[molpro-user] CASSCF Orbital Exchanging

Patton Fast pfast at msi.umn.edu
Fri Jun 18 20:51:10 BST 2004

fellow users.

i have an easy  casscf question, but one that is confusing me.  with 
gaussian i can interchange orbitals if i have to by using


in the route section, and then adding which orbitals to interchange 
below the molecule specification section,

	11, 13
	16, 18

im not sure how to do this molpro.  im most likely getting bogged in 
terminology.  i would appreciate any help anyone might have.



  Patton Fast
  University of Minnesota
  Supercomputing Institute for
  Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation
  117 Pleasant Street SouthEast
  Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

  Phone: 612-625-6573         Email: pfast at msi.umn.edu
  Fax:   612-624-8861            Web:   http://www.msi.umn.edu

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