***, HCN <---> NHC Isomerization Reaction Path basis=3-21G rcn=1.18282 ang ! Starting geometry is transition state rnh=1.40745 ang alpha=55.05 degree symmetry,x ! Cs Symmetry geometry={ C N,1,rcn H,2,rnh,1,alpha} int rhf,gap_min=0 !set default shift to zero to avoid convergence to wrong state optg,root=2,saveact=hcn_ts,rewind ! Find and store the TS {optg,method=qsdpath,dir=1, numhess=5,hesscentral,saveact=hcn_path} ! find IRC in positive direction readvar,hcn_ts.act ! Reset geometry to TS {optg,method=qsdpath,dir=-1,numhess=5,hesscentral,saveact=hcn_path,append} !find IRC in negative direction readvar,hcn_path.act alpha=alpha*pi/180 !convert angle to radian table,irc,rcn,rnh,alpha,e_opt !tabulate results {table,irc,e_opt !plot energy profile as function of irc plot,file='hcn_eopt.plot'} {table,irc,rcn,rnh,alpha !plot distances and angle as function of irc plot,file='hcn_dist.plot'}