Data may be stored in variables. A variable can be of type string, real or logical, depending on the type of the expression in its definition. Any sequence of characters which is not recognized as expression or variable is treated as string. In this section, we will discuss only real and logical variables. String variables will be discussed in more detail in section string variables. Variables can be used anywhere in the input, but they can be set only outside the input blocks for specific programs. For example, if a variable is used within the input block for HF
, it must have been set before the HF{...}
input block.
Molpro automatically stores various results and data in system variables (see section variables set by the program), which can be used for further processing. A new feature of Molpro2002 is that most system variables are write protected and cannot be overwritten by the user. The input is automatically checked before the job starts, and should a system variable be set in the input the job will stop immediately with an error message. Only in some exceptions (see section system variables), system variables can be modified using the SET
command (but not with the simple NAME
=value syntax). Note that due to the changed usage and syntax of the SET
command, compatibility with Molpro92 input syntax is no longer maintained.
A variable can be defined using
variable1=value1, variable2=value2, …
A variable definition is recognized by the equals sign in the first field of the input card. For example,
does not define variables; here ENERGY
are options for the THRESH
Variables can have different types:
expression [,] [unit]
unit is an optional string which can be used to associate a unit to the value. ANG[STROM]
are examples. Undefined variables in expressions are assumed to be zero (and defined to be zero at the same time).
or .FALSE.
and .F. also work), or a logical expression. Internally, .TRUE.
is stored as 1 and .FALSE.
as zero.Variables can be indexed, but only one-dimensional indexing is available. Indexed variables can be defined either individually, e.g.
R(1)=1.0 ANG R(2)=1.2 ANG R(3)=1.3 ANG
or as a vector of values enclosed by square brackets:
R=[1.0,1.1,1.2] ANG
Subranges can also be defined, e.g.
R(1)=1.0 ANG R(2:3)=[1.1,1.2] ANG
leads to the same result as the above two forms.
The type of each element depends on the type of the assigned value, and it is possible to mix types in one variable. Example:
geometry={he} hf result=[program,energy,]
RESULT(1) = HF-SCF RESULT(2) = -2.85516048 AU RESULT(3) = TRUE
In this example the variables PROGRAM
, and STATUS
are system variables, which are set by the program (see section system variables).
As explained already in section setting variables, string variables can be set as other variables in the form
variable =
variable =
Strings must be enclosed by quotes. Otherwise the string is assumed to be a variable, and if this is undefined it is assumed to be zero.
Alternatively, if the name of the variable is preceded by a dollar ($), all values are assumed to be a string. This can be a string variable, a quoted string, or an unquoted string. Note that unquoted strings are converted to upper case. Also note that quotes are compulsory if the string contains blanks.
$str=[a,b+4,’This is an example for strings’]
STR(1) = A STR(2) = B+4 STR(3) = This is an example for strings
As a general rule, string variables are replaced by their value only if they are preceded by a dollar ($) (exceptions: in variable definitions, on ''SHOW'' cards, and in logical expressions on ''IF'' cards, the dollar is optional). This is a precaution to avoid commands which have the same name as a variable being interpreted as variables. Variables may also appear on ''TEXT'' or ''TITLE'' cards or in strings, but must be preceded by $ in these cases. Example:
$METHOD=MCSCF R=1.5 TEXT,$method results for R=$R Bohr
MCSCF results for R=1.5 Bohr
String variables can be concatenated with strings or other string variables in the following way. Assume that variable PROGRAM
has the value MRCI
. Setting
. Alternatively, if we would also have a variable VERSION
with value Q
, we could write
Again, the value of METHOD
would be MRCI+Q
. Note that the quotes are necessary in these cases.
Substring operations are not implemented.
As mentioned above, most system variables cannot be written by the user. In some exceptions, it is possible to redefine them using the SET
,variable =
expression [,] [unit]
This holds for the following variables:
Total charge of the moleculeNELEC
Number of electronsSPIN
Spin quantum number, given as $2\cdot M\_S$ (integer)SCFSPIN
Same as SPIN
, but only for HFMCSPIN
Same as SPIN
, but only for MCSCFCISPIN
Same as SPIN
, but only for MRCISTATE
State to be optimizedMCSTATE
Same as STATE
but only for MCSCFCISTATE
Same as STATE
but only for MRCISYMMETRY
State symmetrySCFSYM[METRY]
but only for HFMCSYM[METRY]
but only for MCSCFCISYM[METRY]
but only for MRCILQUANT
Lambda quantum number for linear moleculesOPTCONV
Geometry optimization convergence criterionPROGRAM
Last program nameCPUSTEP
CPU-time of last program stepSYSSTEP
System-time of last program stepWALLSTEP
Elapsed-time of last program stepFOCKDONE
Indicates if closed-shell fock operator is available.MAXBASIS
Max number of basis sets stored on dump files. If the maximum is reached, the last one is overwritten when a new one is made, and all information (including dump records etc) of the previous basis is lost. The default is the maximum possible number of basis sets (30), which cannot be exceeded.
String variables for which the stored string has the form of an algebraic expression are evaluated to a number if they are preceded by two dollars ($$
). Example:
string='a+b' a=3 b=4 text,This is string $string which evaluates to $$string
* This is string a+b which evaluates to 7
This can be used to define simple macros, which can be used at various places in the subsequent input. For instance,
ECORR='ENERGY-ESCF' !define a macro HF !do SCF calculation ESCF=ENERGY !store SCF energy in variable ESCF MULTI !do CASSCF DEMC=$$ECORR !store CASSCF correlation energy in variable DEMC MRCI !do MRCI DECI=$$ECORR !store MRCI correlation energy in variable DECI
Here is an example of advanced use of macros and string variables:
***,test for parser text,This fancy input demonstrates how string variables and macros can be used text basis=vdz !define basis set geometry={O;H,O,r} !define geometry (z-matrix) text,methods $method=[rhf,2[casscf,2[mrci]]] text,active spaces $spaces=['[3,1,1]',3['[4,2,2]'],3['[5,2,2]']] text,symmetries $symset=['1',2['[1,2,3]','1','2']] text,weight factors for state averaged casscf $weights=['1','[1,1,1]',2[' '],'[1,0.5,0.5]',2[' ']] text,scf occupation set,scfocc=[3,2[1]] text,bond distance r=1.85 hf do i=1,#method !loop over methods mcocc=$$spaces(i) !set active space for this run set,symmetry=$$symset(i) !set symmetries for this run set,weight=$$weights(i) !set weights for this run $method(i) !now run method e(i)='$energy' !save energies in strings dipol(i)='$dmz' !save dipole moments in strings enddo table,method,spaces,symset,weights,e,dipol title,Results for OH, r=$r, basis=$basis head,method,spaces,symmetries,weights,energies,'dipole moments' exit
Variables may be indexed, but only one-dimensional arrays (vectors) are supported. The index may itself be a variable. For instance
are valid variable definitions, provided I
, and ENERGY
are also defined variables. Indices may be nested to any depth.
Different elements of an array can be of different type (either real or logical). However, only one unit can be assigned to an array. String variables have no associated value and cannot be mixed with the other variable types. Therefore, a given variable name can only be used either for a string variable or a real (logical) variable.
Vectors (arrays) can be conveniently defined using square brackets:
R=[1.0,1.2,1.3] ANG
This defines an array with three elements, which can be accessed using indices; for instance, R(2)
has the value 1.2 ANG
. A repeat specifier can be given in front of the left bracket: 5[0]
is equivalent to [0,0,0,0,0]
. Brackets can even be nested: for instance, 2[1,2,2[2.1,3.1]]
is equivalent to [1,2,2.1,3.1,2.1,3.1,1,2,2.1,3.1,2.1,3.1]
Arrays can be appended from a given position just by entering additional elements; for instance,
R(4)=[1.4,1.5] ANG
R(4:)=[1.4,1.5] ANG
extends the above array to length 5. Previously defined values can be overwritten. For instance
modifies the above vector to (1.0, 1.25, 1.35, 1.45, 1.5).
If no index is given on the left hand side of the equal sign, an existing variable of the same name is replaced by the new values, and all old values are lost. For instance
set four valuesTHETA(1)=104
replace THETA(1)
by a new value; THETA(2:4)
are unchangedTHETA=[140,150]
old variable THETA
is replaced; THETA(3:4)
are deletedSquare brackets can also be used to define an array of strings, e.g.,
These could be used as follows:
The above input would be equivalent to
The current length of an array can be accessed by preceding #
to the variable name. For instance, in the above examples #R
have the values 5 and 4, respectively. If a variable is not defined, zero is returned but no error occurs. This can be used to test for the existence of a variable, for example:
This defines variable SPIN
if it is unknown and if NELEC
is a scalar (one dimensional) variable.
The following simple vector operations are possible:
copies a vector R
to a vector S
. S(3)=R
copies R
to S(3), S(4), …
. S(#S+1)=R
appends vector R
to vector S
. It is also possible to access a range of subsequent elements in a vector: S=R(2:4)
copies elements 2 to 4 of R
to S(1), S(2), S(3)
. Note that R(2:)
denotes elements R(2)
to R(#R)
, but R(2)
denotes a single element of R
multiplies each element of R
by 2. Instead of the number 2, also scalar (one dimensional) variables or expressions can be used, e.g., R=R*ANG
converts all elements of R
from Ångstrøm to bohr, or Z=R*COS(THETA)
creates a vector Z
with elements Z(i) = R(i)*COS(THETA)
. All other algebraic operators can be used instead of “*”. Note that the scalar must come last since the first variable in the expression determines the vector length.A
and B
are vectors of the same length, then A \times B
is also a vector of this length. Here $\times$ stands for any algebraic operator, and the operation is done for each pair of corresponding elements. For instance, A + B
adds the vectors A
and B
, and A * B
multiplies their elements. Note that the latter case is not a scalar product. If an attempt is made to connect two vectors of different lengths by an algebraic operator, an error occurs.THETA=[100,110,120,-130]
to be a vector of angles (in degrees). In this case X=2*COS(THETA)
is also a vector containing the cosines of each element of THETA
multiplied by two, i.e., X(i) = 2*COS(THETA(i))
return the maximum and minimum values, respectively, in array THETA
. Vector operations can also be nested, e.g., MAX(ABS(THETA))
returns the maximum value in array ABS(THETA)
At present, vector operations are not supported with string
A number of variables are predefined by the program. The following variables can be used to convert between atomic units and other units:
EV=1.d0/27.2113839d0 HARTREE KELVIN=1.d0/3.157747d5 HARTREE KJOULE=1.d0/2625.500d0 HARTREE KCAL=1.d0/627.5096d0 HARTREE CM=1.d0/219474.63067d0 HARTREE CM-1=1.d0/219474.63067d0 HARTREE HZ=1.d0/6.5796839207d15 HARTREE HERTZ=1.d0/6.5796839207d15 HARTREE ANG=1.d0/0.529177210903d0 BOHR ANGSTROM=1.d0/0.529177210903d0 BOHR TOEV=27.2113839d0 EV TOK=3.157747d5 K TOKELVIN=3.157747d5 K TOCM=219474.63067d0 CM-1 TOHERTZ=6.5796839207d15 HZ TOHZ=6.5796839207d15 HZ TOKJ=2625.500d0 KJ/MOL TOKJOULE=2625.500d0 KJ/MOL TOKCAL=627.5096d0 KCAL/MOL TOA=0.529177210903d0 ANGSTROM TOANG=0.529177210903d0 ANGSTROM TODEBYE=2.54158d0 DEBYE
Further variables which are set during execution of the program:
defines integral program to be used. Either INTS
(Seward) or INTP
has the value .true.
if the integrals are done for the current geometry.CARTESIAN
Set to one if Cartesian basis functions are used.SCFDONE
has the value .true.
if an SCF calculation has been done for the current geometry.NUMVAR
number of variables presently definedSTATUS
status of last step (1=no error, -1=error or no convergence)CHARGE
Total charge of the moleculeNELEC
number of electrons in last wavefunctionSPIN
spin multiplicity minus one of last wavefunctionORBITAL
record of last optimized orbitals (set but never used in the program)LASTORB
Type of last optimized orbitals (RHF
, or MCSCF
Symmetry of wavefunction for last optimized orbitals.LASTSPIN
$2*M_S$ for wavefunctions for last optimized orbitals.LASTNELEC
Number of electrons in wavefunction for last optimized orbitals.ENERGR(istate)
Reference energy for state istate in MRCI and CCSD.ENERGY(istate)
last computed total energy for state istate for the method specified in the input (e.g., HF
, or CCSD[T]
State-averaged energy of the MCSCF program multi. ENERGY_METHOD
String variable holding name of the method used for calculating ENERGY
String variable holding name of the orbital basis-set used for calculating ENERGY
Equal to the value of ENERGY_METHOD
for the most recent geometry optimisationGEOMETRY_BASIS
Equal to the value of ENERGY_BASIS
for the most recent geometry optimisationENERGD(istate)
Total energy for state istate including Davidson correction (set only in CI
Total energy for state istate including Pople correction (set only in CI
Total energy including perturbative triples (T)
correction (set only in CCSD(T), QCI(T)
Total energy including perturbative triples [T]
correction (set only in CCSD(T), QCI(T)
Total energy including perturbative triples -t
correction (set only in CCSD(T), QCI(T)
holds MP2 energy in MPn, CCSD, BCCD, or QCISD calculations, and RS2 energy in MRPT2 (CASPT2) calculations.EMP3
holds MP3 energy in MP3 and MP4 calculations, and RS3 energy in MRPR3 (CASPT3) calculations.EMP4
holds MP4(SDQ) energy in MP4 calculations. The MP4(SDTQ) energy is stored in variable ENERGY
String variable holding name of the methods used for ENERGC
, e.g., CCSD, BCCD, QCI
String variable holding name of the methods used for ENERGT(1)
, e.g., CCSD(T), BCCD(T), QCI(T)
String variable holding name of the methods used for ENERGT(2)
, e.g., CCSD[T], BCCD[T], QCI[T]
String variable holding name of the methods used for ENERGT(3)
, e.g., CCSD-T, BCCD-T, QCI-T
Total energy excluding perturbative triples correction (set only in QCI
with triples correction enabled).DFTFUN
total value of density functional in DFT
or KS
value of ifun
’th component of density functional in DFT
or KS
name of ifun
’th component of density functional in DFT
or KS
factor multiplying ifun
’th component of density functional in DFT
or KS
factor multiplying exact exchange in KS
computed property for state istate. See below for the names PROP
of various properties.PROGRAM
last program called, as specified in the input (e.g., HF
Number of iterations used. Set negative if no convergence or max number of iterations reached.CPUSTEP
User-CPU time in seconds for last program called.SYSSTEP
System-CPU time in seconds for last program called.WALLSTEP
Elapsed time in seconds for last program called.
The variable names for properties are the same as used on the EXPEC
input cards.
Kinetic energyPOT
Delta functionDEL4
Darwin term of relativistic correctionMASSV
Mass-velocity term of relativistic correctionEREL
Total relativistic correctionDMX, DMY, DMZ
Dipole momentsXX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, XY
Second momentsXXX, XXY, XXZ, XYY, XYZ, XZZ, YYY, YYZ, YZZ, ZZZ
Quadrupole momentsEFX, EFY, EFZ
Electric field gradientsD/DX, D/DY, D/DZ
VelocityLSX, LSY, LSZ
One-electron spin-orbitLL
Total angular momentum squared $L^2$LX, LY, LZ
Electronic angular momentumLXLX, LYLY, LZLZ, LXLY, LXLZ, LYLZ
Two-electron angular momentum
By default, only the dipole moments are computed and defined. The values of other properties are only stored in variables if they are requested by EXPEC
cards. If more than one state is computed (e.g., in state-averaged MCSCF, corresponding arrays PROP(istate)
are returned. If properties are computed for more than one center, the center number is appended to the name, e.g. EFX1
, EFX2
If transition properties are computed, their values are stored in corresponding variables with prefix TR
for transition dipole moments. If more than two states are computed, the index is $(i-1)*(i-2)/2+j$, where $i \gt j \ge 1$ are state numbers. In a state-averaged calculation, states are counted sequentially for all state symmetries.
For instance, in the following state-averaged MCSCF
the states are counted as
$i$ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
Symmetry | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | |
Root in Sym. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
All variables described below are checked by the program, but not set (except NELEC
and SPIN
). If these are not defined by the user, the program uses its internal defaults. The variables are only recognized and used if defined using the SET
command, e.g.
Variables recognized by the SCF program:
Total charge of the molecule (can be given instead of nelec)NELEC
number of electronsSPIN
spin multiplicity minus oneSCFSYM[METRY]
wavefunction symmetrySYMMETRY
; only used if SCFSYMM
is not present.SCFOC[C]
number of occupied orbitals in each symmetry for SCF
number of closed-shell orbitals in each symmetry for SCF
record of saved orbitals in SCF
record of starting orbitals used in SCF
Variables recognized by the MCSCF program:
Total charge of the molecule (can be given instead of nelec)NELEC
number of electronsMCSYM[METRY]
wavefunction symmetry. This can be an array for state-averaged calculations.SYMMETRY
; only used if MCSYMM
is not present.MCSPIN
spin multiplicity minus one. This can be an array for state-averaged calculations, but different spin multiplicities can only be used in determinant CASSCF. If only one value is specified, this is used for all statesSPIN
; only used if MCSPIN
is not present.MCSTATE
number of states for each symmetry in MCSCF
; only used if MCSTATE
is not present.WEIGHT
weight factors for all states defined by SYMMETRY
Eigenvalues of $L_z^2$ for linear molecules for each state defined by SYMMETRY
records from which configurations can be selected and selection thresholdSELECT
; only used if MCSELECT
is not present.MCRESTRICT
can be used to define occupancy restrictionsRESTRICT
; only used if MCRESTRICT
is not present:CONFIG
if set to .true. or to one triggers use of CSFsMCOC[C]
number of occupied orbitals in each symmetryOCC
; only used if MCOCC
is not present.MCCL[OSED]
number of optimized closed-shell orbitals in each symmetryCLOSED
; only used if MCCLOSED
is not present.MCFROZEN
number of frozen core orbitals in each symmetryFROZEN
; only used if MCFROZEN
is not present.MCSTART
record of starting orbitalsCOREORB
record of frozen core orbitalsMCORB
record for saving optimized orbitalsMCSAVE
records for saving CI wavefunction (like SAVE
card in MCSCF)Variables recognized by the CI/CCSD program:
Total charge of the molecule (can be given instead of nelec)NELEC
number of electronsSPIN
spin multiplicity minus oneCISYM[METRY]
wavefunction symmetry. If this is an array, only SYMMETRY(1) is used.SYMMETRY
; only used if CISYMM
is not present.CISTATE
number of states in CISTATE
, only used if CISTATE
is not present.CISELECT
records from which configurations can be selectedSELECT
; only used if CISELCT
is not present.CIRESTRICT
defines occupancy restrictionsRESTRICT
; only used if CIRESTRICT
is not present.CIOC[C]
number of occupied orbitals in each symmetryOCC
; only used if CIOCC
is not present.CICL[OSED]
number of closed-shell orbitals in each symmetryCLOSED
; only used if CICLOSED
is not present.CICO[RE]
number of core orbitals in each symmetryCORE
; only used if CICORE
is not present.CIORB
record of orbitals used in CICISAVE
records for saving CI wavefunction (like SAVE
card in CI)CISTART
records for restarting with previous CI wavefunction (like START
card in CI)Variables recognized by the DFT/KS program:
or DFTNAME(ifun)
name of ifun
’th component of density functional.DFTFAC(ifun)
factor multiplying ifun
’th component of density functional.DFTEXFAC
factor multiplying exact exchange in KS
.Example for the use of these variables for a state-averaged MCSCF (note that system variables can only be modified using the SET command, see section system variables):
defines number of electronsSET,SPIN=1
defines wavefunction to be a doubletSET,SYMMETRY=[1,2,3]
defines wavefunction symmetries for state averaged calculationSET,STATE=[2,1,1]
defines number of states to be averaged in each symmetryWEIGHT=[2,2,1,1]
defines weights for the above four statesOCC=[5,2,2]
number of occupied orbitals in each symmetryCLOSED=2
number of closed-shell orbitals in symmetry 1MCORB=3100.2
record for optimized orbitalsMULTI
do mcscf with above parameters
Note: Setting the variables NELEC
, has the same effect giving these on a gobal WF
directive. If the global WF
directive is given after the variable definition, the values of the variables are replaced by the values given on the WF
directive. Vice versa, if a variable definition follows a gobal WF
directive, the new value of the variable is used in the following. Note that WF
input cards in command blocks have preference over global WF
directives or input variables.
Variables or the results of expressions can be displayed in the output using SHOW
The general form of the SHOW
command is as follows:
where expression can be an expression or variable, ncol is the number of values printed per line (default 6), and format is a format (default 6F15.8). This can be used to print vectors in matrix form. The specification of ncol and format is optional. Assume that E
is a vector:
prints E
using defaults.SHOW[n],E
prints E
with n
elements per line; (if n>6
, more than one line is needed, but in any case a new line is started after n
prints E
in the format given, with newline forced after n
elements.Note that the total length of the format should not exceed 100 characters (a left margin of 30 characters is always needed).
A wild card format can be used to show several variables more easily:
shows all variables whose names begin with QM
and DM
. Note that no letters must appear after the , i.e., the wild card format is less general than in
See the TABLE
command for another possibility to tabulate results.
Variables can be deleted using
,name1, name2, …
Wild cards can be used as in SHOW
, e.g.,
clears all variables whose names begin with ENERG
. All variables can be cleared using
The length of vectors can be truncated simply by redefining the length specifier: #R=2
truncates the array R
to length 2. Higher elements are no longer available (but could be redefined). Setting #R=0
is equivalent to the command CLEAR,R
Variables can be read from an external file using
, filename, [option]
Such files can be saved, for instance by the geometry optimization program, and reused later to recover a certain optimized geometry. The format of the input in filename is the same as for ordinary input.
is given then variable indices are ignored and only the last value saved is read (without index). This can be useful if for example a file saved with SAVEACT
in a geometry optimization is read, and it is intended to continue with the variables that were saved last.