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variables [2024/01/08 13:24] – external edit [2025/02/17 15:10] (current) – try to fix strange layout/text "(exceptions ...)" appearing in italics without blank doll
Line 84: Line 84:
 STR(3)            This is an example for strings STR(3)            This is an example for strings
 </code> </code>
-As a general rule, string variables are replaced by their value only if they are preceded by a dollar ()(exceptions:invariabledefinitions,onSHOWcards,andinlogicalexpressionsonIFcards,thedollarisoptional).Thisisaprecautiontoavoidcommandswhichhavethesamenameasavariablebeinginterpretedasvariables.VariablesmayalsoappearonTEXTorTITLEcardsorinstrings,butmustbeprecededby in these cases. Example:+As a general rule, string variables are replaced by their value only if they are preceded by a dollar ($)  
 +(exceptions: in variable definitions, on ''SHOW'' cards, and in logical expressions on ''IF'' cards, the dollar is optional). This is a precaution to avoid commands which have the same name as a variable being interpreted as variables. Variables may also appear on ''TEXT'' or ''TITLE'' cards or in strings, but must be preceded by $ in these cases. Example:
 <code> <code>
Line 276: Line 277:
 ===== Special variables ===== ===== Special variables =====
-==== Variables set by the program ====+ ==== Variables set by the program ====
 A number of variables are predefined by the program. The following variables can be used to convert between atomic units and other units: A number of variables are predefined by the program. The following variables can be used to convert between atomic units and other units:
Line 289: Line 290:
 HZ=1.d0/6.5796839207d15 HARTREE HZ=1.d0/6.5796839207d15 HARTREE
 HERTZ=1.d0/6.5796839207d15 HARTREE HERTZ=1.d0/6.5796839207d15 HARTREE
-ANG=1.d0/0.529177209d0 BOHR +ANG=1.d0/0.529177210903d0 BOHR 
-ANGSTROM=1.d0/0.529177209d0 BOHR+ANGSTROM=1.d0/0.529177210903d0 BOHR
 TOEV=27.2113839d0 EV TOEV=27.2113839d0 EV
Line 301: Line 302:
 TOKJOULE=2625.500d0 KJ/MOL TOKJOULE=2625.500d0 KJ/MOL
 TOKCAL=627.5096d0 KCAL/MOL TOKCAL=627.5096d0 KCAL/MOL
-TOA=0.529177209d0 ANGSTROM +TOA=0.529177210903d0 ANGSTROM 
-TOANG=0.529177209d0 ANGSTROM+TOANG=0.529177210903d0 ANGSTROM
 TODEBYE=2.54158d0 DEBYE TODEBYE=2.54158d0 DEBYE
 </code> </code>