[molpro-user] RHF convergence criteria

Benj FitzPatrick benjfitz at uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 20 02:49:39 BST 2009

Hello all,
I've been having trouble getting some ROHF calculations to converge, which led
me to notice something I didn't understand with respect to the convergence
criteria.  Namely, DDIFF and the energy difference appear to go below the
cutoffs, but the calculation doesn't agree that convergence has been reached.  I
have included and excerpt below (I cut off a few of the right hand columns so
that the text wouldn't wrap), and I have attached the input file (the below calc
corresponds to the AVQZ one in the input).  

Looking at the iterations, I would have expected the calculation to end after
the 12th cycle where DDIFF=0.465e-7 and the energy difference is 0.0.  However,
it only ends after GRAD is below 1.e-8.  What is the relationship between GRAD
and the energy difference?  Also, why does it seem as if GRAD is used as the
energy cutoff, but the cutoff is an order of magnitude different from the
specified energy cutoff?
Benj FitzPatrick
University of Chicago

 CONVERGENCE THRESHOLDS:    1.00E-07 (Density)    1.00E-07 (Energy)    
 MAX. NUMBER OF ITERATIONS:       60                                   
 INTERPOLATION TYPE:            DIIS                                   
 INTERPOLATION STEPS:              2 (START)      1 (STEP)             
 LEVEL SHIFTS:                 -0.30 (CLOSED)  0.00 (OPEN)             
 Molecular orbitals read from record     2103.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (st
 Present basis size:     550                                           
 Previous basis size:    299                                           
 Previous occupation:     16                                           
 Previous closed-shells:  15                                           
 Previous core-orbitals:   4                                           
 Present occupation:      16                                           
 Present closed-shells:   15                                           
 Present core-orbitals:    4                                           
 Wavefunction symmetry:    1   Doublet                                 
 Orbital overlap <old|new>:  < 1.1| 1.1> = 0.999999   < 2.1| 2.1> = 0.9
                             < 5.1| 5.1> = 0.999996   < 6.1| 6.1> = 0.9
                             < 9.1| 9.1> = 0.999991   <10.1|10.1> = 0.9
                             <13.1|13.1> = 0.999990   <14.1|14.1> = 0.9
 Molecular orbital dump at record        2104.2                        
 ITERATION    DDIFF          GRAD             ENERGY        2-EL.EN.   
    1      0.000E+00      0.000E+00      -191.38753833    352.669985   
    2      0.000E+00      0.460E-03      -191.38939123    352.738421   
    3      0.428E-02      0.396E-04      -191.38941857    352.717008   
    4      0.867E-03      0.413E-05      -191.38941929    352.725260   
    5      0.214E-03      0.136E-05      -191.38941936    352.722916   
    6      0.501E-04      0.362E-06      -191.38941937    352.723204   
    7      0.223E-04      0.947E-07      -191.38941937    352.723273   
    8      0.380E-05      0.370E-07      -191.38941937    352.723267   
    9      0.565E-06      0.187E-07      -191.38941937    352.723262   
   10      0.267E-06      0.156E-07      -191.38941937    352.723265   
   11      0.123E-06      0.148E-07      -191.38941937    352.723263   
   12      0.465E-07      0.148E-07      -191.38941937    352.723263   
   13      0.208E-08      0.148E-07      -191.38941937    352.723262   
   14      0.208E-07      0.148E-07      -191.38941937    352.723261   
   15      0.274E-07      0.148E-07      -191.38941937    352.723261   
   16      0.164E-07      0.148E-07      -191.38941937    352.723260   
   17      0.376E-08      0.148E-07      -191.38941938    352.723243   
   18      0.425E-06      0.148E-07      -191.38941938    352.723222   
   19      0.481E-06      0.148E-07      -191.38941938    352.723169   
   20      0.128E-05      0.147E-07      -191.38941946    352.722219   
   21      0.235E-04      0.388E-07      -191.38941942    352.722857   
   22      0.158E-04      0.134E-07      -191.38941946    352.721910   
   23      0.241E-04      0.594E-07      -191.38941938    352.723241   
   24      0.318E-04      0.389E-07      -191.38941945    352.722526   
   25      0.174E-04      0.220E-07      -191.38941945    352.721847   
   26      0.173E-04      0.343E-07      -191.38941945    352.722474   
   27      0.156E-04      0.255E-07      -191.38941946    352.722182   
   28      0.725E-05      0.220E-08      -191.38941946    352.722166   
   29      0.428E-06      0.172E-08      -191.38941946    352.722169   
   30      0.945E-07      0.499E-08      -191.38941946    352.722167   
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