This section explains some very simple calculations in order to help the new user to understand how easy things can be.
Perform a simple SCF calculation for molecular hydrogen. The input is typed in directly and the output is sent to the terminal:
molpro <<! basis=vdz; geometry={angstrom;h1;h2,h1,.74} hf !
The same calculation, with the data taken from the file h2.inp
. The output is sent to h2.out. On completion, the file h2.pun
is returned to the current directory and the file
to the directory $HOME/wfu
(this is the default):
molpro h2.inp
h2.inp contains:
***,H2 file,2,,new; punch,h2.pun; basis=vdz; geometry={angstrom;h1;h2,h1,.74} hf
As before, but the file
is sent to the directory /tmp/wfu
molpro -W /tmp/wfu h2.inp
The first example does an SCF calculation for H$_2$O, using all possible defaults.
***,h2o !A title r=1.85,theta=104 !set geometry parameters geometry={O; !z-matrix geometry input H1,O,r; H2,O,r,H1,theta} hf !closed-shell scf
In the above example, the default basis set (VDZ
) is used. We can modify the default basis using a BASIS
directive as you can see in the modified example shown in default basis sets.
Now we can also do a geometry optimization, simply by adding the card OPTG
***,h2o !A title r=1.85,theta=104 !set geometry parameters geometry={O; !z-matrix geometry input H1,O,r; H2,O,r,H1,theta} basis=6-31g** !use Pople basis set hf !closed-shell scf optg !do scf geometry optimization
The following job does a CCSD(T) calculation using a larger (VTZ
) basis (this includes an $f$ function on oxygen and a $d$ function on the hydrogens).
***,h2o !A title r=1.85,theta=104 !set geometry parameters geometry={O; !z-matrix geometry input H1,O,r; H2,O,r,H1,theta} basis=VTZ !use VTZ basis hf !closed-shell scf ccsd(t) !do ccsd(t) calculation
Perhaps you want to do a CASSCF and subsequent MRCI for comparison. The following uses the full valence active space in the CASSCF and MRCI reference function.
***,h2o !A title r=1.85,theta=104 !set geometry parameters geometry={o; !z-matrix geometry input h1,O,r; h2,O,r,H1,theta} basis=vtz !use VTZ basis hf !closed-shell scf ccsd(t) !do ccsd(t) calculation casscf !do casscf calculation mrci !do mrci calculation
It is possible to use the RUN
command to execute predefined procedures for standard calculations.
The general input is
geometry={...} basis=... run,progname,[functional]
where progname
can be hf, rhf, uhf, ks, rks, uks, mp2, rmp2, ump2, mp3, mp4,
mp4sdq, ccsd, ccsd(t), bccd, bccd(t), qcisd, qcisd(t), rccsd, rccsd(t), uccsd, uccsd(t),
mp2-f12, rmp2-f12, ccsd-f12, ccsd(t)-f12, rccsd-f12, rccsd(t)-f12, uccsd-f12, uccsd(t)-f12
In case of DFT calculations (ks, rks, uks
) the functional can be specified on the command line.
Optionally, progname
can be appended by /opt
or /freq
for geometry optimizations or harmonic frequency calculations, respectively (the latter includes a geometry optimization).
Examples: basis=vtz run,ks,b3lyp basis=vtz run,ks/opt,pbe0 basis=vtz run,ks/freq,pbe0 basis=vtz run,df-mp2/opt basis=vtz run,df-mp2/freq
At the end of the output, each of these procedures prints a table with the most important results, for example: basis=vtz-f12 run,ccsd(t)-f12
Results for basis=VTZ-F12 Method State S Energy HF-SCF 1.1 0.0 -76.06491443 MP2 1.1 0.0 -76.33928411 MP2-F12 1.1 0.0 -76.36548658 CCSD-F12a 1.1 0.0 -76.36534970 CCSD-F12b 1.1 0.0 -76.36107532 CCSD(T)-F12b 1.1 0.0 -76.36982439 CCSD[T]-F12b 1.1 0.0 -76.37011798 CCSD-T-F12b 1.1 0.0 -76.36969641 basis=vtz run,ccsd(t)/opt
Results for basis=VTZ Method State S Energy HF-SCF 1.1 0.0 -76.05683444 CCSD 1.1 0.0 -76.32454546 CCSD(T) 1.1 0.0 -76.33221652 CCSD[T] 1.1 0.0 -76.33241022
You may now want to print a summary of all results in a table. To do so, you must store the computed energies in variables:
***,h2o !A title r=1.85,theta=104 !set geometry parameters geometry={o; !z-matrix geometry input h1,O,r; h2,O,r,H1,theta} basis=vtz !use VTZ basis hf !closed-shell scf e(1)=energy !save scf energy in variable e(1) method(1)=program !save the string 'HF' in variable method(1) ccsd(t) !do ccsd(t) calculation e(2)=energy !save ccsd(t) energy in variable e(2) method(2)=program !save the string 'CCSD(T)' in variable method(2) casscf !do casscf calculation e(3)=energy !save scf energy in variable e(3) method(3)=program !save the string 'CASSCF' in variable method(3) mrci !do mrci calculation e(4)=energy !save scf energy in variable e(4) method(4)=program !save the string 'MRCI' in variable method(4) table,method,e !print a table with results title,Results for H2O, basis=$basis !title for the table
***,h2o scf (C2v) file,1,,new file,2,h2o.wfu,new theta=104 !set geometry parameters basis={ !define basis sp,o,dz;c;d,o,1d !DZP basis for O s,h,dz;c;p,h,1p !DZP basis for H } symmetry,x,y geometry={ o h,,1.4,,r(i) h,,-1.4,,r(i)} r=[1.85,1.90] do i=1,#r {hf;occ,3,1,1; !closed-shell scf expec,qm} e(i)=energy de(i)=(e(i)-e(1))*tokcal dip(i)=dmz(1) quadx(i)=qmxx(1) quady(i)=qmyy(1) quadz(i)=qmzz(1) enddo {table,e,dip,quadx,quady,quadz,de save, title,Using defaults head,energy,'dipole moment','quadrupole z' } {table,e,dip,quadx,quady,quadz,de save, ftyp,f,d,f,d,f,f digits,8,4,4,4,4,2 title,Using ftyp=f,d,f,d,f,f and digits=8,4,4,4,4,2 head,energy,'dipole moment','quadrupole z' } {table,e,dip,quadx,quady,quadz,de save, format,(5x,f14.8,f10.4,2x,f9.4,2x,2f12.3,5x,f9.2) title,Using explicit format=(5x,f14.8,f10.4,2x,f9.4,2x,2f12.3,5x,f9.2) head,energy,'dipole moment','quadrupole z' } ---
This job produces the following table:
Results for H2O, basis=VTZ METHOD E HF -76.05480122 CCSD(T) -76.33149220 CASSCF -76.11006259 MRCI -76.31960943
You could simplify this job by defining a procedure SAVE_E
as follows:
***,h2o !A title proc save_e !define procedure save_e if(#i.eq.0) i=0 !initialize variable i if it does not exist i=i+1 !increment i e(i)=energy !save scf energy in variable e(i) method(i)=program !save the present method in variable method(i) endproc !end of procedure r=1.85,theta=104 !set geometry parameters geometry={o; !z-matrix geometry input h1,O,r; h2,O,r,H1,theta} basis=vtz !use VTZ basis hf !closed-shell scf save_e !call procedure, save results ccsd(t) !do ccsd(t) calculation save_e !call procedure, save results casscf !do casscf calculation save_e !call procedure, save results mrci !do mrci calculation save_e !call procedure, save results table,method,e !print a table with results title,Results for H2O, basis=$basis !title for the table
The job produces the same table as before.
For more details about procedures and further examples see Procedures section of Program control.
Now you have the idea that one geometry is not enough. Why not compute the whole surface? DO
loops make it easy. Here is an example, which computes a whole potential energy surface for $\rm H_2O$.
***,H2O potential symmetry,x !use cs symmetry geometry={ o; !z-matrix h1,o,r1(i); h2,o,r2(i),h1,theta(i) } basis=vdz !define basis set angles=[100,104,110] !list of angles distances=[1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2.0] !list of distances i=0 !initialize a counter do ith=1,#angles !loop over all angles H1-O-H2 do ir1=1,#distances !loop over distances for O-H1 do ir2=1,ir1 !loop over O-H2 distances( i=i+1 !increment counter r1(i)=distances(ir1) !save r1 for this geometry r2(i)=distances(ir2) !save r2 for this geometry theta(i)=angles(ith) !save theta for this geometry hf; !do SCF calculation escf(i)=energy !save scf energy for this geometry ccsd(t); !do CCSD(T) calculation eccsd(i)=energc !save CCSD energy eccsdt(i)=energy !save CCSD(T) energy enddo !end of do loop ith enddo !end of do loop ir1 enddo !end of do loop ir2 {table,r1,r2,theta,escf,eccsd,eccsdt !produce a table with results head, r1,r2,theta,scf,ccsd,ccsd(t) !modify column headers for table save, !save the table in file title,Results for H2O, basis $basis !title for table sort,3,1,2} !sort table
This produces the following table.
Results for H2O, basis VDZ R1 R2 THETA SCF CCSD CCSD(T) 1.6 1.6 100.0 -75.99757338 -76.20140563 -76.20403920 1.7 1.6 100.0 -76.00908379 -76.21474489 -76.21747582 1.7 1.7 100.0 -76.02060127 -76.22812261 -76.23095473 ... 2.0 1.9 110.0 -76.01128923 -76.22745359 -76.23081968 2.0 2.0 110.0 -76.00369171 -76.22185092 -76.22537212
You can use also use DO
loops to repeat your input for different methods.
***,h2o benchmark $method=[hf,fci,ci,cepa(0),cepa(1),cepa(2),cepa(3),mp2,mp3,mp4,\ qci,ccsd,bccd,qci(t),ccsd(t),bccd(t),casscf,mrci,acpf] basis=dz !Double zeta basis set geometry={o;h1,o,r;h2,o,r,h1,theta} !Z-matrix for geometry r=1 ang, theta=104 !Geometry parameters do i=1,#method !Loop over all requested methods $method(i); !call program e(i)=energy !save energy for this method enddo escf=e(1) !scf energy efci=e(2) !fci energy table,method,e,e-escf,e-efci !print a table with results !Title for table: title,Results for H2O, basis $basis, R=$r Ang, Theta=$theta degree
This calculation produces the following table.
Results for H2O, basis DZ, R=1 Ang, Theta=104 degree METHOD E E-ESCF E-EFCI HF -75.99897339 .00000000 .13712077 FCI -76.13609416 -.13712077 .00000000 CI -76.12844693 -.12947355 .00764722 CEPA(0) -76.13490643 -.13593304 .00118773 CEPA(1) -76.13304720 -.13407381 .00304696 CEPA(2) -76.13431548 -.13534209 .00177868 CEPA(3) -76.13179688 -.13282349 .00429728 MP2 -76.12767140 -.12869801 .00842276 MP3 -76.12839400 -.12942062 .00770015 MP4 -76.13487266 -.13589927 .00122149 QCI -76.13461684 -.13564345 .00147732 CCSD -76.13431854 -.13534515 .00177561 BCCD -76.13410586 -.13513247 .00198830 QCI(T) -76.13555640 -.13658301 .00053776 CCSD(T) -76.13546225 -.13648886 .00063191 BCCD(T) -76.13546100 -.13648762 .00063315 CASSCF -76.05876129 -.05978790 .07733286 MRCI -76.13311835 -.13414496 .00297580 ACPF -76.13463018 -.13565679 .00146398
One can do even more fancy things, like, for instance, using macros, stored as string variables, see Macro definitions using string variables.