[molpro-user] error in running

yusuke at amo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp yusuke at amo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Thu Apr 19 08:39:07 BST 2007

 Dear MOLPRO-users,

 I am wondering because the molpro program stops when I submit the file 
which could be caliculated in trial use.

 The input file is ;


 and output file shows error messages below;

 ERROR WRITING            2 WORDS AT OFFSET       4096. TO FILE 1  IMPLEMENTATION=df   FILE HANDLE=    -1  IERR=    -1
 ? Error
 ? I/O error
 ? The problem occurs in writew
Bad seek in iow_direct_write; fd=-1, p=4096

 GA ERROR fehler on processor   0                                         
tmp = /home/vlinux/pdir//usr/local/lib/molpro-mpp-Linux-i686-i4-2006.1/molprop_2006_1_i4_p3_tcgmsg.exe.p
 Creating: host=localhost.localdomain, user=vlinux,
           file=/usr/local/lib/molpro-mpp-Linux-i686-i4-2006.1/molprop_2006_1_i4_p3_tcgmsg.exe, port=1244


 What causes it? Please tell me what to do to solve this problem.
 Thank you in advance.

 Yusuke Nakagawa
 Department of Applied Physics,School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
 Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, JAPAN
 phone:+81 (0)3-5841-6847

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