[molpro-user] Problems with a large eom-ccsd calculation

Evgeniy Gromov Evgeniy.Gromov at pci.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Apr 11 08:22:32 BST 2011

Dear Manhui,

The calculation crashed again at the same spot as before, i.e.
directly after finishing the ccsd step. This time there was
an error message (in the err file):

Last System Error Message from Task 8:: Cannot allocate memory
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1332675796) - process 9

This time I set up memory to 1600m (16gb is per node) and 1 process
per node. Just in case, attached are the input and output files.

Best regards,

Manhui Wang wrote:
> Dear Evgeniy,
> Have you built a working  Molpro2010.1 with GA 5-0-2 now?  Does your job
> work with the GA-Molpro?
> Best wishes,
> Manhui
> Manhui Wang wrote:
>> Dear Evgeniy,
>> Just remind you that when configure GA
>>       ./configure  --with-tcgmsg --with-mpi="-ldl
>> -I/software/intel/mpi/
>> -L/software/intel/mpi/ -lmpi -lmpigf -lmpigi -lpthread
>> -lrt" --with-openib="/usr/lib64 -libverbs -I/usr/include/infiniband"
>> F77=ifort CC=icc CXX=icpc  --prefix=${GA_path}-install
>> the content of --with-mpi=" " comes from MPI link options (eg, mpiifort
>> -show, mpiifort -link_info, mpif90 -show), and you might have to replace
>> this with your own's .
>> Best wishes,
>> Manhui
>> Evgeniy Gromov wrote:
>>> Manhui,
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Ok, molpro configure finally passed. The problem was
>>> that I followed the manual where it is said that ga_libs
>>> should be in lib/LINUX64 (new ga put libs in /ga-path/lib.)
>>> Well, I did't recompile the whole code, only the libraries.
>>> And the new binary still does not work. I will try to recompile
>>> the code completely. Maybe it helps.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Evgeniy
>>> Manhui Wang wrote:
>>>> Dear Evgeniy,
>>>> Evgeniy Gromov wrote:
>>>>> Dear Manhui,
>>>>> GA runs OK (I did test.x for 16 CPUs).
>>>>> To run molpro configure in the fresh molpro2010.1
>>>>> I use your example (with the corrected paths):
>>>>> ./configure -batch -icc -ifort -mpp -mppbase
>>>>> /bwfs/scratch/temphomes/hd/f81/prog/ga-5-0-2 -var LIBS="-libverbs"
>>>>> -blaspath /opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/mkl/
>>>>> molpro configure crashes then after the following:
>>>>> ga_GA_MP_LIBS     = -lmpi -lmpigf -lmpigi -lpthread
>>>>> ga_GA_MP_LDFLAGS  =
>>>>> -L/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/impi/
>>>>> ga_GA_MP_CPPFLAGS =
>>>>> -I/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/impi/
>>>>> ga_TARGET         = LINUX64
>>>>> ga_MSG_COMMS      = TCGMSGMPI
>>>>> ga_prefix         = /bwfs/scratch/temphomes/hd/f81/ga-5-0-2-install
>>>>> MPPLIB=
>>>>> parallel build specified but unable to find Global Arrays
>>>> It is trying to find the generated GA lib files in directory
>>>> /path/ga-5-0-2-install/lib/
>>>> A typical examples:
>>>> ls  /mypatch/ga-5-0-2-install/lib/
>>>> libarmci.a  libarmci.la  libga.a  libga.la
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Manhui
>>>>> Result so far of configure written to CONFIG.errout
>>>>> Apperently molpro configure finds the config.log in the ga-5-0-2
>>>>> directory. But what it needs then I don't understand. What is
>>>>> this MPPLIB ?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Evgeniy
>>>>> Manhui Wang wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Evgeniy,
>>>>>> Could you please check your GA is working properly?
>>>>>> Could you please provide more details about how do you run configure in
>>>>>> a fresh Molpro2010.1 PL20?
>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>> Manhui
>>>>>> Evgeniy Gromov wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Manhui,
>>>>>>> If I specify the original GA directory configure cannot find some
>>>>>>> libraries whatever and crashes:
>>>>>>> ga_GA_MP_LIBS     = -lmpi -lmpigf -lmpigi -lpthread
>>>>>>> ga_GA_MP_LDFLAGS  =
>>>>>>> -L/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/impi/
>>>>>>> ga_GA_MP_CPPFLAGS =
>>>>>>> -I/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/impi/
>>>>>>> ga_TARGET         = LINUX64
>>>>>>> ga_MSG_COMMS      = TCGMSGMPI
>>>>>>> ga_prefix         = /bwfs/scratch/temphomes/hd/f81/ga-5-0-2-install
>>>>>>> MPPLIB=
>>>>>>> parallel build specified but unable to find Global Arrays
>>>>>>> It looks like the structure of the GA directory has been changed
>>>>>>> in the latest release. At least there is neither include no lib
>>>>>>> directories in the GA directory. Should I take some older GA realese
>>>>>>> then? Which one?
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Evgeniy
>>>>>>> Manhui Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Evgeniy,
>>>>>>>> It appears your CONFIG is not right. As I mentioned in previous
>>>>>>>> email:
>>>>>>>> ./configure -batch  -icc -ifort -blaspath
>>>>>>>> /software/intel/mkl/ -mpp -mppbase ${GA_path}
>>>>>>>> -var
>>>>>>>> LIBS="-libverbs"
>>>>>>>> Please note ${GA_path} is not the GA installation directory, but the
>>>>>>>> original GA directory where you type"configure...make". Molpro
>>>>>>>> configure
>>>>>>>> takes some info from ${GA_path} to determine the GA mode and the
>>>>>>>> underlying MPI library etc.
>>>>>>>> -var LIBS="-libverbs" will enable IntelMPI to be linked with
>>>>>>>> Infiniband
>>>>>>>> library if your IntelMPI on the machine can't do this automatically.
>>>>>>>> Once the CONFIG is generated, we don't recommend to modify it
>>>>>>>> manually
>>>>>>>> since it may introduce unexpected problems.
>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>> Manhui
>>>>>>>> Evgeniy Gromov wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Manhui,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your response.
>>>>>>>>> There is unfortunately no progress with GA. I compiled molpro
>>>>>>>>> but the binary doesn't work at all, although the compilation
>>>>>>>>> went OK. There is somehow again no ABDATA in lib, but it doesn't
>>>>>>>>> complain to that. What it complains looks strange:
>>>>>>>>> Attempting to use an MPI routine before initializing MPICH
>>>>>>>>> Well I used intel MPI and I don't understand why it refers to MPICH.
>>>>>>>>> Just in case my CONFIG looks the following:
>>>>>>>>> # MOLPRO CONFIG generated at Di 5. Apr 10:21:18 CEST 2011, for host
>>>>>>>>> frbw3
>>>>>>>>> CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="-i8" "-openmp" "-icc" "-ifort" "-nohdf5"
>>>>>>>>> "-nocuda"
>>>>>>>>> "-mpp" "-mppbase" "/bwfs/scratch/temphomes/hd/f81/ga-5-0-2-install"
>>>>>>>>> "-blaspath"
>>>>>>>>> "/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/mkl/"
>>>>>>>>> AR=ar
>>>>>>>>> ARCHNAME=Linux/x86_64
>>>>>>>>> ARFLAGS=-rS
>>>>>>>>> AWK=awk
>>>>>>>>> BIBTEX=/usr/bin/bibtex
>>>>>>>>> BLASLIB=-L/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/mkl/
>>>>>>>>> -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core
>>>>>>>>> BUILD=p
>>>>>>>>> CAT=cat
>>>>>>>>> CC=/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/Compiler/11.1/072/bin/intel64/icc
>>>>>>>>> CCVERSION=11.1
>>>>>>>>> CC_FRONT=
>>>>>>>>> CDEBUG=-g $(addprefix $(CDEFINE),_DEBUG)
>>>>>>>>> CDEFINE=-D
>>>>>>>>> CFLAGS=-ftz -vec-report0 -DINT64 -DZLIB -openmp
>>>>>>>>> CMPPINCLUDE=/bwfs/scratch/temphomes/hd/f81/ga-5-0-2-install/include
>>>>>>>>> COPT=-O2
>>>>>>>>> COPT0=-O0
>>>>>>>>> COPT1=-O1
>>>>>>>>> COPT2=-O2
>>>>>>>>> COPT3=-O3
>>>>>>>>> CP=cp -p
>>>>>>>>> CPROFILE=-p
>>>>>>>>> CSCN=cscn
>>>>>>>>> CSFLAGS=-O3 -I. --dynamic
>>>>>>>>> CUDACC=
>>>>>>>>> CUDACDEBUG=-g $(addprefix $(CUDACDEFINE),_DEBUG)
>>>>>>>>> CUDACDEFINE=-D
>>>>>>>>> CUDACFLAGS=
>>>>>>>>> CUDACOPT=
>>>>>>>>> CUDACOPT0=-O0
>>>>>>>>> CUDACOPT1=-O1
>>>>>>>>> CUDACOPT2=-O2
>>>>>>>>> CUDACOPT3=-O3
>>>>>>>>> CUDACPROFILE=-p
>>>>>>>>> CXX=/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/Compiler/11.1/072/bin/intel64/icpc
>>>>>>>>> CXXFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)
>>>>>>>>> DOXYGEN=/usr/bin/doxygen
>>>>>>>>> ECHO=echo
>>>>>>>>> EXPORT=export
>>>>>>>>> F90FLAGS=
>>>>>>>>> FC=/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/Compiler/11.1/072/bin/intel64/ifort
>>>>>>>>> FCVERSION=11.1
>>>>>>>>> FDEBUG=-g $(addprefix $(FDEFINE),_DEBUG)
>>>>>>>>> FDEFINE=-D
>>>>>>>>> FFLAGS=-i8 -r8 -pc64 -auto -Vaxlib -vec-report0 -cxxlib -openmp
>>>>>>>>> FOPT=-O3
>>>>>>>>> FOPT0=-O0
>>>>>>>>> FOPT1=-O1
>>>>>>>>> FOPT2=-O2
>>>>>>>>> FOPT3=-O3
>>>>>>>>> FPP=-fpp
>>>>>>>>> FPROFILE=-p
>>>>>>>>> FSTATIC=
>>>>>>>>> FTCFLAGS=molpro unix unix-i8 Linux lapack mpp blas
>>>>>>>>> HDF5INCLDE=
>>>>>>>>> HDF5LIB=
>>>>>>>>> INSTBIN=/bwfs/scratch/temphomes/hd/f81/molpro2010.1-install/bin
>>>>>>>>> INSTHTML=/bwfs/scratch/temphomes/hd/f81/molpro2010.1-install/html
>>>>>>>>> INSTLIB=/bwfs/scratch/temphomes/hd/f81/molpro2010.1-install/lib/molprop_2010_1_Linux_x86_64_i8
>>>>>>>>> INST_PL=0
>>>>>>>>> INTEGER=8
>>>>>>>>> LAPACKLIB=
>>>>>>>>> LATEX2HTML=
>>>>>>>>> LAUNCHER=/opt/bwgrid/mpi/mpiexec/0.84/bin/mpiexec -n %n %x
>>>>>>>>> LD_ENV=/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64:/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/mkl/
>>>>>>>>> LIBRARY_SUFFIX=a
>>>>>>>>> LIBS=-lz
>>>>>>>>> LIBS_FRONT=
>>>>>>>>> LINKOPT=
>>>>>>>>> LINKOPT_FRONT=
>>>>>>>>> LN=ln -s
>>>>>>>>> MAKEINDEX=/usr/bin/makeindex
>>>>>>>>> MAPLE=
>>>>>>>>> MKDIR=mkdir -p
>>>>>>>>> MODULE_FLAG=-I
>>>>>>>>> MODULE_SUFFIX=mod
>>>>>>>>> MPILIB=-L/opt/bwgrid/compiler/intel/ct_4.0/impi/
>>>>>>>>> -lmpi -lmpigf -lmpigi -lpthread -L/usr/lib64 -libverbs -libcommon
>>>>>>>>> -libumad -lpthread
>>>>>>>>> MPPLIB=-L/bwfs/scratch/temphomes/hd/f81/ga-5-0-2-install/lib/LINUX64
>>>>>>>>> -lga -larmci
>>>>>>>>> OBJECT_SUFFIX=o
>>>>>>>>> OPT0=copyc6.f
>>>>>>>>> OPT1=nevpt2_optrpc.f explicit_util.f artwo2.f drv2el_l3ext_lmp2g.f
>>>>>>>>> drv2el_l3ext_cen.f rmp2_f12_drv2.f90 ri_lmp2g.f df_llmp2.f
>>>>>>>>> readdump.f
>>>>>>>>> OPT2=integrals.f90 RL4gen1.f basis_integral_shells.f
>>>>>>>>> OPT3=
>>>>>>>>> PAPER=a4paper
>>>>>>>>> PARSE=parse-Linux-x86_64-i8.o
>>>>>>>>> PDFLATEX=/usr/bin/pdflatex -halt-on-error
>>>>>>>>> PNAME=molprop_2010_1_Linux_x86_64_i8
>>>>>>>>> PTSIZE=11
>>>>>>>>> RANLIB=ranlib
>>>>>>>>> RM=rm -rf
>>>>>>>>> SHELL=/bin/sh
>>>>>>>>> STRIP=strip
>>>>>>>>> SUFFIXES=f F f90 F90 c cpp
>>>>>>>>> TAR=tar -cf
>>>>>>>>> UNTAR=tar -xf
>>>>>>>>> VERBOSE=@
>>>>>>>>> VERSION=2010.1XSD=/usr/bin/xmllint --noout --schema
>>>>>>>>> XSLT=/usr/bin/xsltproc
>>>>>>>>> YACC=bison -b y
>>>>>>>>> .SUFFIXES:
>>>>>>>>> MAKEFLAGS+=-r
>>>>>>>>> ifneq ($(LD_ENVNAME),)
>>>>>>>>> $(LD_ENVNAME):=$(LD_ENV):$($(LD_ENVNAME))
>>>>>>>>> endif
>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Evgeniy
>>>>>>>>> Manhui Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Evgeniy,
>>>>>>>>>> I have not checked your output carefully, which shows 800MWord
>>>>>>>>>> (6.4GB
>>>>>>>>>> per process):
>>>>>>>>>> Variable memory set to  800000000 words,  buffer space   230000
>>>>>>>>>> words
>>>>>>>>>> I run the job  with 32 processes on 4 nodes, and it might crash
>>>>>>>>>> eventually due to lack of memory you mentioned.
>>>>>>>>>> Could you please update your progress with GA? On my side, I will
>>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>>> into my code related to helper. It might exist a bug which is
>>>>>>>>>> exposed
>>>>>>>>>> when very large global data structure is used.
>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>>>> Manhui
>>>>>>>>>> Evgeniy Gromov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Manhui,
>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks for your help with the compilation problems and
>>>>>>>>>>> with the problem in the large eom-ccsd calculation.
>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry I forgot to tell you about the memory. I usually specify
>>>>>>>>>>> the memory in the command line using -m option. For that large
>>>>>>>>>>> eom-ccsd job I used 800m (-m800m) because 200m was not enough for
>>>>>>>>>>> the CCSD step. As I wrote the job passed the CCSD and crashed
>>>>>>>>>>> in the beginning of the EOM-CCSD. Actually, are you running it
>>>>>>>>>>> on 1 CPU? I haven't tried it to run on 1 CPU as it will likely
>>>>>>>>>>> take ages cause many MOs. Well I am going to rerun it using
>>>>>>>>>>> a new binary compiled with GA.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>>>>> Evgeniy
>>>>>>>>>>> Manhui Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Evgeniy,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I can't see the error you mentioned with MPI-2 Molpro2010.1
>>>>>>>>>>>> PL20 so
>>>>>>>>>>>> far.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried your input without any modification first, and it failed
>>>>>>>>>>>> immediately because you have not set memory in input (the
>>>>>>>>>>>> default is
>>>>>>>>>>>> only 8MWord). I have added
>>>>>>>>>>>> memory,200,m
>>>>>>>>>>>> in input, it appears to work fine so far (still running).  Could
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> please try the new input on your side?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Manhui
>>>>>>>>>>>> Evgeniy Gromov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manhui,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I attached wrong files in the previous email. Here are the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct
>>>>>>>>>>>>> input and output files. In addition I removed all the MO
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vectors in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the output to make the size smaller.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Evgeniy
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manhui Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Evgeniy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you please provide the inputs/outputs? I will see whether
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reproduce the problem firstly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manhui
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Evgeniy Gromov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Molpro Community,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I faced problems when running a large eom-ccsd calculation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (466
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MOs,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no symmetry) with molpro2010.1 in parallel (MPI-2). The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calculation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> crashed after the CCSD (ground state) step had been done. No
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message was present in the output. In the err file there is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following diagnostic (though unclear to me):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR in twosided_helpga_locate_server: over range!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ilo=1,ihigh=148114575
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any idea what can be the problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, it seems to relate to helper process. I suspect that in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of GA it would work, although there might be some other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just in case the same run with 296 MO (another basis set) ran
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, I would like to thank Manhui for the response to my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Is there always a helper process in parallel calculations
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> molpro2010.1 ?"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Evgeniy

Dr. Evgeniy Gromov
Theoretische Chemie
Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut
Im Neuenheimer Feld 229
D-69120 Heidelberg

Telefon: +49/(0)6221/545263
Fax: +49/(0)6221/545221
E-mail: evgeniy at pci.uni-heidelberg.de

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