bug in cipt2

Charlie Bauschlicher bauschli at pegasus.arc.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 22 17:25:12 GMT 2002

I have hit a bug in the cipt2 for multiple roots.
When a root converges and the update vector is
dropped, the code seems to have a problem.  
Charlie Bauschlicher

1PROGRAM * CIPT2 (Multireference RS Perturbation Theory)     Authors: H.-J. Werner (1993), P. Celani (1998)

 Active space treated my MRCI

 Number of optimized states:  2  Roots:   1   2
 Number of reference states:  2  Roots:   1   2

 Thresholds:               ZERO  = 0.10E-11    THRDLP= 0.10E-06    PRINT = 0.00E+00    THRINT= 0.10E-05    ENERGY= 0.10E-09
                           COEFF = 0.10E-03    SPARSE= 0.10E-09    PNORM = 0.10E-07    EQUAL = 0.00E+00    DEPRI = 0.10E+11
                           THRGPS= 0.00E+00    THRDIS= 0.50E-01    THRREF= 0.10E-04    PUNCH = 0.99E+02    THRLOC= 0.10E-05
                           THRORB= 0.10E-05    THRDIA= 0.10E-09    THRCS = 0.10E-09    THRDLS= 0.10E-06    THRKEX= 0.00E+00
                           SPARFA= 0.10E+01    THRPIP= 0.10E-08    THRMLT= 0.00E+00    THRCPQ= 0.10E-05

 Reference symmetry:               1   Singlet 
 Maximum shell in reference space  3
 Maximum shell inside CICON        6

 memory_pt2 set to 0 !!!

 Maximum number of shells reduced from  6 to  4
 Maximum number of spin couplings:      5

 Reference space:       50 conf       56 CSFs
 N elec internal:      141 conf      175 CSFs
 N-1 el internal:      126 conf      210 CSFs
 N-2 el internal:       90 conf      210 CSFs

 Number of electrons in valence space:                      8
 Maximum number of open shell orbitals in reference space:  4
 Maximum number of open shell orbitals in internal spaces:  6

 Number of closed-shell orbitals:  1 (  1  0  0  0 )
 Number of active  orbitals:       6 (  3  1  2  0 )
 Number of external orbitals:     17 (  7  3  5  2 )
 Molecular orbitals read from record     2140.2  Type=MCSCF/NATURAL (state averaged)

 Coulomb and exchange operators available. No transformation done.

 Number of p-space configurations:   2
 Closed shell energy (with core excluded) is        -34.42630642

 Reference wavefunction optimized for reference space (refopt=1)

 State     Reference Energy 
   1         -38.93282307
   2         -38.76272248

 Number of blocks in overlap matrix:    16   Smallest eigenvalue:  0.13E-03
 Number of N-2 electron functions:      98
 Number of N-1 electron functions:     210

 Number of internal configurations:                   56
 Number of singly external configurations:           932
 Number of doubly external configurations:          3986
 Total number of contracted configurations:         4974
 Total number of uncontracted configurations:       8863
 idim,lentrp   970   970

 Weight factors for SA-density in H0:    0.500000  0.500000
 Closed shell energy (with core excluded) is        -34.42630642

 FIMAX=  0.11E+00  FXMAX=  0.26E-08  DIAG=  F  F  NOREF=0  NOINT=0  IHPPD=0

 Nuclear energy:                       6.49115997
 Core energy:                          0.00000000
 Zeroth-order valence energy:        -25.79494222    -25.63701831
 Zeroth-order total energy:          -19.30378225    -19.14585834
 First-order energy:                 -19.62904082    -19.61686414

 Using contracted singles

 Number of contracted N-1 electron functions:        152
 Number of contracted internal configurations:        72

 Diagonal Coupling coefficients finished.               Storage:  110262 words, CPU-Time:      0.11 seconds.
 Energy denominators for pairs finished in 1 passes.    Storage:   96179 words, CPU-time:      0.01 seconds.

 Diagonal Coupling coefficients finished.               Storage:   96265 words, CPU-Time:      0.00 seconds.
 Energy denominators for pairs finished in 0 passes.    Storage:   92797 words, CPU-time:      0.00 seconds.

    1     1     1     1.00000000     0.00000000   -38.93282307     0.00000000    -0.08540222  0.22E-01  0.11E-01     0.58
    1     2     2     1.00000000     0.00000000   -38.76272248     0.00000000    -0.09131891  0.22E-01  0.15E-01     0.58
    2     1     1     1.03458492    -0.08776999   -39.02059306    -0.08776999    -0.00379484  0.66E-03  0.67E-03     1.32
    2     2     2     1.03779708    -0.09194045   -38.85466294    -0.09194046    -0.00448623  0.80E-03  0.88E-03     1.32
    3     1     1     1.03668921    -0.09193920   -39.02476227    -0.00416922    -0.00022985  0.31E-04  0.46E-04     2.11
    3     2     2     1.04055550    -0.09691301   -38.85963550    -0.00497256    -0.00031804  0.47E-04  0.71E-04     2.11
    4     1     1     1.03731403    -0.09222349   -39.02504656    -0.00028429    -0.00002119  0.29E-05  0.41E-05     2.96
    4     2     2     1.04146957    -0.09730167   -38.86002415    -0.00038866    -0.00003171  0.66E-05  0.62E-05     2.96
    5     1     1     1.03747386    -0.09224785   -39.02507092    -0.00002436    -0.00000165  0.22E-06  0.33E-06     3.79
    5     2     2     1.04166592    -0.09734018   -38.86006266    -0.00003851    -0.00000337  0.10E-05  0.62E-06     3.79
    6     1     1     1.03748959    -0.09224976   -39.02507283    -0.00000191    -0.00000011  0.23E-07  0.29E-07     4.57
    6     2     2     1.04171447    -0.09734457   -38.86006706    -0.00000439    -0.00000064  0.24E-06  0.11E-06     4.57
    7     1     1     1.03749428    -0.09224994   -39.02507301    -0.00000018    -0.00000002  0.26E-08  0.31E-08     5.36
    7     2     2     1.04174961    -0.09734551   -38.86006799    -0.00000094    -0.00000021  0.58E-07  0.33E-07     5.36
    8     1     1     1.03749680    -0.09224996   -39.02507303    -0.00000002     0.00000000  0.43E-09  0.45E-09     6.17
    8     2     2     1.04176344    -0.09734575   -38.86006823    -0.00000024    -0.00000004  0.15E-07  0.75E-08     6.17
    9     1     1     1.03749777    -0.09224996   -39.02507303     0.00000000     0.00000000  0.69E-10  0.81E-10     6.93
    9     2     2     1.04176842    -0.09734580   -38.86006828    -0.00000005     0.00000000  0.44E-08  0.17E-08     6.93
   10     1     1     1.03749806    -0.09224996   -39.02507303     0.00000000     0.00000000  0.10E-10  0.13E-10     7.70
   10     2     2     1.04177150    -0.09734582   -38.86006830    -0.00000001    -0.00000003  0.11E-08  0.55E-09     7.70
   11     1     1     1.03749813    -0.09224996   -39.02507303     0.00000000     0.00000000  0.21E-11  0.23E-11     8.47
   11     2     2     1.04177340    -0.09734582   -38.86006830     0.00000000     0.00000000  0.35E-09  0.14E-09     8.47
 Iroot_sav.ne.Iroot  1  2
 Iroot_sav.ne.Iroot  1  2
 Iroot_sav.ne.Iroot  1  2
 Iroot_sav.ne.Iroot  1  2

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