z] variables separately. $n$ describes the dimension of the coupling surface and can be chosen to be 1 - 4.
-Dipole surfaces can be computed for all those methods for which analytical gradients are available in Molpro. For all methods except Hartree-Fock this requires the keyword ''%%CPHF,1%%'' after the keyword for the electronic structure method. In multi-level schemes for which the variables ''VAR1D'', ''VAR2D'' and ''VAR3D'' are set individually, the VARDIP//n//D[X,Y,Z] variables have to be set accordingly. Symmetry is currently only implemented for the 1D, 2D and 3D dipole surfaces. For 4D terms symmetry will automatically switched off at the moment. The determination of dipole surfaces beyond Hartree-Fock quality effectively doubles the computation time for surface calculations.+Dipole surfaces can be computed for all those methods for which analytical gradients are available in Molpro. For all methods except Hartree-Fock this requires the keyword ''%%CPHF,1%%'' after the keyword for the electronic structure method. In multi-level schemes for which the variables ''VAR1D'', ''VAR2D'' and ''VAR3D'' are set individually, the VARDIP//n//D[X,Y,Z] variables have to be set accordingly. The determination of dipole surfaces beyond Hartree-Fock quality effectively doubles the computation time for surface calculations.
 === Options === === Options ===
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 === Options === === Options ===
-  * **''ANGLE''=//value//** Rotation angle in degree.+  * **''ANGLE''=//value//** Rotation angle in degree. This keyword requires the specification of two normal coordinates provided by ''NM1'' and ''NM2''.
   * **''BLx''=//n//** This option assigns mode $n$ to block $x$. For example, the line ''%%LINCOMB,BL1=1,BL1=2,BL2=5,BL2=6%%'' for a 4-atomic molecule assigns modes 1 and 2 to a 1st block and thus these two modes will be localized afterwards. Modes 3 and 4 will not be affected and thus refer to standard normal coordinates, while modes 5 and 6 constitute a 2nd block   * **''BLx''=//n//** This option assigns mode $n$ to block $x$. For example, the line ''%%LINCOMB,BL1=1,BL1=2,BL2=5,BL2=6%%'' for a 4-atomic molecule assigns modes 1 and 2 to a 1st block and thus these two modes will be localized afterwards. Modes 3 and 4 will not be affected and thus refer to standard normal coordinates, while modes 5 and 6 constitute a 2nd block
   * **''LOCAL''=//n//** ''LOCAL''=1 localizes the normal coordinates of the CH-stretchings. Note that this destroys symmetry of these modes. Usually localization has strong impact on subsequent ''VSCF'' calculations. ''LOCAL''=2 localizes the normal coordinates of a molecular cluster to the contributing entities. This localization scheme localizes within the individual irreps, which usually leads to a very faint localization. Switching symmetry off by ''MPG''=1 in the ''XSURF'' program leads to a much stronger localization.   * **''LOCAL''=//n//** ''LOCAL''=1 localizes the normal coordinates of the CH-stretchings. Note that this destroys symmetry of these modes. Usually localization has strong impact on subsequent ''VSCF'' calculations. ''LOCAL''=2 localizes the normal coordinates of a molecular cluster to the contributing entities. This localization scheme localizes within the individual irreps, which usually leads to a very faint localization. Switching symmetry off by ''MPG''=1 in the ''XSURF'' program leads to a much stronger localization.
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 === Options === === Options ===
-  * **''TYPE''=//n//** Type of internal Coordinate. **n=**   +  * **''TYPE''=//variable//** Type of internal Coordinate. **variable=**   
-     1: Zmatrix coordinates (need to be provided via the Input geometry) +     zmat: Zmatrix coordinates (need to be provided via the Input geometry) 
-     2: Delocalised internal coordinates +     ozmat: Zmatrix coordinates (internally generated) 
-     3: Natural internal coordinates+     * pzmat: projected Zmatrix coordinates (Zmatrix needs to be provided via the Input geometry) 
 +     * opzmat: projected Zmatrix coordinates (Zmatrix is internally generated) 
 +     * nzmat: NOMODECO Zmatrix coordinates (Zmatrix needs to be provided via the Input geometry) 
 +     * onzmat: NOMODECO Zmatrix coordinates (Zmatrix is internally generated) 
 +     * deloc: Delocalised internal coordinates 
 +     natint: Natural internal coordinates 
 +     * pnatint: projected Natural internal coordinates 
 +     * poly: polyspherical internal coordiantes
    * **''ECKART''=//n//** If $n=1$, the geometry is rotated according to the eckart conditions which is recommended for the use of other properties than the energy    * **''ECKART''=//n//** If $n=1$, the geometry is rotated according to the eckart conditions which is recommended for the use of other properties than the energy
    * **''NDIMGMAT''=//n//** Determines the order of the expansion of the Wilson G matrix. Higher than dimension 2 is not recommended    * **''NDIMGMAT''=//n//** Determines the order of the expansion of the Wilson G matrix. Higher than dimension 2 is not recommended
-   * **''NDIMVG''=//n//**. Determines the order of the expansion of the PSeudopotential. Higher than the dimension 2 is not recommended+   * **''NDIMVG''=//n//**. Determines the order of the expansion of the Pseudopotential. Higher than the dimension 2 is not recommended
    * **''RADII''=//x//** $x$ is the threshold for detecting a bon between two atoms    * **''RADII''=//x//** $x$ is the threshold for detecting a bon between two atoms
    * **''CUTOFF''=//x//** $x$ is the threshold for detecting clusters (not useable currently)    * **''CUTOFF''=//x//** $x$ is the threshold for detecting clusters (not useable currently)
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    * **''ITMAX''=//n//** Defines the maximum number of iteration when elongate the geometries    * **''ITMAX''=//n//** Defines the maximum number of iteration when elongate the geometries
    * **''PSCRLAB''=//label//** Defines a label for precomputing the surface to determine a first scaling    * **''PSCRLAB''=//label//** Defines a label for precomputing the surface to determine a first scaling
 +   * **''ELONG''=//n//** Defines different ways on how to compute the elongations within the backtransformation from internal to Cartesian coordinates
 +      * For Z-Matrix based coordinates it can be either a simple construction($n=0$) or the HOPE algorithm ($n=1$)
 +      * For NatInt coordinates it can either be a standard B matrix algorithm ($n=0$), virtuel geometries ($n=1$) or subsequent elongation of single coordinates ($n=3$)
    * **''VAM''=//n//** If $n=1$, rovibrational coupling is considered when the G-matrix is computed-->    * **''VAM''=//n//** If $n=1$, rovibrational coupling is considered when the G-matrix is computed-->
 ==== Recommendations ==== ==== Recommendations ====
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 ''SURF'',//options//  ''SURF'',//options// 
-The old ''SURF'' program for generating potential energy surfaces is still implemented, but will no longer be supported in the future. The new and much improved ''XSURF'' code follows the same philosophy and many options are the same as in the old ''SURF'' code, but ''XSURF'' cannot read any potential files being generated by ''SURF''. If you need to use the old ''SURF'' program, see older versions of the manual for the corresponding keywords.+The old ''SURF'' program for generating potential energy surfaces is still implemented, but is no longer supported. Several keywords are specific to the ''XSURF'' core and cannot be used together with ''SURF''. The new and much improved ''XSURF'' code follows the same philosophy and many options are the same as in the old ''SURF'' code, but ''XSURF'' cannot read any potential files being generated by ''SURF''. If you need to use the old ''SURF'' program, see older versions of the manual for the corresponding keywords.