[molpro-user] Large differences between CPU TIME and REAL TIME

Gregory Magoon gmagoon at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 19 22:26:34 BST 2011

One of our users has noticed large differences between CPU TIME and REAL TIME
in several runs and I was wondering if anyone had any tips for getting the REAL
TIME more in line with the CPU TIME.
One of the more obvious examples of a large time gap is for an mppx frequency
run on a 48 processor compute node (using all 48 processors):
 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL      FREQ      OPTG   CCSD(T)        HF       INT
 CPU TIMES  *     20130.37  10666.84   8936.71    501.37     12.08     13.09
 REAL TIME  *    193915.08 SEC
The real time is over 9 times longer than the CPU time. The full output file for
this case is attached.

For comparison, here are some times running on an 8 processor node, with mpp and
with mppx, respectively.

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL      FREQ      OPTG   CCSD(T)        HF       INT
 CPU TIMES  *     83607.95  68025.70  15492.38     85.26      1.28      3.19
 REAL TIME  *    131591.18 SEC

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL      FREQ      OPTG   CCSD(T)        HF       INT
 CPU TIMES  *     78444.88  60833.54  16963.24    627.56     10.09     10.34
 REAL TIME  *     84459.03 SEC

As you can see, in the 8 processor mppx case (which uses the same MOLPRO
compilation), the real time is much closer to the CPU time and the real time is
significantly lower than the case with 48 processors.

I should note that the tuning was done on the 8 processor node, which has a
different architecture (Intel, vs. the AMD on the 48 proc. nodes) so I'm
wondering if that is a factor. Could tuning/architecture explain this (fairly
large) difference?

I'm happy to provide additional information (e.g. compilation options) that may
help diagnose the issue.

Thanks in advance for any tips/insight you can provide,
-------------- next part --------------

 Primary working directories    : /scratch/jorgeag/61961
 Secondary working directories  : /scratch/jorgeag/61961
 Wavefunction directory         : /home/jorgeag/wfu/
 Main file repository           : /scratch/jorgeag/61961/

 ARCHNAME  : Linux/x86_64
 FC        : /opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/074/bin/intel64/ifort
 BLASLIB   : -L/opt/intel/Compiler/11.0/074/mkl/lib/em64t -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core
 id        : mitsand

 Nodes     nprocs
 node85      48
 ga_uses_ma=false, calling ma_init with nominal heap.
 GA-space will be limited to   8.0 MW (determined by -G option)

 Using customized tuning parameters: mindgm=16; mindgv=16; mindgc=16; mindgr=1; noblas=0; mincuda=1000; minvec=7
 default implementation of scratch files=df  

 geometry = {angstrom
  C                  1              B1
  H                  1              B2    2              A1
  H                  1              B3    2              A2    3              D1
  H                  1              B4    2              A3    3              D2
  H                  2              B5    1              A4    3              D3
  H                  2              B6    1              A5    3              D4
  O                  2              B7    1              A6    3              D5
  H                  8              B8    2              A7    1              D6
    B1   =          1.51751304
    B2   =          1.09247664
    B3   =          1.09249359
    B4   =          1.09338821
    B5   =          1.09978622
    B6   =          1.09979821
    B7   =          1.42683301
    B8   =          0.96133418
    A1   =        110.30506460
    A2   =        110.31552018
    A3   =        110.80378570
    A4   =        109.88422262
    A5   =        109.88143945
    A6   =        107.71663840
    A7   =        108.14624672
    D1   =        119.46654436
    D2   =       -120.26923418
    D3   =        179.41306314
    D4   =         61.19216596
    D5   =        -59.69882018
    D6   =        179.97518247
 basis = vdz-f12

 Variables initialized (665), CPU time= 0.02 sec
 Commands  initialized (462), CPU time= 0.01 sec, 486 directives.
 Default parameters read. Elapsed time= 0.59 sec

 Checking input...

                                         ***  PROGRAM SYSTEM MOLPRO  ***
                         Copyright, University College Cardiff Consultants Limited, 2008

                                    Version 2010.1 linked 28 Mar 2011 18:42:34

 LABEL *                                                                                 
 Linux-2.6.32-24-generic/node85(x86_64) 64 bit mppx version                              DATE: 30-Mar-11          TIME: 15:03:31  

 Patch level:      19
 SETTING B1             =         1.51751304                                  
 SETTING B2             =         1.09247664                                  
 SETTING B3             =         1.09249359                                  
 SETTING B4             =         1.09338821                                  
 SETTING B5             =         1.09978622                                  
 SETTING B6             =         1.09979821                                  
 SETTING B7             =         1.42683301                                  
 SETTING B8             =         0.96133418                                  
 SETTING A1             =       110.30506460                                  
 SETTING A2             =       110.31552018                                  
 SETTING A3             =       110.80378570                                  
 SETTING A4             =       109.88422262                                  
 SETTING A5             =       109.88143945                                  
 SETTING A6             =       107.71663840                                  
 SETTING A7             =       108.14624672                                  
 SETTING D1             =       119.46654436                                  
 SETTING D2             =      -120.26923418                                  
 SETTING D3             =       179.41306314                                  
 SETTING D4             =        61.19216596                                  
 SETTING D5             =       -59.69882018                                  
 SETTING D6             =       179.97518247                                  

 Variable memory set to 2831155200 words,  buffer space   230000 words

 SETTING BASIS          =    VDZ-F12

 Recomputing integrals since basis changed

 Using spherical harmonics

 Library entry C      S cc-pVDZ-F12          selected for orbital group  1
 Library entry C      P cc-pVDZ-F12          selected for orbital group  1
 Library entry C      D cc-pVDZ-F12          selected for orbital group  1
 Library entry H      S cc-pVDZ-F12          selected for orbital group  2
 Library entry H      P cc-pVDZ-F12          selected for orbital group  2
 Library entry O      S cc-pVDZ-F12          selected for orbital group  3
 Library entry O      P cc-pVDZ-F12          selected for orbital group  3
 Library entry O      D cc-pVDZ-F12          selected for orbital group  3

1PROGRAM * SEWARD (Integral evaluation for generally contracted gaussian basis sets)     Author: Roland Lindh, 1990

 Geometry written to block  1 of record 700

 Orientation using atomic masses  
 Molecule type: Asymmetric top
 Rotational constants:       9.3649199      8.1422860     35.0075121 GHz  (calculated with average atomic masses)

 Point group  C1  


 NR  ATOM    CHARGE       X              Y              Z

   1  C       6.00    0.473056846    0.000035839   -2.386159253
   2  C       6.00   -1.091110073   -0.000032340    0.017378480
   3  H       1.00    1.682579048    1.671733496   -2.453742463
   4  H       1.00    1.681098541   -1.672710548   -2.455235622
   5  H       1.00   -0.745539159    0.001126467   -4.054758271
   6  H       1.00   -2.317567716   -1.677253206    0.062555029
   7  H       1.00   -2.317663418    1.677148534    0.062483825
   8  O       8.00    0.614074100   -0.000046880    2.106040258
   9  H       1.00   -0.365370371    0.000657702    3.636051856

 Bond lengths in Bohr (Angstrom)

 1-2  2.867684046  1-3  2.064481655  1-4  2.064513685  1-5  2.066204272  2-6  2.078294759
     (1.517513040)     (1.092476640)     (1.092493590)     (1.093388210)     (1.099786220)

 2-7  2.078317417  2-8  2.696323624  8-9  1.816658321
     (1.099798210)     (1.426833010)     (0.961334180)

 Bond angles

  1-2-6  109.88422262   1-2-7  109.88143945   1-2-8  107.71663840   2-1-3  110.30506460

  2-1-4  110.31552018   2-1-5  110.80378570   2-8-9  108.14624672   3-1-4  108.18989788

  3-1-5  108.58243588   4-1-5  108.57295370   6-2-7  107.60843444   6-2-8  110.87680796

  7-2-8  110.88051668

 NUCLEAR CHARGE:                   26
 NUMBER OF CONTRACTIONS:          144   ( 144A   )
 NUMBER OF CORE ORBITALS:           3   (   3A   )
 NUMBER OF VALENCE ORBITALS:       18   (  18A   )


 Eigenvalues of metric

         1 0.201E-03 0.802E-03 0.104E-02 0.136E-02 0.219E-02 0.221E-02 0.231E-02 0.282E-02

 Contracted 2-electron integrals neglected if value below      1.0D-11
 AO integral compression algorithm  1   Integral accuracy      1.0D-11

     253.493 MB (compressed) written to integral file ( 48.7%)


 Memory used in sort:      16.56 MW

 SORT1 READ    65100960. AND WROTE    53101253. INTEGRALS IN    153 RECORDS. CPU TIME:     2.57 SEC, REAL TIME:   703.22 SEC
 SORT2 READ    53101253. AND WROTE    54502020. INTEGRALS IN    967 RECORDS. CPU TIME:     2.99 SEC, REAL TIME:   538.24 SEC

 FILE SIZES:   FILE 1:   257.0 MBYTE,  FILE 4:   641.8 MBYTE,   TOTAL:    898.7 MBYTE

 OPERATOR DM      FOR CENTER  0  COORDINATES:    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000

              1      19      220.13       500      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960     1100   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS      S 
                                         1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1300     1700   
                                           T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    ERIS     OPER   

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL       INT
 CPU TIMES  *        13.32     13.09
 REAL TIME  *      1325.31 SEC
 DISK USED  *       899.44 MB      

1PROGRAM * RHF-SCF (CLOSED SHELL)       Authors: W. Meyer, H.-J. Werner

 CONVERGENCE THRESHOLDS:    1.00E-06 (Density)    1.00E-07 (Energy)
 INTERPOLATION STEPS:              2 (START)      1 (STEP)
 LEVEL SHIFTS:                  0.00 (CLOSED)  0.00 (OPEN) 

 Orbital guess generated from atomic densities. Full valence occupancy:   21

 Molecular orbital dump at record        2100.2

 ITERATION    DDIFF          GRAD             ENERGY        2-EL.EN.            DIPOLE MOMENTS         DIIS
    1      0.000D+00      0.000D+00      -154.08610694    273.317910   -1.01443    0.00040    0.08490    0
    2      0.000D+00      0.438D-02      -154.12922976    269.616242   -0.52255    0.00021    0.02348    1
    3      0.772D-02      0.232D-02      -154.13900575    271.319028   -0.70310    0.00026    0.00631    2
    4      0.247D-02      0.510D-03      -154.13989274    271.103943   -0.68804    0.00026    0.01083    3
    5      0.825D-03      0.125D-03      -154.13995355    271.095391   -0.68666    0.00026    0.00379    4
    6      0.232D-03      0.311D-04      -154.13995763    271.100818   -0.68599    0.00026    0.00351    5
    7      0.705D-04      0.662D-05      -154.13995786    271.097726   -0.68582    0.00026    0.00311    6
    8      0.167D-04      0.153D-05      -154.13995788    271.098309   -0.68567    0.00026    0.00296    7
    9      0.455D-05      0.371D-06      -154.13995788    271.098040   -0.68564    0.00026    0.00294    6
   10      0.767D-06      0.179D-06      -154.13995788    271.098148   -0.68564    0.00026    0.00293    0

 Final occupancy:  13

 !RHF STATE 1.1 Energy               -154.139957878648
 Nuclear energy                        81.71104633
 One-electron energy                 -371.40007809
 Two-electron energy                  135.54907388
 Virial quotient                       -1.00157054
 !RHF STATE 1.1 Dipole moment          -0.68563764     0.00025534     0.00292594
 Dipole moment /Debye                  -1.74260291     0.00064896     0.00743650

 Orbital energies:

         1.1          2.1          3.1          4.1          5.1          6.1          7.1          8.1          9.1         10.1
    -20.556318   -11.277447   -11.213554    -1.356750    -1.011255    -0.833799    -0.699028    -0.643334    -0.571187    -0.533018

        11.1         12.1         13.1         14.1         15.1
     -0.524316    -0.488956    -0.442004     0.054157     0.066303

              1      19      220.13       500      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960     1100   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS      S 
                                         1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1300     1700   
                                           T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    ERIS     OPER   

              2       3        0.81       700     1000     2100   
                                         GEOM     BASIS     RHF  

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL        HF       INT
 CPU TIMES  *        25.41     12.08     13.09
 REAL TIME  *      1361.93 SEC
 DISK USED  *       899.44 MB      

1PROGRAM * CCSD (Closed-shell coupled cluster)     Authors: C. Hampel, H.-J. Werner, 1991, M. Deegan, P.J. Knowles, 1992

                                  CCSD-F12 implementation by  H.-J. Werner, 2007

                   Density fitting integral evaluation by F.R. Manby, 2003,2007, G. Knizia, 2010

 Basis set CC-PVDZ/JKFIT generated.      Number of basis functions:   348 
 Basis set CC-PVDZ-F12/OPTRI generated.  Number of basis functions:   330 
 Basis set AUG-CC-PVDZ/MP2FIT generated. Number of basis functions:   354 

 Convergence thresholds:  THRVAR = 1.00D-12  THRDEN = 1.00D-08

 CCSD(T)     terms to be evaluated (factor= 1.000)

 Number of core orbitals:           3 (   3 )
 Number of closed-shell orbitals:  10 (  10 )
 Number of external orbitals:     131 ( 131 )

 Molecular orbitals read from record     2100.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (state 1.1)

 MP2-F12 correlation treatment (H.-J. Werner, 2006)

 Using MP2-F12 with ansatz 3C(FIX)

 Using projected zeroth-order Hamiltonian (+Z)

 Geminal basis:    OPTFULL  GEM_TYPE=SLATER  BETA=1.0  NGEM=6

 Optimizing Gaussian exponents for each gem_beta

 Geminal optimization for beta= 1.0000
 Weight function:   m=0, omega= 1.4646

 Augmented Hessian optimization of geminal fit. Trust ratio= 0.40000
 Convergence reached after   2 iterations. Final gradient= 8.81D-16, Step= 4.22D-06, Delta= 1.28D-09
 Alpha:                 0.19532     0.81920     2.85917     9.50073    35.69989   197.79328
 Coeff:                 0.27070     0.30552     0.18297     0.10986     0.06810     0.04224

 All pairs explicitly correlated. Number of r12-pairs:           55
 AO(A)-basis ORBITAL           loaded. Number of functions:     144
 RI(R)-basis CC-PVDZ-F12/OPTRI loaded. Number of functions:     330
 DF-basis CC-PVDZ/JKFIT        loaded. Number of functions:     348

 Screening thresholds:   THRAO=  1.00D-10  THRMO=  1.00D-10  THRPROD=  1.00D-10
                         THRSW=  1.00D-07  THROV=  1.00D-12  THRF12=   1.00D-08

 CPU time for Fock operators                      3.33 sec
 Construction of ABS:
 Smallest eigenvalue of S          2.35E-04  (threshold= 1.00E-08)
 Ratio eigmin/eigmax               1.73E-06  (threshold= 1.00E-09)
 Smallest eigenvalue of S kept     2.35E-04  (threshold= 2.35E-04, 0 functions deleted, 330 kept)
 Construction of CABS:
 Smallest eigenvalue of S          6.65E-06  (threshold= 1.00E-08)
 Ratio eigmin/eigmax               6.65E-06  (threshold= 1.00E-09)
 Smallest eigenvalue of S kept     6.65E-06  (threshold= 6.65E-06, 0 functions deleted, 330 kept)
 CPU time for CABS singles                        0.33 sec

 CABS-singles contribution of  -0.00707953 patched into reference energy.
 New reference energy        -154.14703741
 AO(A)-basis ORBITAL           loaded. Number of functions:     144
 RI(R)-basis CC-PVDZ-F12/OPTRI loaded. Number of functions:     330
 DF-basis AUG-CC-PVDZ/MP2FIT   loaded. Number of functions:     354

 Screening thresholds:   THRAO=  1.00D-10  THRMO=  1.00D-10  THRPROD=  1.00D-10
                         THRSW=  1.00D-07  THROV=  1.00D-12  THRF12=   1.00D-08

 CPU time for 3-index integral evaluation         8.48 sec
 CPU time for first  half transformation          1.33 sec ( 1784.5 MFLOP/sec)
 CPU time for second half transformation          0.11 sec (  843.4 MFLOP/sec)
 CPU time for sorting                             0.06 sec
 CPU time for fitting                             0.34 sec ( 3781.6 MFLOP/sec)
 CPU time for tilde quantities                    0.39 sec ( 4138.6 MFLOP/sec)
 CPU time for assembly                            3.88 sec ( 5058.0 MFLOP/sec)
 CPU time for tranop_f12                          6.01 sec ( 4531.4 MFLOP/sec)
 CPU time for f12 integrals (total)              28.73 sec
 CPU time for f12 matrices (total)                1.23 sec

 Diagonal F12 approximation with fixed coefficients:  TSING= 0.500,  TTRIP= 0.250 (scaled by -1/beta)

 DF-MP2-F12 energy corrections:
 Approx.                                    Singlet             Triplet             Total
 DF-MP2-F12/3*C(DX,FIX)                -0.099047430408     -0.017895892040     -0.116943322448
 DF-MP2-F12/3*C(FIX)                   -0.093980446671     -0.018783353921     -0.112763800591
 DF-MP2-F12/3C(FIX)                    -0.095894667026     -0.020020598979     -0.115915266005

 DF-MP2-F12 correlation energies:
 Approx.                                    Singlet             Triplet             Ecorr            Total Energy
 DF-MP2                                -0.358343222473     -0.196519127286     -0.554862349760   -154.701899755544
 DF-MP2-F12/3*C(DX,FIX)                -0.457390652881     -0.214415019327     -0.671805672207   -154.818843077991
 DF-MP2-F12/3*C(FIX)                   -0.452323669144     -0.215302481207     -0.667626150351   -154.814663556135
 DF-MP2-F12/3C(FIX)                    -0.454237889499     -0.216539726265     -0.670777615765   -154.817815021549

 SCS-DF-MP2 energies (F_SING= 1.20000  F_TRIP= 0.62222  F_PARALLEL= 0.33333):
 SCS-DF-MP2                            -0.552290435057   -154.699327840841
 SCS-DF-MP2-F12/3*C(DX,FIX)            -0.682282573260   -154.829319979044
 SCS-DF-MP2-F12/3*C(FIX)               -0.676754391279   -154.823791797063
 SCS-DF-MP2-F12/3C(FIX)                -0.679821297076   -154.826858702860
 Symmetry transformation completed.

 Number of N-1 electron functions:              10
 Number of N-2 electron functions:              55
 Number of singly external CSFs:              1310
 Number of doubly external CSFs:            858705
 Total number of CSFs:                      860016

 Length of J-op  integral file:             184.78 MB
 Length of K-op  integral file:             204.79 MB
 Length of 3-ext integral record:             0.00 MB

 Memory could be reduced to 30.74 Mwords without degradation in triples

 Integral transformation finished. Total CPU:  12.97 sec, npass=  1  Memory used:  18.91 MW

 Reference energy:                   -154.14703741

 Adding F12 terms to K(Cij), methodcc=6,  factor=1.0

   1      1.16708569    -0.57154730  -154.71858471    -0.01642699    -0.00203355  0.22D-02  0.25D-02  1  1    66.64
   2      1.17739471    -0.57206415  -154.71910156    -0.00051685    -0.01191006  0.36D-04  0.30D-03  2  2    82.08
   3      1.18137770    -0.57242015  -154.71945755    -0.00035599    -0.00275447  0.15D-04  0.16D-04  3  3    96.60
   4      1.18250342    -0.57252585  -154.71956325    -0.00010570    -0.00064046  0.94D-06  0.14D-05  4  4   111.23
   5      1.18268627    -0.57252512  -154.71956252     0.00000073    -0.00004999  0.25D-06  0.12D-06  5  5   126.08
   6      1.18273803    -0.57252140  -154.71955880     0.00000372    -0.00000973  0.33D-07  0.10D-07  6  6   140.59
   7      1.18274815    -0.57252100  -154.71955841     0.00000039    -0.00000179  0.40D-08  0.17D-08  6  2   155.55
   8      1.18275141    -0.57252087  -154.71955828     0.00000013    -0.00000068  0.77D-09  0.23D-09  6  1   171.96
   9      1.18275273    -0.57252097  -154.71955838    -0.00000010    -0.00000023  0.98D-10  0.35D-10  6  3   188.94
  10      1.18275295    -0.57252097  -154.71955838     0.00000000     0.00000008  0.10D-10  0.47D-11  6  4   205.72
  11      1.18275281    -0.57252098  -154.71955838    -0.00000001     0.00000014  0.16D-11  0.69D-12  6  5   220.19
  12      1.18275272    -0.57252098  -154.71955838     0.00000000     0.00000005  0.21D-12  0.82D-13  6  6   234.93

 Norm of t1 vector:      0.06005681      S-energy:     0.00000010      T1 diagnostic:  0.00949582
                                                                       D1 diagnostic:  0.01990233

 Adding energy correction from Wij-K(Fij), methodcc=6  factor=1.0
  CCSD correlation energy              -0.572520978338
  MP2-F12 correction (uncoupled)       -0.108569447663
  C*T doubles correction               -0.004330836664
  f12b correction                       0.014828463096

 Total CPU time for triples:    256.77 sec


  Reference energy                   -154.139957878648
  F12 singles correction               -0.007079527136

 F12 singles corrections added to reference energy

  New reference energy               -154.147037405784

  F12a singlet correction              -0.093860824540
  F12a triplet correction              -0.019039459787
  F12a total correction                -0.112900284327

 F12a corrections for ansatz F12/3C(FIX) added to CCSD energy
  CCSD-F12a singlet pair energy        -0.487407619072
  CCSD-F12a triplet pair energy        -0.198013739420
  CCSD-F12a correlation energy         -0.685421262665

  Triples (T) contribution             -0.019587397478
  Total correlation energy             -0.705008660143

  CCSD-F12a total energy             -154.832458668449
  CCSD[T]-F12a energy                -154.852767294607
  CCSD-T-F12a energy                 -154.851744050781
 !CCSD(T)-F12a total energy          -154.852046065927

 F12b corrections for ansatz F12/3C(FIX) added to CCSD(T)-F12a energy

  CCSD-F12b singlet pair energy        -0.473918169124
  CCSD-F12b triplet pair energy        -0.196674726272
  CCSD-F12b correlation energy         -0.670592799569

  Triples (T) contribution             -0.019587397478
  Total correlation energy             -0.690180197047

  CCSD-F12b total energy             -154.817630205353
  CCSD[T]-F12b energy                -154.837938831511
  CCSD-T-F12b energy                 -154.836915587685
 !CCSD(T)-F12b total energy          -154.837217602831

 Timing summary (sec):

 STEP                 CPU(USER)    SYS     CPU(TOT)    WALL
 Transformation         13.29      5.67     18.96    771.09
 CCSD iterations       187.27     15.03    202.30   3737.30
 Triples               256.77      4.04    260.81    262.95
 MP2-F12                34.50     12.98     47.48   1520.83
 F12b energy             9.47      0.16      9.63     11.10

 Program statistics:

 Available memory in ccsd:              2831154425
 Min. memory needed in ccsd:               2414687
 Max. memory used in ccsd:                 3151052
 Max. memory used in cckext:               2491011 (13 integral passes)

              1      21      324.88       500      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960     1100   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS      S 
                                         1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1300     1700      960(1)
                                           T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    ERIS     OPER    ABASIS    

              2       5        1.23       700     1000     2100     7360     7350   
                                         GEOM     BASIS     RHF    F12ABS    EF12   

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL   CCSD(T)        HF       INT
 CPU TIMES  *       526.79    501.37     12.08     13.09
 REAL TIME  *      7730.11 SEC
 DISK USED  *       899.44 MB      

 PROGRAM * OPT (Geometry optimization)     Authors: F. Eckert and H.-J. Werner

 BFGS update of hessian

 *** Long output written to logfile /home/jorgeag/mike/etanol/C2H5OH/mol-opt/test48/c2h5oh.log ***

 Geometry optimization using default procedure for command CCSD(T)-F12

 Geometry written to block  1 of record 700

 Number of displacements for numerical gradient:     42

 Waited for other processes for 631.72 seconds

 Making model hessian for Z-matrix coordinates

 Quadratic Steepest Descent - Minimum Search

 Optimization point 1

 Variable                      Last           Current        Next           Gradient       Hessian

 E(CCSD(T)-F12) / Hartre     0.00000000  -154.83721760     0.00000000
 B1 / ANGSTROM               0.00000000     1.51751304     1.51456802     0.00529372     1.70792516
 B2 / ANGSTROM               0.00000000     1.09247664     1.09080612     0.00288312     1.71645995
 A1 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   110.30506460   110.26896781     0.00001170     0.00006208
 B3 / ANGSTROM               0.00000000     1.09249359     1.09081221     0.00290191     1.71636478
 A2 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   110.31552018   110.27128440     0.00001219     0.00006207
 D1 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   119.46654436   119.75106641    -0.00000290     0.00005923
 B4 / ANGSTROM               0.00000000     1.09338821     1.09148589     0.00333957     1.70911738
 A3 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   110.80378570   110.28968720     0.00002841     0.00006222
 D2 / DEGREE                 0.00000000  -120.26923418  -120.12398895    -0.00000021     0.00005455
 B5 / ANGSTROM               0.00000000     1.09978622     1.09680379     0.00510740     1.68797658
 A4 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   109.88422262   110.26505983    -0.00001969     0.00006187
 D3 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   179.41306314   179.72324509    -0.00003327     0.00006530
 B6 / ANGSTROM               0.00000000     1.09979821     1.09680718     0.00512254     1.68791231
 A5 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   109.88143945   110.26279127    -0.00001977     0.00006187
 D4 / DEGREE                 0.00000000    61.19216596    60.57987708     0.00003361     0.00006530
 B7 / ANGSTROM               0.00000000     1.42683301     1.42492457     0.00476956     2.21057098
 A6 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   107.71663840   107.49823073    -0.00000670     0.00008939
 D5 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   -59.69882018   -59.84751336    -0.00000007     0.00007836
 B8 / ANGSTROM               0.00000000     0.96133418     0.95940396     0.00486453     2.51496906
 A7 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   108.14624672   108.24427332    -0.00000549     0.00007164
 D6 / DEGREE                 0.00000000   179.97518247   179.98153521    -0.00000008     0.00001024
 Convergence:                0.00000000  (line search)     0.02286400     0.00755408  (total)

 Number of displacements for numerical gradient:     42

 Waited for other processes for 506.67 seconds

 Optimization point 2

 Variable                      Last           Current        Next           Gradient       Hessian

 E(CCSD(T)-F12) / Hartre  -154.83721760  -154.83729654     0.00000000
 B1 / ANGSTROM               1.51751304     1.51456802     1.51302255     0.00190751     1.61414249
 B2 / ANGSTROM               1.09247664     1.09080612     1.08993504     0.00111840     1.69113625
 A1 / DEGREE               110.30506460   110.26896781   110.17418387     0.00000365     0.00006218
 B3 / ANGSTROM               1.09249359     1.09081221     1.08993519     0.00112518     1.69066252
 A2 / DEGREE               110.31552018   110.27128440   110.17712475     0.00000360     0.00006217
 D1 / DEGREE               119.46654436   119.75106641   119.67695774     0.00000011     0.00006001
 B4 / ANGSTROM               1.09338821     1.09148589     1.09078231     0.00078445     1.69152601
 A3 / DEGREE               110.80378570   110.28968720   110.42624383    -0.00000691     0.00006686
 D2 / DEGREE              -120.26923418  -120.12398895  -120.16033395     0.00000007     0.00005564
 B5 / ANGSTROM               1.09978622     1.09680379     1.09539277     0.00172895     1.60731367
 A4 / DEGREE               109.88422262   110.26505983   110.19181293     0.00000490     0.00006495
 D3 / DEGREE               179.41306314   179.72324509   179.72949647     0.00000171     0.00006775
 B6 / ANGSTROM               1.09979821     1.09680718     1.09539286     0.00173206     1.60681559
 A5 / DEGREE               109.88143945   110.26279127   110.19232537     0.00000485     0.00006494
 D4 / DEGREE                61.19216596    60.57987708    60.63239681    -0.00000160     0.00006772
 B7 / ANGSTROM               1.42683301     1.42492457     1.42486182    -0.00033394     2.26656306
 A6 / DEGREE               107.71663840   107.49823073   107.62790887    -0.00000575     0.00009074
 D5 / DEGREE               -59.69882018   -59.84751336   -59.81925626     0.00000014     0.00007966
 B8 / ANGSTROM               0.96133418     0.95940396     0.95861800     0.00131559     2.45980247
 A7 / DEGREE               108.14624672   108.24427332   108.37015008    -0.00000724     0.00007228
 D6 / DEGREE               179.97518247   179.98153521   179.98892605    -0.00000006     0.00001033
 Convergence:                0.00000000  (line search)     0.00772192     0.00218795  (total)

 Number of displacements for numerical gradient:     42

 Waited for other processes for  54.37 seconds

 Optimization point 3

 Variable                      Last           Current        Next           Gradient       Hessian

 E(CCSD(T)-F12) / Hartre  -154.83729654  -154.83730367     0.00000000
 B1 / ANGSTROM               1.51456802     1.51302255     1.51293752     0.00009103     1.57858360
 B2 / ANGSTROM               1.09080612     1.08993504     1.08991260    -0.00002806     1.69206763
 A1 / DEGREE               110.26896781   110.17418387   110.22242317    -0.00000388     0.00006503
 B3 / ANGSTROM               1.09081221     1.08993519     1.08991170    -0.00002657     1.69134841
 A2 / DEGREE               110.27128440   110.17712475   110.22445490    -0.00000384     0.00006496
 D1 / DEGREE               119.75106641   119.67695774   119.67466599     0.00000109     0.00006039
 B4 / ANGSTROM               1.09148589     1.09078231     1.09074393     0.00003693     1.68831888
 A3 / DEGREE               110.28968720   110.42624383   110.41340401     0.00000016     0.00006696
 D2 / DEGREE              -120.12398895  -120.16033395  -120.16204517     0.00000006     0.00005583
 B5 / ANGSTROM               1.09680379     1.09539277     1.09531917     0.00003083     1.58950085
 A4 / DEGREE               110.26505983   110.19181293   110.21143323    -0.00000080     0.00006576
 D3 / DEGREE               179.72324509   179.72949647   179.71942887     0.00000226     0.00006789
 B6 / ANGSTROM               1.09680718     1.09539286     1.09531863     0.00003194     1.58870881
 A5 / DEGREE               110.26279127   110.19232537   110.21103222    -0.00000073     0.00006570
 D4 / DEGREE                60.57987708    60.63239681    60.63544460    -0.00000215     0.00006788
 B7 / ANGSTROM               1.42492457     1.42486182     1.42495365    -0.00013564     2.26285913
 A6 / DEGREE               107.49823073   107.62790887   107.55124588     0.00000759     0.00009929
 D5 / DEGREE               -59.84751336   -59.81925626   -59.82252039     0.00000006     0.00007990
 B8 / ANGSTROM               0.95940396     0.95861800     0.95861111    -0.00004912     2.46266054
 A7 / DEGREE               108.24427332   108.37015008   108.36985570     0.00000029     0.00007232
 D6 / DEGREE               179.98153521   179.98892605   179.99203550    -0.00000004     0.00001036
 Convergence:                0.00000000  (line search)     0.00189795     0.00057989  (total)

 Number of displacements for numerical gradient:     42

 Waited for other processes for  17.28 seconds

 Optimization point 4

 Variable                      Last           Current        Next           Gradient       Hessian

 E(CCSD(T)-F12) / Hartre  -154.83730367  -154.83730415     0.00000000
 B1 / ANGSTROM               1.51302255     1.51293752     1.51292635     0.00003278     1.57394040
 B2 / ANGSTROM               1.08993504     1.08991260     1.08995082    -0.00005653     1.69211797
 A1 / DEGREE               110.17418387   110.22242317   110.22231118     0.00000004     0.00006364
 B3 / ANGSTROM               1.08993519     1.08991170     1.08995016    -0.00005714     1.69158770
 A2 / DEGREE               110.17712475   110.22445490   110.22397875     0.00000005     0.00006371
 D1 / DEGREE               119.67695774   119.67466599   119.67306142    -0.00000009     0.00006039
 B4 / ANGSTROM               1.09078231     1.09074393     1.09078131    -0.00006316     1.69574874
 A3 / DEGREE               110.42624383   110.41340401   110.42476269    -0.00000085     0.00006785
 D2 / DEGREE              -120.16033395  -120.16204517  -120.16294361     0.00000004     0.00005581
 B5 / ANGSTROM               1.09539277     1.09531917     1.09535704    -0.00004670     1.59397719
 A4 / DEGREE               110.19181293   110.21143323   110.21467466    -0.00000034     0.00006532
 D3 / DEGREE               179.72949647   179.71942887   179.71889468    -0.00000043     0.00006916
 B6 / ANGSTROM               1.09539286     1.09531863     1.09535667    -0.00004704     1.59331257
 A5 / DEGREE               110.19232537   110.21103222   110.21428832    -0.00000033     0.00006532
 D4 / DEGREE                60.63239681    60.63544460    60.63056506     0.00000052     0.00006955
 B7 / ANGSTROM               1.42486182     1.42495365     1.42498539    -0.00008520     2.24694228
 A6 / DEGREE               107.62790887   107.55124588   107.56192542    -0.00000161     0.00011605
 D5 / DEGREE               -59.81925626   -59.82252039   -59.82514671     0.00000005     0.00007994
 B8 / ANGSTROM               0.95861800     0.95861111     0.95865319    -0.00010169     2.46274923
 A7 / DEGREE               108.37015008   108.36985570   108.37394365    -0.00000045     0.00007270
 D6 / DEGREE               179.98892605   179.99203550   179.99420072    -0.00000003     0.00001036
 Convergence:                0.00000000  (line search)     0.00036562     0.00015239  (total)


   1  -154.83721760  -154.83729654    -0.00007894  0.00280132  0.00755408  0.00035972  0.01068646  0.02286400  0.00108876
   2  -154.83729654  -154.83730367    -0.00000713  0.00100941  0.00218795  0.00010419  0.00292051  0.00772192  0.00036771
   3  -154.83730367  -154.83730415    -0.00000048  0.00043461  0.00057989  0.00002761  0.00133802  0.00189795  0.00009038
   4  -154.83730415  -154.83730417    -0.00000002  0.00009228  0.00015239  0.00000726  0.00019825  0.00036562  0.00001741

 Geometry written to block  1 of record 700

              1      21      322.12       500      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960     1100   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS      S 
                                         1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1300     1700      960(1)
                                           T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    ERIS     OPER    ABASIS    

              2       6        1.23       700     1000     2100     7360     7350     5600   
                                         GEOM     BASIS     RHF    F12ABS    EF12     GINFO   

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL      OPTG   CCSD(T)        HF       INT
 CPU TIMES  *      9463.52   8936.71    501.37     12.08     13.09
 REAL TIME  *     57908.39 SEC
 DISK USED  *       922.07 MB      


 Computing numerical hessian using default procedure for command CCSD(T)-F12

 Using no symmetry in wavefunction calculations

 Running default procedure: HF-SCF000  CCSD(T)-F12

 Numerically approximating hessian using central energy differences

 Task list generated. Total number of displacements:    756

 Waited for other processes for ****** seconds

 Tasks on processor    0 finished.  CPU=  11767.86 sec, Elapsed= 129059.02 sec. Waiting for other processors...
 Tasks on processor    0 finished.  CPU=  11770.21 sec, Elapsed= 129331.40 sec. All tasks on all processors finished.

 CCSD(T)-F12 hessian saved to record  5300.2


 Permanent Dipole Moment [debye]
   1-  3    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000

 Dipole Moment Norm    0.0000000 [debye]

 Dipole Moment Derivatives [debye/ang]
                   1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8
         1     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
         2     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
         3     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
                   9            10            11            12            13            14            15            16
         1     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
         2     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
         3     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
                  17            18            19            20            21            22            23            24
         1     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
         2     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
         3     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
                  25            26            27
         1     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
         2     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000
         3     0.0000000     0.0000000     0.0000000

 Projecting out rotations and translations

   Low Vibration      Wavenumber
        Nr             [1/cm] 
        1                0.00
        2                0.00
        3                0.00
        4                0.00
        5                0.00
        6                0.00

     Vibration        Wavenumber
        Nr             [1/cm] 
        1              239.04
        2              283.90
        3              416.20
        4              820.26
        5              909.61
        6             1052.35
        7             1117.21
        8             1188.51
        9             1281.57
       10             1308.80
       11             1409.83
       12             1464.08
       13             1494.94
       14             1512.26
       15             1539.56
       16             3006.33
       17             3039.40
       18             3048.06
       19             3126.53
       20             3131.93
       21             3861.75


 Atomic Coordinates

  Nr  Atom  Charge       X              Y              Z

   1   C     6.00    0.473794949    0.000005011   -2.378603452
   2   C     6.00   -1.091176540   -0.000007986    0.014060194
   3   H     1.00    1.676519201    1.670858105   -2.442662833
   4   H     1.00    1.675994642   -1.671207554   -2.443090786
   5   H     1.00   -0.749050343    0.000408778   -4.037975626
   6   H     1.00   -2.306649686   -1.674420710    0.073691233
   7   H     1.00   -2.306647940    1.674405018    0.073694625
   8   O     8.00    0.612612573   -0.000010311    2.099353340
   9   H     1.00   -0.357433074    0.000155483    3.629345802

 Frequencies dumped to record   5400.2

 Gradient norm at reference geometry: 0.54436D-04

 Normal Modes

                              1 A         2 A         3 A         4 A         5 A  
 Wavenumbers [cm-1]          239.04      283.90      416.20      820.26      909.61
 Intensities [km/mol]          0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
 Intensities [relative]        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
           CX1              0.00010     0.00012    -0.02668    -0.00009     0.00399
           CY1              0.01835     0.02220     0.00031    -0.04564    -0.00005
           CZ1              0.00043     0.00056    -0.12057    -0.00055     0.14245
           CX2             -0.00051    -0.00065     0.11504     0.00008     0.10372
           CY2              0.03637    -0.06545    -0.00012    -0.05933    -0.00014
           CZ2              0.00001     0.00002    -0.00634     0.00000     0.00293
           HX3             -0.28231     0.17806    -0.04715    -0.28667    -0.06342
           HY3              0.21171    -0.09768     0.00754     0.18028     0.03322
           HZ3             -0.23261     0.21488    -0.30697     0.32341    -0.12352
           HX4              0.28297    -0.17723    -0.04762     0.28710    -0.06235
           HY4              0.21170    -0.09731    -0.00742     0.18045    -0.03247
           HZ4              0.23577    -0.21109    -0.30652    -0.32315    -0.12480
           HX5              0.00120     0.00159    -0.25846     0.00034    -0.37985
           HY5             -0.42781     0.35767    -0.00040     0.18105     0.00019
           HZ5             -0.00040    -0.00030     0.04588    -0.00067     0.41968
           HX6             -0.06403     0.04712     0.10319    -0.34914     0.08110
           HY6              0.08055    -0.10155     0.00623     0.20998     0.00347
           HZ6             -0.03029    -0.00619    -0.04235     0.24043    -0.13106
           HX7              0.06341    -0.04784     0.10235     0.34970     0.08261
           HY7              0.08070    -0.10129    -0.00732     0.21003    -0.00268
           HZ7              0.03113     0.00716    -0.04140    -0.23913    -0.13204
           OX8              0.00015     0.00019    -0.04335    -0.00008    -0.05700
           OY8             -0.08503    -0.01405    -0.00048     0.01953     0.00000
           OZ8             -0.00056    -0.00072     0.13474     0.00033    -0.09769
           HX9              0.00131     0.00168    -0.21704     0.00017    -0.03678
           HY9              0.54077     0.77851     0.00674    -0.02085     0.00054
           HZ9              0.00012     0.00016     0.02486     0.00050    -0.08987

                              6 A         7 A         8 A         9 A        10 A  
 Wavenumbers [cm-1]         1052.35     1117.21     1188.51     1281.57     1308.80
 Intensities [km/mol]          0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
 Intensities [relative]        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
           CX1              0.12326    -0.02943    -0.00002    -0.07234     0.00013
           CY1             -0.00001    -0.00004    -0.08874    -0.00011    -0.08310
           CZ1             -0.05830    -0.05881    -0.00001    -0.02353     0.00000
           CX2             -0.07895     0.11105     0.00001     0.08144    -0.00012
           CY2              0.00001     0.00008     0.14080    -0.00001     0.02550
           CZ2              0.12286     0.13877    -0.00006     0.00620    -0.00012
           HX3              0.08272     0.05461    -0.20532     0.00722    -0.17339
           HY3              0.01996    -0.04538     0.07782    -0.04547     0.05150
           HZ3             -0.31542     0.11820     0.18969     0.20234     0.15315
           HX4              0.08268     0.05443     0.20528     0.00738     0.17329
           HY4             -0.01996     0.04520     0.07771     0.04542     0.05117
           HZ4             -0.31524     0.11890    -0.18958     0.20336    -0.15344
           HX5             -0.10663     0.20516    -0.00016     0.07557    -0.00045
           HY5             -0.00001     0.00026     0.18305     0.00064     0.11986
           HZ5              0.09690    -0.21952     0.00018    -0.12127     0.00050
           HX6             -0.09458     0.08501     0.39550     0.08138    -0.02584
           HY6              0.00259     0.01403    -0.13535    -0.00658     0.00828
           HZ6              0.05477     0.26788     0.20085    -0.29812    -0.61648
           HX7             -0.09465     0.08422    -0.39520     0.08140     0.02602
           HY7             -0.00258    -0.01435    -0.13513     0.00658     0.00853
           HZ7              0.05483     0.26833    -0.20111    -0.29606     0.61780
           OX8             -0.04913    -0.07975    -0.00002    -0.05916     0.00006
           OY8              0.00001     0.00000    -0.04363     0.00009     0.02757
           OZ8             -0.03627    -0.08471     0.00003     0.00758     0.00002
           HX9              0.38219    -0.19017     0.00032     0.57759    -0.00063
           HY9             -0.00017    -0.00028     0.00403    -0.00056     0.00947
           HZ9              0.23054    -0.16199     0.00024     0.39596    -0.00040

                             11 A        12 A        13 A        14 A        15 A  
 Wavenumbers [cm-1]         1409.83     1464.08     1494.94     1512.26     1539.56
 Intensities [km/mol]          0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
 Intensities [relative]        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
           CX1             -0.07282     0.01605    -0.00060    -0.04595    -0.01059
           CY1              0.00003     0.00034    -0.04631     0.00055     0.00033
           CZ1              0.09667    -0.06911    -0.00047    -0.00992    -0.00738
           CX2             -0.00178    -0.03569    -0.00077     0.01014    -0.08311
           CY2              0.00006     0.00018    -0.02355     0.00030     0.00013
           CZ2              0.04152     0.13604     0.00070    -0.03763     0.00084
           HX3              0.13508     0.05616    -0.12414     0.48824     0.14866
           HY3             -0.15503    -0.01568     0.04279    -0.36726    -0.10869
           HZ3             -0.39954     0.18568    -0.46486     0.05983     0.01609
           HX4              0.13528     0.05463     0.13879     0.48509     0.14657
           HY4              0.15514     0.01502     0.05332     0.36597     0.10797
           HZ4             -0.40242     0.17756     0.46666     0.04928     0.01079
           HX5              0.43726    -0.18010    -0.00415    -0.25953    -0.09611
           HY5             -0.00149    -0.00551     0.69447    -0.00814    -0.00448
           HZ5             -0.29069     0.07981     0.00273     0.16846     0.05663
           HX6             -0.00290    -0.07240    -0.03721    -0.16195     0.50702
           HY6             -0.00839    -0.00930     0.00196     0.12036    -0.39514
           HZ6             -0.22268    -0.45527     0.02358     0.10120     0.02542
           HX7             -0.00269    -0.07260     0.03843    -0.16312     0.50638
           HY7              0.00846     0.00930     0.00416    -0.12042     0.39521
           HZ7             -0.22209    -0.45468    -0.02916     0.10187     0.02553
           OX8              0.01710     0.04631     0.00047     0.00120    -0.00519
           OY8             -0.00001    -0.00003     0.00186    -0.00002     0.00001
           OZ8             -0.00286    -0.00775     0.00002     0.00445    -0.00306
           HX9             -0.08450    -0.28668    -0.00298     0.01898    -0.01357
           HY9              0.00040     0.00040     0.00635    -0.00030    -0.00046
           HZ9             -0.06386    -0.20759    -0.00204     0.01526    -0.00793

                             16 A        17 A        18 A        19 A        20 A  
 Wavenumbers [cm-1]         3006.33     3039.40     3048.06     3126.53     3131.93
 Intensities [km/mol]          0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
 Intensities [relative]        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
           CX1             -0.00462    -0.00008     0.02415    -0.07386     0.00219
           CY1              0.00005     0.01166    -0.00010    -0.00262    -0.08749
           CZ1             -0.00321    -0.00015    -0.04235    -0.04701     0.00144
           CX2              0.06351    -0.00002    -0.00287    -0.00520     0.00020
           CY2             -0.00002    -0.08961     0.00016    -0.00025    -0.01347
           CZ2             -0.00746     0.00002     0.00210    -0.00032     0.00002
           HX3              0.00160    -0.05530    -0.31698     0.23658     0.38765
           HY3              0.00588    -0.07573    -0.45150     0.35574     0.52374
           HZ3             -0.00096     0.00055     0.00733    -0.02206    -0.01710
           HX4              0.00215     0.05475    -0.31774     0.21246    -0.40052
           HY4             -0.00651    -0.07527     0.45284    -0.32356     0.54337
           HZ4             -0.00096    -0.00073     0.00744    -0.02109     0.01833
           HX5              0.04167     0.00140     0.35811     0.44242    -0.01360
           HY5              0.00005     0.00357    -0.00017    -0.00081    -0.01776
           HZ5              0.04564     0.00188     0.47341     0.60690    -0.01863
           HX6             -0.38111     0.38977     0.01152     0.02332     0.05208
           HY6             -0.56883     0.53492     0.01507     0.03301     0.07363
           HZ6              0.02349    -0.03080    -0.00292    -0.00254    -0.00670
           HX7             -0.38114    -0.38958     0.01285     0.02136    -0.05404
           HY7              0.56902     0.53443    -0.01692    -0.03034     0.07615
           HZ7              0.02345     0.03060    -0.00301    -0.00222     0.00669
           OX8              0.00047     0.00001    -0.00006     0.00035     0.00000
           OY8              0.00000     0.00032     0.00000     0.00001     0.00020
           OZ8              0.00203     0.00001    -0.00002     0.00028     0.00000
           HX9              0.00761    -0.00011    -0.00040     0.00029    -0.00014
           HY9              0.00005     0.00181    -0.00002    -0.00008     0.00086
           HZ9              0.00417    -0.00003    -0.00226     0.00056    -0.00003

                             21 A  
 Wavenumbers [cm-1]         3861.75
 Intensities [km/mol]          0.00
 Intensities [relative]        0.00
           CX1             -0.00030
           CY1              0.00001
           CZ1             -0.00005
           CX2              0.00215
           CY2              0.00001
           CZ2              0.00019
           HX3             -0.00074
           HY3             -0.00098
           HZ3              0.00057
           HX4             -0.00071
           HY4              0.00092
           HZ4              0.00056
           HX5              0.00102
           HY5             -0.00001
           HZ5              0.00025
           HX6              0.00102
           HY6             -0.00080
           HZ6              0.00254
           HX7              0.00104
           HY7              0.00075
           HZ7              0.00254
           OX8              0.03040
           OY8              0.00000
           OZ8             -0.05236
           HX9             -0.50634
           HY9              0.00005
           HZ9              0.82309

 Normal Modes of low/zero frequencies

                                  1           2           3           4           5
 Wavenumbers [cm-1]            0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
 Intensities [km/mol]          0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
 Intensities [relative]        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00        0.00
           CX1              0.21718     0.00532     0.00007    -0.00897     0.00895
           CY1             -0.00686     0.16798    -0.03206     0.00165    -0.03234
           CZ1              0.03251     0.00922    -0.00832     0.09195    -0.10934
           CX2              0.09789     0.01044    -0.07660     0.03613     0.06907
           CY2             -0.00361     0.17740     0.03102    -0.03222     0.01647
           CZ2             -0.04552     0.01256    -0.05847     0.12145    -0.07002
           HX3              0.22000     0.08230    -0.03479    -0.11438    -0.01367
           HY3             -0.00669     0.11415    -0.00811     0.07496    -0.01905
           HZ3              0.08995     0.05050    -0.03798     0.02478    -0.18740
           HX4              0.22076    -0.07194     0.03906     0.09404     0.02836
           HY4             -0.00670     0.11419    -0.00814     0.07491    -0.01907
           HZ4              0.09496    -0.03722     0.09841     0.11381    -0.09170
           HX5              0.29991     0.00179     0.05324    -0.04027    -0.03274
           HY5             -0.00963     0.26797    -0.12681    -0.11881    -0.09523
           HZ5             -0.02846     0.01184    -0.04752     0.11499    -0.07863
           HX6              0.09528    -0.06671    -0.04152     0.14168     0.09163
           HY6             -0.00379     0.23193     0.00660    -0.10643     0.00289
           HZ6             -0.10360    -0.02879    -0.02908     0.18896     0.00845
           HX7              0.09455     0.08784    -0.11550    -0.06718     0.04951
           HY7             -0.00379     0.23193     0.00660    -0.10643     0.00289
           HZ7             -0.10864     0.05911    -0.16576     0.09976    -0.08742
           OX8             -0.00608     0.01489    -0.14342     0.07543     0.12146
           OY8             -0.00009     0.04403     0.15377     0.12959     0.09760
           OZ8              0.03943     0.00892    -0.00387     0.08934    -0.11283
           HX9             -0.08236     0.01817    -0.19245     0.10426     0.15990
           HY9              0.00200     0.04864     0.19479     0.10984     0.12920
           HZ9             -0.00894     0.01100    -0.03496     0.10762    -0.08846

 Wavenumbers [cm-1]            0.00
 Intensities [km/mol]          0.00
 Intensities [relative]        0.00
           CX1              0.00568
           CY1              0.15900
           CZ1             -0.03321
           CX2             -0.00857
           CY2             -0.10551
           CZ2             -0.04253
           HX3             -0.18299
           HY3              0.29742
           HZ3              0.03501
           HX4              0.19516
           HY4              0.29738
           HZ4             -0.08712
           HX5              0.01552
           HY5              0.08128
           HZ5             -0.04048
           HX6              0.18053
           HY6             -0.24521
           HZ6             -0.11096
           HX7             -0.19838
           HY7             -0.24521
           HZ7              0.01142
           OX8             -0.02099
           OY8              0.01106
           OZ8             -0.03238
           HX9             -0.03012
           HY9             -0.15461
           HZ9             -0.03816

 Zero point energy:  0.08031024 [H]    17626.06 [1/CM]      210.85 [KJ/MOL]
 Frequency information read from record  5400.2

 Recomputing wavefunction at initial geometry

              1      21      322.12       500      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960     1100   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS      S 
                                         1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1300     1700      960(1)
                                           T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    ERIS     OPER    ABASIS    

              2       9        1.25       700     1000     2100     7360     7350     5600     5300     5400     5450   
                                         GEOM     BASIS     RHF    F12ABS    EF12     GINFO    HESS     FREQ     NMOD   

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL      FREQ      OPTG   CCSD(T)        HF       INT
 CPU TIMES  *     20130.37  10666.84   8936.71    501.37     12.08     13.09
 REAL TIME  *    193915.08 SEC
 DISK USED  *       922.07 MB      

   OPTG(CCSD(T))     CCSD(T)-F12        HF-SCF  
   -154.83730417   -154.83721760   -154.13995788
 Variable memory released

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