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recent_changes [2024/09/30 13:29] – gmolpro 2.5.0 dollrecent_changes [2024/12/06 19:39] (current) – external edit
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 We recommend always to use the most recent version, since developments are ongoing and problems reported by users are always fixed as quickly as possible. In particular, before reporting bugs, please check if these still occur in the latest version. We recommend always to use the most recent version, since developments are ongoing and problems reported by users are always fixed as quickly as possible. In particular, before reporting bugs, please check if these still occur in the latest version.
 +=====  Upcoming: GUI gmolpro 2.x.x =====
 +A trajectory can be visualised, i.e. a set of xyz files appended to each other.
 +===== New features of MOLPRO2024.3 =====
 +Molpro now uses Libxc 7.0.0.
 ===== New features of MOLPRO2024.2 ===== ===== New features of MOLPRO2024.2 =====