!methanol memory,100,m symmetry,nosym ! Embedding is not implemented with symmetry r1=2.648205499 ! Bohr r2=1.780518852 ! Bohr r3=2.064847045 ! Bohr a1=110.61344 d1=0 d2=119.9573 {gthresh,grid=1e-12,orbital=1e-8,coeff=1e-7} geometry= {C; O,C,r1; H1,O,r2,C,a1; H2,C,r3,O,a1,H1,d1; H3,C,r3,O,a1,H1,d2; H4,C,r3,O,a1,H1,-d2} basis,def2-svp ! Step 1: Perform a HF calculation on the full system. {df-hf} ! Step 2: Perform orbital localization. ! Localized MOs are saved to record 3100.2 {ibba;save,3100.2} ! Step 3: Define the procedure that will be used for the embedded calculation. ! Here, we define a standard CCSD(T) calculation. proc embedded_ccsdt ! Step 3a: Call HF. In this procedure, only subsystem A will be calculated. ! This corresponds to a HF-in-HF calculation. {df-hf} ! Step 3b: Call CCSD(T). This will perform a CCSD(T)-in-HF calculation {df-ccsd(t)} endproc ! Step 4: Perform the embedding calculation. This requires: ! Specification of embedded MOs ! Location of localized orbitals ! The procedure to run on the embedded subsystem A. {df-embed,orbs=[1,6,7,8,9],highproc=embedded_ccsdt ! The active subsystem corresponds to the indicated MOs orbital,3100.2,local} ! Use the localized MOs from record 3100.2