***,h2o properties geometry={o;h1,o,r;h2,o,r,h1,theta} !Z-matrix geometry input r=1 ang !bond length theta=104 !bond angle gexpec,dm,sm,qm !compute dipole and quarupole moments $methods=[hf,multi,ci] !do hf, casscf, mrci do i=1,#methods !loop over methods $methods(i) !run energy calculation e(i)=energy dip(i)=dmz !save dipole moment in variable dip quadxx(i)=qmxx !save quadrupole momemts quadyy(i)=qmyy quadzz(i)=qmzz smxx(i)=xx !save second momemts smyy(i)=yy smzz(i)=zz enddo table,methods,dip,smxx,smyy,smzz !print table of first and second moments table,methods,e,quadxx,quadyy,quadzz !print table of quadrupole moments