The DDR procedure can also be used to generate quasi-diabatic states and energies for MRCI wavefucntions (CASSCF case can be treated as special case using the ''NOEXC'' directive in the MRCI). The quasi-diabatic states have the property that they change as little as possible relative to a reference geometry; with other words, the overlap between the states at the current geometry with those at a reference geometry is maximized by performing a unitary transformation among the given states. Preferably, the adiabatic and diabatic states should be identical at the reference geometry, e.g., due to symmetry. For instance, in the examples given below for the 1B1 and 1A2 states of H2S, C2v geometries are used as reference, and at these geometries the states are unmixed due to their different symmetry. At the displaced geometries the molecular symmetry is reduced to CS. Both states now belong to the 1A″ irreducible representation and are strongly mixed. For a description and application of the procedure described below, see D. Simah, B. Hartke, and H.-J. Werner, [[|J. Chem. Phys.]] **111**, 4523 (1999).
This diabatization can be done automatically and requires two steps: first, the active orbitals of a CASSCF calculation are rotated to maximize the overlap with the orbitals at the reference geometry. This is achieved using the ''DIAB'' procedure described in section [[the MCSCF program MULTI#diabatic orbitals|diabatic orbitals]]. Secondly, the ''DDR'' procedure can be used to find the transformation among the CI vectors.
The following input is required:
* **''DDR''** calls the DDR procedure.
* **''ORBITAL'',//orb1, orb2//** //orb1// and //orb2// are the (diabatic) orbitals at the current and reference geometry, respectively.
* **''DENSITY'',//trdm1,trdm2//** //trdm1// are the transition densities computed at the current geometry, //trdm2// are transition densities computed using the wavefunctions of the current (bra) and reference (ket) geometries.
* **''MIXING'',//state1, state2, …//** The given states are included in the diabatization.
* **''ENERGY'',//e1, e2, …//** Adiabatic energies of the states. If this input card is present, the Hamiltonian in the basis of the diabatic states is computed and printed. Alternatively, the energies can be passed to ''DDR'' using the Molpro variable ''EADIA''.
The results are printed and stored in the following Molpro variables, provided the ''ENERGY'' directive or the ''EADIA'' variable is found:
Results including the first-order orbital correction:
* **''SMAT''** The first nstate×nstate elements contain the state overlap matrix (bra index rans fastest).
* **''UMAT''** The first nstate×nstate elements contain the transformation matrix.
* **''HDIA''** The first nstate⋅(nstate+1)/2 elements contain the lower triangle of the diabatic hamiltonian.
* **''MIXANG''** Non-adiabatic mixing angle in degree. This is available only in the two-state case.
The corresponding results obtained from the CI-vectors only (without orbital correction) are stored in the variables [''SMATCI''], ''UMATCI'', ''HDIACI'', and ''MIXANGCI''.
The way it works is most easily demonstrated for some examples. In the following input, the wavefunction is first computed at the C2v reference geometry, and then at displaced geometries.
<code - examples/h2s_diab1.inp>
***,h2s Diabatization
orient,noorient !noorient should always be used for diabatization
basis=avdz !This basis is too small for real application
r1=2.5 !Reference geometry
r=[2.50,2.55,2.60] !Displaced geometries
reforb=2140.2 !Orbital dumprecord at reference geometry
refci=6000.2 !MRCI record at reference geometry
savci=6100.2 !MRCI record at displaced geometries
text,compute wavefunction at reference geometry (C2v)
wf,18,2;state,2; !1B1 and 1A2 states
natorb,reforb !Save reference orbitals on reforb
noextra} !Dont use extra symmetries
{ci;occ,9,2;closed,4,1; !MRCI at reference geometry
wf,18,2,0;state,2; !1B1 and 1A2 states
orbital,reforb !Use orbitals from previous CASSCF
save,refci} !Save MRCI wavefunction
Text,Displaced geometries
do i=1,#r !Loop over different r values
data,truncate,savci+1 !truncate dumpfile after reference
r2=r(i) !Set current r2
wf,18,2,0;state,2; !Wavefunction definition
start,reforb !Starting orbitals
orbital,3140.2; !Dump record for orbitals
diab,reforb !Generate diabatic orbitals relative to reference geometry
noextra} !Dont use extra symmetries
wf,18,2,0;state,2; !1B1 and 1A2 states
orbital,diabatic !Use diabatic orbitals
save,savci} !Save MRCI for displaced geometries
e1(i)=energy(1) !Save adiabatic energies
{ci;trans,savci,savci !Compute transition densities at R2
dm,7000.2} !Save transition densities on this record
{ci;trans,savci,refci; !Compute transition densities between R2 and R1
dm,7100.2} !Save transition densities on this record
density,7000.2,7100.2 !Densities for <R2||R2> and <R2||R1>
orbital,3140.2,2140.2 !Orbitals for <R2||R2> and <R2||R1>
energy,e1(i),e2(i) !Adiabatic energies
mixing,1.2,2.2} !Compute mixing angle and diabatic energies
mixci(i)=mixangci(1) !Mixing angle obtained from ci vectors only
h11ci(i)=hdiaci(1) !Diabatic energies obtained from ci vectors only
mixtot(i)=mixang(1) !Mixing angle from total overlap (including first-order correction)
h11(i)=hdia(1) !Diabatic energies obtained from total overlap
title,Diabatic energies for H2S, obtained from CI-vectors
title,Diabatic energies for H2S, obtained from CI-vectors and orbital correction
enddo !end loop over i
This calculation produces the following results:
Diabatic energies for H2S, obtained from CI-vectors
The results in the first table are obtained from the CI-contribution to the state-overlap matrix only, while the ones in the second table include a first-order correction for the orbitals. In this case, both results are almost identical, since the ''DIAB'' procedure has been used to minimize the change of the active orbitals. This is the recommended procedure. If simply natural orbitals are used without orbital diabatization, the following results are obtained from the otherwise unchanged calculation:
Diabatic energies for H2S, obtained from CI-vectors
It is seen that the mixing obtained from the CI vectors only is now very different and meaningless, since the orbitals change significantly as function of geometry. However, the second calculations, which accounts for this change approximately, still gives results in quite good agreement with the calculation involving diabatic orbitals.
The final examples shows a more complicated input, which also computes the non-adiabatic coupling matrix elements. In a two-state model, the NACME should equal the first derivative of the mixing angle. In the example, the NACME is computed using the 3-point ''DDR'' method (NACMECI), and also by finite difference of the mixing angle (DCHI).
<code - examples/h2s_diab2.inp>
***,h2s Diabatization and NACME calculation
orient,noorient !noorient should always be used for diabatization
basis=avdz !This basis is too small for real application
r1=2.5 !Reference geometry
r=[2.55,2.60] !Displaced geometries
dr=[0,0.01,-0.01] !Samll displacements for finite difference NACME calculation
reforb1=2140.2 !Orbital dumprecord at reference geometry
refci=6000.2 !MRCI record at reference geometry
savci=6100.2 !MRCI record at displaced geometries
text,compute wavefunction at reference geometry (C2v)
wf,18,2;state,2; !1B1 and 1A2 states
natorb,reforb1 !Save reference orbitals on reforb1
noextra} !Dont use extra symmetries
{ci;occ,9,2;closed,4,1; !MRCI at reference geometry
wf,18,2,0;state,2; !1B1 and 1A2 states
orbital,reforb1 !Use orbitals from previous CASSCF
save,refci} !Save MRCI wavefunction
Text,Displaced geometries
do i=1,#r !Loop over different r values
data,truncate,savci+1 !truncate dumpfile after reference
do j=1,3 !Loop over small displacements for NACME
r2=r(i)+dr(j) !Set current r2
wf,18,2,0;state,2; !Wavefunction definition
start,reforb !Starting orbitals
orbital,3140.2+j; !Dumprecord for orbitals
diab,reforb !Generate diabatic orbitals relative to reference geometry
noextra} !Dont use extra symmetries
reforb=3141.2 !Use orbitals for j=1 as reference for j=2,3
orbital,diabatic !Use diabatic orbitals
save,savci+j} !Save MRCI for displaced geometries
eadia=energy !Save adiabatic energies for use in ddr
if(j.eq.1) then
e1(i)=energy(1) !Save adiabatic energies for table printing
end if
{ci;trans,savci+j,savci+j; !Compute transition densities at R2+DR(j)
dm,7000.2+j} !Save transition densities on this record
{ci;trans,savci+j,refci; !Compute transition densities between R2+DR(j) and R1
dm,7100.2+j} !Save transition densities on this record
{ci;trans,savci+j,savci+1; !Compute transition densities between R and R2+DR(j)
dm,7200.2+j} !Save transition densities on this record
density,7000.2+j,7100.2+j !Densities for <R2+DR||R2+DR> and <R2+DR||R1>
orbital,3140.2+j,2140.2 !Orbitals for <R2+DR||R2+DR> and <R2+DR||R1>
energy,eadia(1),eadia(2) !Adiabatic energies
mixing,1.2,2.2} !Compute mixing angle and diabatic energies
if(j.eq.1) then !Store diabatic energies for R2 (DR(1)=0)
mixci(i)=mixangci(1) !Mixing angle obtained from ci vectors only
h11ci(i)=hdiaci(1) !Diabatic energies obtained from ci vectors only
h21ci(i)=hdiaci(2) !HDIA contains the lower triangle of the diabatic hamiltonian
mixtot(i)=mixang(1) !Mixing angle from total overlap (including first-order correction)
h11(i)=hdia(1) !Diabatic energies obtained from total overlap
end if
mix(j)=mixang(1) !Store mixing angles for R2+DR(j)
enddo !End loop over j
dchi(i)=(mix(3)-mix(2))/(dr(2)-dr(3))*pi/180 !Finite difference derivative of mixing angle
density,7201.2,7202.2,7203.2 !Compute NACME using 3-point formula
Title,Mixing angles and non-adiabatic coupling matrix elements for H2S
Title,Diabatic energies for H2S, obtained from CI-vectors
title,Diabatic energies for H2S, obtained from CI-vectors and orbital correction
The calculation produces the following table
Mixing angles and non-adiabatic coupling matrix elements for H2S
2.55 15.2694 15.2644 -5.2226 -5.2365
2.60 27.8740 27.8772 -3.4702 -3.4794
Diabatic energies for H2S, obtained from CI-vectors
As expected the coupling matrix elements obtained from the 3-point ''DDR'' calculation (NACMECI) and by differentiating the mixing angle (DCHI) are in close agreement.