[molpro-user] {SPAM}? Writew error

Shenggang Li shenggangli at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 23:42:56 BST 2009

Dear molpro users,

Recently we have been having problems running large Molpro jobs on our
Opteron clusters.  We tried both 2008.1 (patch level 46) and 2009.1 (patch
level 1) built with different compilers and libraries (Intel version 9.1 or
11.1, PGI version 9.0, MKL or ACML, TCGMSG or MPICH with GA), they ended
up with the following error message (highlighted in red below) when
doing the triplets.  The thing is that all of these errors seem to occur
only for open-shell systems.  Our system has 32GB physical memory and 2TB
scratch space per node.  The shmmax was set to about 8GB.  We greatly
appreciate it if anyone can help us with this problem.  Thanks,

1PROGRAM * CCSD (Unrestricted open-shell coupled cluster)     Authors: C.
Hampel, H.-J. Werner, 1991, M. Deegan, P.J. Knowles, 1992

 Convergence thresholds:  THRVAR = 1.00D-10  THRDEN = 1.52D-06
 CCSD(T)     terms to be evaluated (factor= 1.000)

 Number of core orbitals:          22 (  22 )
 Number of closed-shell orbitals:  15 (  15 )
 Number of active  orbitals:        2 (   2 )
 Number of external orbitals:     402 ( 402 )
 ::: For full I/O caching in triples, increase memory by********* words
to1755.8 Mword
 Number of N-1 electron functions:              32
 Number of N-2 electron functions:             496
 Number of singly external CSFs:             12928
 Number of doubly external CSFs:          61238926
 Total number of CSFs:                    61251854

 Molecular orbitals read from record     2100.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (state
 Multipassing necessary in transformation. To avoid, increase memory by
128106603 words

 Integral transformation finished. Total CPU:2901.60 sec, npass=  2  Memory
used: 683.45 MW
 Starting RMP2 calculation
DEN1      VAR(S)    VAR(P)  DIIS     TIME
   1      1.33546257    -1.16144736 -4335.92514133    -1.16144736
-0.00431235  0.43D-04  0.21D-02  1  1  3183.04
   2      1.34059958    -1.16610638 -4335.92980035    -0.00465902
-0.00001448  0.13D-05  0.10D-04  2  2  3261.67
   3      1.34089992    -1.16624621 -4335.92994017    -0.00013983
-0.00000007  0.30D-07  0.41D-07  3  3  3341.89
   4      1.34090974    -1.16624789 -4335.92994185    -0.00000168
0.00000000  0.55D-09  0.20D-09  4  4  3430.21
   5      1.34090996    -1.16624793 -4335.92994189    -0.00000004
0.00000000  0.62D-11  0.18D-11  5  5  3514.72
 Norm of t1 vector:      0.04235068      S-energy:    -0.00137917      T1
diagnostic:  0.00032679
 Norm of t2 vector:      0.58233700      P-energy:    -1.16486875
                                         Alpha-Beta:  -0.84631561
                                         Alpha-Alpha: -0.17609129
                                         Beta-Beta:   -0.14246185
 Spin contamination <S**2-Sz**2-Sz>     0.00222417
  Reference energy                  -4334.763693963800
  RHF-RMP2 correlation energy          -1.166247926020
 !RHF-RMP2 energy                   -4335.929941889820
 Starting UCCSD calculation

DEN1      VAR(S)    VAR(P)  DIIS     TIME
   1      1.31348357    -1.11372131 -4335.87741527    -1.11372131
-0.03770484  0.15D-01  0.60D-02  1  1  6225.50
   2      1.34810127    -1.14418474 -4335.90787871    -0.03046344
-0.00519474  0.11D-02  0.19D-02  2  2  8871.00
   3      1.37157079    -1.14982704 -4335.91352101    -0.00564230
-0.00118521  0.88D-03  0.26D-03  3  3 11413.76
   4      1.38817432    -1.15396848 -4335.91766245    -0.00414144
-0.00031068  0.24D-03  0.75D-04  4  4 13988.41
   5      1.40190914    -1.15581273 -4335.91950669    -0.00184424
-0.00008174  0.75D-04  0.18D-04  5  5 16572.34
   6      1.40879522    -1.15635171 -4335.92004567    -0.00053898
-0.00002803  0.27D-04  0.61D-05  6  6 19124.55
   7      1.41293148    -1.15665580 -4335.92034976    -0.00030409
-0.00001046  0.11D-04  0.19D-05  6  1 21750.82
   8      1.41481085    -1.15669258 -4335.92038654    -0.00003678
-0.00000373  0.38D-05  0.67D-06  6  3 24290.46
   9      1.41627012    -1.15678864 -4335.92048261    -0.00009607
-0.00000101  0.96D-06  0.20D-06  6  2 26889.37
  10      1.41674986    -1.15681254 -4335.92050650    -0.00002389
-0.00000037  0.31D-06  0.10D-06  6  5 29475.05
  11      1.41709203    -1.15682888 -4335.92052284    -0.00001634
-0.00000015  0.94D-07  0.59D-07  6  4 32040.35
  12      1.41725234    -1.15683361 -4335.92052757    -0.00000473
-0.00000006  0.26D-07  0.30D-07  6  6 34610.82
  13      1.41731799    -1.15682847 -4335.92052243     0.00000514
-0.00000003  0.95D-08  0.15D-07  6  1 37184.58
  14      1.41733825    -1.15682649 -4335.92052045     0.00000198
-0.00000001  0.45D-08  0.54D-08  6  3 39758.31
  15      1.41733803    -1.15682275 -4335.92051671     0.00000374
0.00000000  0.25D-08  0.18D-08  6  2 42348.32
  16      1.41731431    -1.15682119 -4335.92051515     0.00000156
0.00000000  0.13D-08  0.51D-09  6  4 44911.04
  17      1.41730629    -1.15682024 -4335.92051420     0.00000095
0.00000000  0.69D-09  0.88D-10  6  5 47479.18
  18      1.41729851    -1.15682007 -4335.92051403     0.00000017
0.00000000  0.37D-09  0.41D-10  6  6 50043.26
  19      1.41729471    -1.15681998 -4335.92051394     0.00000009
0.00000000  0.23D-09  0.32D-10  6  5 52580.90
  20      1.41729089    -1.15681991 -4335.92051387     0.00000007
0.00000000  0.10D-09  0.26D-10  6  1 55151.19
  21      1.41729040    -1.15681976 -4335.92051372     0.00000015
0.00000000  0.37D-10  0.16D-10  6  3 57716.37
 Norm of t1 vector:      0.25244862      S-energy:    -0.00315163      T1
diagnostic:  0.02624590
diagnostic:  0.07310115
 Norm of t2 vector:      0.59460919      P-energy:    -1.15366813
                                         Alpha-Beta:  -0.87275562
                                         Alpha-Alpha: -0.15779991
                                         Beta-Beta:   -0.12311260
 Singles amplitudes (print threshold =  0.500E-01):
         I         SYM. A    A   T(IA) [Alpha-Alpha]
        15         1         7     -0.05822650

         I         SYM. A    A   T(IA) [Beta-Beta]
        15         1        18     -0.05411281
 Doubles amplitudes (print threshold =  0.500E-01):
         I         J         SYM. A    SYM. B    A         B      T(IJ, AB)
        15        15         1         1         7         7     -0.05298773
 Spin contamination <S**2-Sz**2-Sz>     0.03094270
 *ERROR WRITING        32768 WORDS AT OFFSET 2324742792. TO FILE 5
 ? Error
 ? I/O error
 ? The problem occurs in writew*

Shenggang Li

Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. -- D.
H. Lawrence
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