!water dimer memory,150,m {gthresh,orbital=1e-8,coeff=1e-7} geometry={ O1,, 2.872302451 , -0.739837226 , 2.587473481 H11,, 1.114872273 , -1.362093804 , 2.841067168 H12,, 3.830013761 , -1.316171569 , 4.018958028 O2,, 1.378439935 , 3.695314083 , -0.113721828 H21,, 2.070708975 , 2.651580550 , 1.227452707 H22,, 2.064068477 , 2.891071211 , -1.605148488 } !Geometry is in Bohr Basis,avtz ! Step 1: Perform an LDA calculation on the full system {df-ks} ! Step 2: Perform orbital localization. {ibba;save,3100.2} ! Step 3: Define the procedure that will be used for the embedded calculation. ! Here, we define a standard CCSD(T) calculation. proc embedded_ccsdt ! Step 3a: Perform a HF-in-LDA calculation {df-hf;noenest} ! Step 3b: Perform a CCSD(T)-in-LDA calculation {df-ccsd(t)} endproc ! Step 4: Run the embedding calculation ! using truncation with the density threshold method. {df-embed,N_orbitals=5,truncate=0.0001,atoms=[O1,H11,H12],highproc=embedded_ccsdt;orbital,3100.2,local}