spin-orbit eigenvectors

Michael Deskevich deskevic at jilau1.Colorado.EDU
Fri Aug 15 18:54:45 BST 2003

quick question for the spin-orbit gurus out there:  how do i interpret the
output of the spin-orbit eigenvectors in molpro?

here's a sample output (truncated so that it will fit in email nicely):

  Basis states          Eigenvectors (columnwise)

  Nr  State  S   SZ        1             2              3

  1    1.1  0.5  0.5   0.671669605  -0.311699406  -0.263461933
                       0.000000000   0.000000000   0.000000000

  2    2.1  0.5  0.5  -0.234127789  -0.504513898   0.280370651
                       0.318074693   0.191686231   0.000866650

  3    1.1  0.5 -0.5   0.164401142   0.354261984   0.096437214
                       0.264818399   0.570647444   0.216565290

my main question is what are the two numbers?  is that the real
an imagiary part of the eigenvector?  or is there something else going on?


mike deskevich                                      __o
deskevic at jila.colorado.edu                        _`\(,_
303-492-0500 (office / JILA Tower A404)          (_)/ (_)
303-883-2669 (wireless)

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