performs simple matrix manipulations for matrices whose dimensions are those of the one particle basis set. To do so, first required matrices are loaded into memory using the LOAD
command. To each matrix an internal name (an arbitrary user defined string) is assigned, by which it is referenced in further commands. After performing operations, the resulting matrices can be saved to a dump record using the SAVE
directive. Numbers, e.g. traces or individual matrix elements, can be saved in variables.
code may be one of the following:
Loads a matrix from a fileSAVE
Saves a matrix to a fileADD
Adds matricesTRACE
Forms the trace of a matrix or of the product of two matricesMULT
Multiplies two matricesTRAN
Transforms a matrixDMO
Transforms density into MO basisNATORB
Computes natural orbitalsDIAG
Diagonalizes a matrixOPRD
Forms an outer product of two vectorsDENS
Forms a closed-shell density matrixFOCK
Computes a closed-shell fock matrixCOUL
Computes a coulomb operatorEXCH
Computes an exchange operatorPRINT
Prints a matrixPRID
Prints diagonal elements of a matrixPRIO
Prints orbitalsPRIC
Prints the transpose of a matrix in scientific notationELEM
Assigns a matrix element to a variableREAD
Reads a square matrix from inputWRITE
Writes a square matrix to a fileSET
Assigns a value to a variableADDVEC
Adds a multiple of a column of one matrix to a column of a second matrixNote that the file name appearing in above commands is converted to lower case on unix machines.
See the following subsections for explanations.
The program is called by the input card MATROP
without further specifications.
It can be followed by the following commands in any order, with the restriction that a maximum of 50 matrices can be handled. The first entry in each command line is a command keyword, followed by the name of the result matrix. If the specified result matrix result already exists, it is overwritten, otherwise a new matrix is created. All matrices needed in the operations must must have been loaded or defined before, unless otherwise stated.
If a backquote (‘) is appended to a name, the matrix is transposed.
All matrices which are needed in any of the subsequent commands must first be loaded into memory using the LOAD
command. Depending on the matrix type, the LOAD
command has slightly different options. In all forms of LOAD
name is an arbitrary string (up to 16 characters long) by which the loaded matrix is denoted in subsequent commands.
[,record] [,specifications]
loads an orbital coefficient matrix from the given dump record. If the record is not specified, the last dump record is used. Specific orbitals sets can be selected using the optional specifications, as explained in section selecting orbitals and density matrices (ORBITAL, DENSITY). The keyword ORB
needs not to be given if name=ORB
[,record] [,specifications]
loads a density matrix from the given dump record. If the record is not given, the last dump record is used. Specific densities sets can be selected using the optional specifications, as explained in section selecting orbitals and density matrices (ORBITAL, DENSITY). The keyword DEN
needs not to be given if name=DEN
loads a transition density matrix that has previously been saved on record 6000.2. The bra state is the first state in symmetry 1, and ket is the third state in symmetry 2.
An equivalent input would be
loads the overlap matrix in the AO basis. The keyword S
needs not to be given if name=S
loads ${\bf S}^{-1/2}$, where S is the overlap matrix in the AO basis. The keyword SMH
needs not to be given if name=SMH
loads the one-electron hamiltonian in the AO basis. H01
differs from H0
by the addition of perturbations, if present (see sections dipole fields (DIP), quadrupole fields (QUAD)). The keyword H0
) needs not to be given if name=H0
). The nuclear energy associated to H0
or H01
is internally stored.
loads the individual parts of the one-electron hamiltonian in the AO basis. EPOT
is summed for all atoms. The nuclear energy is associated to EPOT
and internally stored. The keyword EKIN
) needs not to be given if name=EKIN
loads one-electron operator opname, where opname is a keyword specifying the operator (a component must be given). See section One-electron operators and expectation values (GEXPEC) for valid keys. isym is the total symmetry of the operator (default 1). If just the operator name is given, it is computed at the origin. If the operator name is appended by a center number in parenthesis, it is computed at this center [e.g. DELTA(1)
]. If it is appeneded by (0), it is computed at the given coordiantes x,y,z (in a.u.), e.g. DELTA(0),,0,0,4
If the operator is not available yet in the operator record, it is automatically computed. The nuclear value is associated internally to name and also stored in variable OPNUC
(this variable is overwritten for each operator which is loaded, but can be copied to another variable using the SET
command. Note that the electronic part of dipole and quadrupole operators are multiplied by -1.
,record,[isym] LOAD
Loads a triangular or square matrix from a plain record (not a dump record or operator record). If isym is not given, 1 is assumed.
,name,record [,type],[subtype]
At present, type can be DENSITY
, H0
. If type and/or subtype are not given but known from LOAD
or another command, this is assumed. subtype can for example be ALPHA
for UHF orbitals, or NATORB
for natural orbitals. Orbitals, density matrices, fock matrices, and orbital energies are saved to a dump record (the same one should normally be used for all these quantities); if record is textual rather than a number, it will instead be interpreted as a file name, and the data will be written in FCIDUMP format to that file. If type is H0
, the one-electron hamiltonian is overwritten by the current matrix and the nuclear energy is modified according to the value associated to name. The nuclear energy is also stored in the variable ENUC
. All other matrices can be saved in triangular or square form to plain records using the TRIANG
options, respectively (for triangular storage, the matrix is symmetrized before being stored). Eigenvectors can be saved in plain records using the VECTOR
option. Only one matrix or vector can be stored in each plain record.
One-electron operators can be stored in the operator record using
np], [NUC=
opnuc], CENTRE=
The user-defined operator name can can then be used on subsequent EXPEC
cards. $np=1,0,-1$ for symmetric, square, antisymmetric operators, respectively (default 1). If CENTRE
is specified, the operator is assumed to have its origin at the given centre, where icen refers to the row number of the z-matrix input. The coordinates can also be specified explicitly using COORD
. By default, the coordinates of the last read operator are assumed, or otherwise zero.
orbitals are generated and saved in a dump record, the occupation numbers are automatically stored as well. This is convenient for later use, e.g., in MOLDEN
,result [,fac1],mat1 [,fac2],mat2,…
calculates result = fac1 $\cdot$ mat1 + fac2 $\cdot$ mat2 + …
The strings result, mat1, mat2 are internal names specifying the matrices. mat1, mat2 must exist, otherwise an error occurs. If result does not exist, it is created.
The factors fac1, fac2 are optional (may be variables). If not given, one is assumed.
The nuclear values associated to the individual matrices are added accordingly and the result is associated to result.
,variable, mat1,,[factor]
Computes variable = factor*tr(mat1).
,variable, mat1, mat2,[factor],[facnuc]
Computes variable = factor*trace(mat1 $\cdot$ mat2) + facnuc*opnuc.
The result of the trace operation is stored in the MOLPRO
variable variable, which can be used in subsequent operations.
If factor is not given, one is assumed. If facnuc is given, the nuclear contribution multiplied by facnuc is added. It is assumed that either mat1 or mat2 has a nuclear contribution. The default for facnuc is zero.
Assigns value to MOLPRO
variable variable, where value can be an expression involving any number of variables or numbers. Indexing of variable is not possible, however.
,result, mat1, mat2,[fac1],[fac2]
calculates result = fac2 * result + fac1 * mat1 $\cdot$ mat2
The strings result , mat1 , mat2 are the internal names of the matrices. If fac1 is not given, fac1=1 is assumed. If fac2 is not given, fac2=0 is assumed. If a backquote (‘) is appended to mat1 or mat2 the corresponding matrix is transposed before the operation. If a backquote is appended to result, the resulting matrix is transposed.
,result, Op, C
calculates result = C(T)*Op*C. The strings result, C, and Op are the internal names of the matrices. If a backquote (‘) is appended to C or Op the corresponding matrix is transposed before the operation. Thus,
,result, Op, C‘
computes result = C*Op*C(T).
,result, D, C
calculates result = C(T)*S*D*S*C. The strings result, C, and D are internal names.
,eigvec,eigval,matrix [,iprint]
Diagonalizes matrix. The eigenvectors and eigenvalues are stored internally with associated names eigvec and eigval, respectively (arbitrary strings of up to 16 characters). The if, the eigenvalues are printed. If, also the eigenvectors are printed.
computes natural orbitals for density matrix dens. Orbitals with occupation numbers greater or equal to thresh (default 1.d-4) are printed.
Takes the column vectors v1 and v2 from matrix and adds their outer product to result. v1 and v2 must be given in the form icol.isym, e.g., 3.2 means the third vector in symmetry 2. The result is
$result(a,b)=result(a,b) + factor*v1(a)*v2(b)$
If result has not been used before, it is zeroed before performing the operation.
Takes the column vector orbs from source and adds it to column orbr of result. v1 and v2 must be given in the form icol.isym, e.g., 3.2 means the third vector in symmetry 2.
,density,orbitals,iocc$_1$, iocc$_2 \ldots$
Forms a closed-shell density matrix density from the given orbitals. The number of occupied orbitals in each symmetry $i$ must be provided in iocc$_i$.
computes a closed shell fock matrix using density d. The result is stored in f.
computes a coulomb operator J(d) using density d.
computes an exchange operator K(d) using density d.
,name,[ncol(1), ncol(2),…]
prints matrix name. ncol(isym) is the number of columns to be printed for row symmetry isym (if not given, all columns are printed). For printing orbitals one can also use ORB
,name prints the diagonal elements of matrix name.
prints orbitals name. The first $n_i$ orbitals are printed in symmetry $i$. If $n_i=0$, all orbitals of that symmetry are printed.
,name,[ncol(1), ncol(2),…]
prints the transpose of matrix name in scientific notation (comma delimited). ncol(isym) is the number of columns to be printed for row symmetry isym (if not given, all columns are printed). For printing orbitals one can also use ORB
,name,matrix, col,row
assigns elements (col,row) of matrix to variable name. col and row must be given in the form number.isym, where number is the row or column number in symmetry isym. The product of the row and column symmetries must agree with the matrix symmetry.
,name,matrix, col,row
sets elements (col,row) of matrix to variable name. col and row must be given in the form number.isym, where number is the row or column number in symmetry isym. The product of the row and column symmetries must agree with the matrix symmetry.
,name,[[TYPE=]type],[[SUBTYPE=]subtype],[[SYM=]symmetry], [FILE=file],[TRANS]
{ values }
Reads a square matrix (symmetry 1) from input or an ASCII file. The values can be in free format, but their total number must be correct. Comment lines starting with ’#’, ’*’, or ’!’ are skipped. If the data are given in input, the data block must be enclosed either by curly brackets or the first line must be BEGIN_DATA
and the last line END_DATA
. If a filename is specified as option, the data are read from this file. In this case, the BEGIN_DATA
lines in the file are optional, and no data block must follow.
is given, the matrix is read columnwise, otherwise rowwise
For compatibility with older versions, the data can also be included in the input using the INCLUDE
command (see section input format). In this case, the include file must contain the BEGIN_DATA
lines (this is automatically the case if the file has been written using the MATROP,WRITE
type is a string which can be used to assign a matrix type. If appropriate, this should be any of the ones used in the LOAD
command. In addition, SUBTYPE
can be specified if necessary. This describes, e.g., the type of orbitals or density matrices (e.g., for natural orbitals TYPE=ORB
). The matrix symmetry needs to be given only if it is not equal to 1.
Writes a matrix to an ASCII file. If filename is not given the matrix is written to the output file, otherwise to the specified file (filename is converted to lower case). If filename=PUNCH
it is written to the current punch file.
If status=NEW
, a new file is written, otherwise as existing file is appended.
, or FLOAT
the output is given in the scientific notation (floating point).
The following example shows various uses of the MATROP
***,h2o matrop examples geometry={o;h1,o,r;h2,o,r,h1,theta} !Z-matrix geometry input r=1 ang !bond length theta=104 !bond angle hf !do scf calculation {multi natorb canonical} {matrop load,D_ao,DEN,2140.2 !load mcscf density matrix load,Cnat,ORB,2140.2,natural !load mcscf natural orbitals load,Ccan,ORB,2140.2,canonical !load mcscf canonical orbitals load,Dscf,DEN,2100.2 !load scf density matrix load,S !load overlap matrix prio,Cnat,4,1,2 !prints occupied casscf orbitals elem,d11,Dscf,1.1,1.1 !print element D(1,1) elem,d21,Dscf,2.1,1.1 !print element D(2,1) elem,d12,Dscf,1.1,2.1 !print element D(1,2) tran,S_mo,s,Cnat !transform s into MO basis (same as above) print,S_mo !print result - should be unit matrix trace,Nao,S_mo !trace of S_MO = number of basis functions trace,Nel,D_ao,S !form trace(DS) = number of electrons mult,SC,S,Cnat !form SC=S*Cnat tran,D_nat,D_ao,SC !transform density to natural MO (could also be done using dmo) prid,D_nat !print diagonal elements (occupation numbers) dmo,D_can,D_ao,Ccan !transform D_ao to canonical MO basis. Same as above simplified add,D_neg,-1,D_can !multiply d_can by -1 diag,U,EIG,D_neg !diagonalizes density D_can mult,Cnat1,Ccan,U !transforms canonical orbitals to natural orbitals prio,Cnat1,4,1,2 !prints new natural orbitals natorb,Cnat2,D_ao !make natural orbitals using MCSCF density D_ao directly prio,Cnat2,4,1,2 !prints new natural orbitals (should be the same as above) add,diffden,D_ao,-1,Dscf !form mcscf-scf difference density natorb,C_diff,diffden !make natural orbitals for difference density write,diffden,denfile !write difference density to ASCII file denfile save,C_diff,2500.2 !store natural orbitals for difference density in dump record 2500.2 }
This second example adds a quadrupole field to H0
. The result is exactly the same as using the QUAD
command. H0
is overwritten by the modified one-electron matrix, and the nuclear energy is automatically changed appropriately. The subsequent SCF calculations use the modified one-electron operator.
Note that it is usually recommended to add fields with the D͡IP, QUAD
, or FIELD
R = 0.96488518 ANG THETA= 101.90140469 geometry={H1 O,H1,R; H2,O,R,H1,THETA} {hf;wf,10,1} field=0.05 !define field strength {matrop load,h0,h0 !load one-electron hamiltonian load,xx,oper,xx !load second moments load,yy,oper,yy load,zz,oper,zz add,h01,h0,field,zz,-0.5*field,xx,-0.5*field,yy !add second moments to h0 and store in h01 save,h01,1210.1,h0} !save h0 hf !do scf with modified h0 {matrop load,h0,h0 !load h0 load,qmzz,oper,qmzz !load quadrupole moment qmzz add,h01,h0,field,qmzz !add quadrupole moment to h0 (same result as above with second moments) save,h01,1210.1,h0} !save h0 hf !do scf with modified h0 quad,,,field !add quadrupole field to h0 hf !do scf with modified h0 (same result as above with matrop) field,zz,field,xx,-0.5*field,yy,-0.5*field ! (add general field; same result as above) hf !do scf with modified h0 (same result as above with matrop) field,zz,field !same as before with separate field commands field+,xx,-0.5*field field+,yy,-0.5*field hf !do scf with modified h0 (same result as above with matrop)
Write a closed-shell SCF program for H$_2$O using MATROP
First generate a starting orbital guess by finding the eigenvectors of h0. Store the orbitals in a record. Basis and geometry are defined in the usual way before the first call to MATROP
Then use a MOLPRO
loop and call MATROP
for each iteration. Save the current energy in a variable (note that the nuclear energy is stored in variable ENUC
). Also, compute the dipole moment in each iteration. At the end of the iteration perform a convergence test on the energy change using the IF
command. This must be done outside MATROP
just before the ENDDO
. At this stage, you can also store the iteration numbers, energies, and dipole moments in arrays, and print these after reaching convergence using TABLE
. For the following geometry and basis set
geometry={o;h1,o,r;h2,o,r,h1,theta} !Z-matrix geometry input r=1 ang !bond length theta=104 !bond angle basis=vdz !basis set thresh=1.d-8 !convergence threshold
the result could look as follows:
SCF has converged in 24 iterations ITER E DIP 1.0 -68.92227207 2.17407361 2.0 -71.31376891 -5.06209922 3.0 -73.73536433 2.10199751 4.0 -74.64753557 -1.79658706 5.0 -75.41652680 1.43669203 6.0 -75.77903293 0.17616098 7.0 -75.93094231 1.05644998 8.0 -75.98812258 0.63401784 9.0 -76.00939154 0.91637513 10.0 -76.01708679 0.76319435 11.0 -76.01988143 0.86107911 12.0 -76.02088864 0.80513445 13.0 -76.02125263 0.83990621 14.0 -76.02138387 0.81956198 15.0 -76.02143124 0.83202128 16.0 -76.02144833 0.82464809 17.0 -76.02145450 0.82912805 18.0 -76.02145672 0.82646089 19.0 -76.02145752 0.82807428 20.0 -76.02145781 0.82711046 21.0 -76.02145792 0.82769196 22.0 -76.02145796 0.82734386 23.0 -76.02145797 0.82755355 24.0 -76.02145797 0.82742787
It does not converge terribly fast, but it works!