Permutation not found: What should I do?

Jun Li junli at
Fri Dec 22 18:15:34 GMT 2000

Dear MOLPRO experts,

I am optimizing the structure of a four-atom planar molecule that 
containing U atom.  The molecule is placed in the x-y plane with "noorient" 
keyword.   When I optimize the structure using CASSCF and CCSD(T) methods, 
the numerical optimization worked fine for the X- and Y-direction 
incrementing, but it stopped for the Z-direction incrementing with the 
following message ("Permutation not found: symmetry= 1   i= 10   label=2pz").

------------------error message------------------------
CONVERGENCE THRESHOLDS:  .300D-03 (STEP)  .300D-03 (GRADIENT)  .100D-05 
MAX. NUMBER OF STEPS:          50
  *** Long output written to logfile casscf_vib.log ***
  Sorry, Model Hessian not yet available for U
  Incrementing variable X1 by   .005 ANGSTROM  to     .0092 ANGSTROM
  Sorry, Model Hessian not yet available for U
  Sorry, Model Hessian not yet available for U
  Incrementing variable Y1 by   .005 ANGSTROM  to    -.1130 ANGSTROM
  Sorry, Model Hessian not yet available for U
  Sorry, Model Hessian not yet available for U
  Incrementing variable Z1 by   .005 ANGSTROM  to     .0053 ANGSTROM
  Permutation not found: symmetry= 1   i= 10   label=2pz
  bflab:   13d0    13d2-   13d2+   13d0    13d2-   13d2+   14f1+   14f1-
    14f3+   14f3-   14f1+   14f1-   14f3+   14f3-   21s     21s     22px 
22py    22px    22py    22px    22py    23d0    23d2-   23d2+   31s
      31s     32px    32py    32px    32py    32px    32py    32px    32py 
   33d0    33d2-   33d2+   41s     41s     41s     41s     42px    4
2py    42px    42py    42px    42py    42px    42py    42px    42py    43d0 
    43d2-   43d2+   43d0    43d2-   43d2+   43d0    43d2-   43d2+ 
43d0    43d2-   43d2+   44f1+   44f1-   44f3+   44f3-

By looking at the log file, it indicated that the error occurred in the INT 
part (near the "Eigenvalues of metric", and before the SCF iterations, ) . 
Could any of you please let me know what should I do to get rid of this 
error ?  Thanks a lot.

Jun Li


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