[molpro-user] Program error message

bingwuwang bingwuwang at vip.sina.com
Tue Apr 20 09:47:19 BST 2004

Dear Molpro users,

	I used molpro version 2002.6 on  Redhat8.0 system before, it was ok all the time. Unfortunately, the harddisk has been dead last week, I install the RPM pakage of Molpro 2002.6 on Redhat9.0 system now, but when I run Molpro with the examples, all jobs crashed with the error message as followings:

  0: TcpNoDelay: getprotobyname on TCP failed! -1 (0xffffffff).
system error message: Bad file descriptor
  1: interrupt(1)

For I have no source codes of the Molpro, I don't know how to avoid this error, could you give some advancese? Thanks.

Bingwu Wang

Chemistry Department
Peking University, Beijing, China 
email: bingwuwang at vip.sina.com

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