Reference literature:
C. Angeli, R. Cimiraglia, S. Evangelisti, T. Leininger and J. P. Malrieu, J. Chem. Phys., 114,10252, (2001)
C. Angeli, R. Cimiraglia and J. P. Malrieu, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 9138, (2002)
C. Angeli, M. Pastore and R. Cimiraglia, Theor. Chem. Acc., 117, 743 (2007)
All publications resulting from use of this program must acknowledge the above.
NEVPT2 is a form of second-order multireference perturbation theory which can be applied to CAS–SCF wavefunctions or, more generally, to CAS–CI wavefunctions. The term NEVPT is an acronym for “n–electron valence state perturbation theory”. While we refer the reader to the pertinent literature (see above), we limit ourselves to recalling here that the most relevant feature of NEVPT2 consists in that the first order correction to the wave function is expanded over a set of properly chosen multireference functions which correctly take into consideration the two–electron interactions occurring among the active electrons. Among the properties ensured by NEVPT2 we quote:
NEVPT2 has been implemented in two variants both of which are present in MOLPRO
, these are the strongly contracted (SC) and the partially contracted (PC) variants. The two variants differ by the number of perturber functions employed in the perturbation summation. The PC–NEVPT2 uses a richer function space and is in general more accurate than the SC–NEVPT2. The results of SC–NEVPT2 and PC–NEVPT2 are anyway usually very close to one another.
Since Molpro2021.2, density fitting can be used to compute the integrals, and the program is then called with
If you encounter an error exit
due to non-zero Fock-matrix elements, the following can help:
. Do this for each state you want to treat by NEVPT2 with a different record. If you hit in multi the message “too many NATORB directives”, you can use a subsequent CASCI calculation to add more NATORB directives. NOEXTRA
directive in multi.PSPACE,1; OPTION, NSTATI=n; ORBIT,record
, where n is the number of states you have optimized in multi for the current symmetry, and record is the record on which you have saved the orbitals for the state under consideration (in fact, what matters is the state-specific Fock matrix, which is saved along with the orbitals).NEVPT2 must follow a CAS–SCF or CAS–CI calculation. The command
has to be specified to carry out a second–order perturbation calculation. NEVPT2 is part of the MRCI program and uses the options of the latter. Of particular relevance are the options CORE
, WF
of the MRCI program. There is, at the moment, only one option specific to NEVPT2 which can be provided by the user:
The threshold to discard small coefficients in the CAS wavefunction (default = 0.0),The present implementation of NEVPT2 is state–specific, i.e. the perturbation theory can only be applied to a single state.
An example is provided where the energies of the ground state and of the first $^1A_2$ ($n \to \pi^*$) excited state of formaldehyde are calculated.
***, file,1,,new file,2,,new gthresh,energy=1.d-9 gthresh,orbital=1.d-8 gthresh,civec=1.d-8 geomtyp=zmat geometry O,, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.0196594609 C,, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 2.3248507925 H1,, 0.000000000, 1.7597110083, 3.3972521023 H2,, 0.000000000, -1.7597110083, 3.3972521023 end basis=6-31G* {hf wf,16,1,0} {multi closed,4,0,1,0 occ,6,2,4,0 wf,16,1,0 state,1 natorb,2140.2,state=1.1 } {nevpt2,thrden=1.0d-10,thrvar=1.0d-10 core,2,0,0,0 closed,4,0,1,0 occ,6,2,4,0 orbit,2140.2,state=1.1 wf,16,1,0 state,1,1 } {multi closed,4,0,1,0 occ,6,2,4,0 wf,16,4,0 state,1 start,2140.2 natorb,2141.2,state=1.4 } {nevpt2,thrden=1.0d-10,thrvar=1.0d-10 core,2,0,0,0 closed,4,0,1,0 occ,6,2,4,0 orbit,2141.2,state=1.4 wf,16,4,0 state,1,1 }