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Nuclear-electron orbital (NEO) method

The Nuclear-electron orbital (NEO) method pioneered by Hammes-Schiffer and coworkers is available in Molpro for density fitted spin-restricted NEO-Hartree-Fock as well as a local-density fitting variant. It allows to handle a selected number of hydrogen nuclei as quantum particles by building a second Fock-matrix for the latter, coupling both subsystems (electrons and quantum protons) by a Coulomb operator. Further information about the method can be found here.

  • DF-NEO-RHF, options calls the density-fitted NEO-Hartree-Fock program
  • LDF-NEO-RHF, options calls the local density-fitted NEO-Hartree-Fock program

Currently, both options require the gdirect option and are not available with symmetry.


DF-NEO-RHF, options

enables the density fitting NEO-RHF program. Through the density fitting approximation in the electronic subsystem as well as the Coulomb coupling the computational scaling for small to mid-size systems is drastically reduced. The calculation parameters can be fine tuned with the options described in the SCF program section and density fitting section. However, NEO calculations require some additional parameters explained in the following.


LDF-NEO-RHF, options

enables the local density fitting NEO-RHF program. The local density fitting of the electronic subsystem leads to further speed-ups in particular for large molecular systems. The specific parameters for local density fitting can be adjusted with the options given in the local density fitting Hartree-Fock section.

The basis definition for NEO calculations must be given accordingly to the following basis block layout

 default=minao         #Basis definition for the electronic subsystem

 H1=pb4-f2             #Basis definition for the nuclear subsystem

 H1=10s10p10d10f       #Basis definition for the nuclear density fitting

The electronic basis set can be freely chosen from the Molpro basis set library. At the current stage no user defined mixed basis sets are possible within the NEO programs.

The nuclear basis set is defined via the nucbas keyword. The default basis for nuclear basis sets must be defined in every case as the neo-basis. Afterwards, the selected NEO centers can be assigned with the desired basis set. It is highly recommended to use the specifically tailored PB basis sets for multicomponent methods developed by Hammes-Schiffer and coworkers. Note that all NEO centers need to be assigned individually with the same basis set.

The density fitting basis for the nuclear subsystem is defined via the nucfit keyword. In order to avoid issues in basis set assignments for the classical nuclei, the default basis must be assigned as the neo-basis. Afterwards all NEO centers must be assigned the same fitting basis set (two have been included in the basis library), or a new set must be defined. For the fitting of the PB basis sets the even tempered 10s10p10d10f to 12s12p12d12f12g basis sets are recommended.

The desired NEO centers must be declared immediately before the NEO computation explicitly via

qnuc, H1, ...

Additionally, the chosen quantum mechanical nuclei must be given as first atoms in the geometry definition as shown for a water molecule below

Water molecule with one NEO center
H1  -3.5008791    1.2736107    0.7596000
O   -3.9840791    1.3301107   -0.0574000
H   -4.9109791    1.2967107    0.1521000

In order to provide suitable starting orbitals for the NEO computation three options can be chosen.

  • The first option is to carry out a regular Hartree-Fock computation bevor the NEO program is called. Thereby, the program reads the electronic orbitals from the default RHF record. In order to give a specific record the START, record keyword in the NEO program input card can be employed.
  • The second option is especially beneficial for large systems, since the computational costs of a prior RHF calculation is avoided. One makes use of the natural orbitals from a diagonal density matrix constructed using atomic orbitals. Atomic occupation numbers are employed as electronic starting orbitals. This option can be used via the NEOATDEN keyword in the NEO program input card.
  • The third option is to start from a prior NEO computation via the NEOSTART, electronic record, nuclear record keyword. This can be used as a minimal-basis NEO guess for handling difficult cases: when the SCF cycle does not converge.

The thresholds for the NEO computation can be adjusted with the following keywords

  • NEOTHRE, number sets the overall NEO energy threshold for SCF convergence
  • NEOTHRIE, number sets the energy threshold for the electronic subsystem SCF convergence
  • NEOTHRIN, number sets the energy threshold for the nuclear subsystem SCF convergence
  • NEOTHRIG, number sets the gradient threshold for both subsystems
  • NEOTHRID, number sets the density threshold for both subsystems

For robust convergence it is recommended to use higher thresholds for the SCF computations of both subsystems than the overall NEO energy.

  • NEOIT, iterations sets the overall NEO cycles
  • NEORD, number sets the start for the fast rotational update of the orbitals in the local version
  • NOBLOCKDIAG disables the block diagonalization of the nuclear starting guess (this is generally not recommended!!)

The first example shows the input of a DF-NEO-RHF calculation for a water molecule with two NEO centers starting with the NEOATDEN option and individual thresholds.



H1  -3.5008791    1.2736107    0.7596000
H2  -4.9109791    1.2967107    0.1521000
O   -3.9840791    1.3301107   -0.0574000







The second example shows the input of a LDF-NEO-RHF computation of the same molecule starting from a prior RHF calculation.



H1  -3.5008791    1.2736107    0.7596000
H2  -4.9109791    1.2967107    0.1521000
O   -3.9840791    1.3301107   -0.0574000









In the last example a cube file is requested. This will output the quantum nuclei density.

NEO methodology

Simon P. Webb, Tzvetelin Iordanov, and Sharon Hammes-Schiffer Multiconfigurational nuclear-electronic orbital approach: Incorporation of nuclear quantum effects in electronic structure calculations J. Chem. Phys. 2002 117 (9), 4106–4118.

Fabijan Pavošević, Tanner Culpitt, and Sharon Hammes-Schiffer Multicomponent Quantum Chemistry: Integrating Electronic and Nuclear Quantum Effects via the Nuclear–Electronic Orbital Method Chemical Reviews 2020 120 (9), 4222-4253.

PB basis sets

Qi Yu, Fabijan Pavošević, and Sharon Hammes-Schiffer Development of nuclear basis sets for multicomponent quantum chemistry methods J. Chem. Phys. 2020 152 (24), 244123.


Lukas Hasecke, and Ricardo A. Mata Nuclear quantum effects made accessible: local-density fitting in multicomponent methods Research Square 2023 preprint.