[molpro-user] gmainv (again)

Pedro Jorge Caridade caridade at qta.qui.uc.pt
Mon Nov 10 17:15:39 GMT 2008

Dear Molpro users

I have a Opteron machine with two-quad core processors and 8 Gb of 
physical RAM. gmainv is giving an error, and by trail-and-error, I found 
that can only allocate around 3.1Gb of ram. Everything is compiled with 
long integers with intel ICC and IFORT compilers. I tried also to use 
different shmax values and nothing happened. After digging a little bit 
I have use a memory allocator called memtester to check the value of the 
memalloc C function. On my system I asked for 7701MB and get such number.

I have seen a similar problem in march 2008 but no solution has been 
found (I think!). Does anyone have any clue for this?


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