[molpro-user] Dump to Molden files

Thierry Leininger Thierry.Leininger at irsamc.ups-tlse.fr
Wed Mar 16 18:33:30 GMT 2005

Hi all,

I got the following error message after the 



Dump information in style MOLDEN to cucl2.molden

 Molecular orbitals read from record     2100.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (state 
 Occupation numbers read from record     2100.2  Type=RHF/RHF (state 1.1)
 Orbital energies read from record       2100.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (state 
 Redundancy group numbers read from rec  2100.2  Type=RHF/RHF (state 1.1)
 programming error in molden interface
 molden_ao, iao           174          189          189

Any idea in what is going on.

Thank you.


Thierry Leininger
Laboratoire de Physique Quantique
IRSAMC - Université Paul Sabatier
118, route de Narbonne
F-31062 Toulouse Cedex
Tel : 05 61 55 68 38
Fax  05 61 55 60 65

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