[molpro-user] dipole-quadrupole molecular polarizability tensors

Tatiana Korona tania at tiger.chem.uw.edu.pl
Wed Jan 5 00:58:07 GMT 2011

Dear Dennis,

Yes, it seems to be an error in the printing part of the HF polarizability 
calculation, which has been introduced after 2009.2/PL1051 - I attach two 
outputs: the first one from molpro2009.2/PL1051, and the second one - from 
molpro2010.2. Note that in the older HF output there is however no mixed 
dip-quad part. For the moment (and if sizes of your molecules allow this) 
you can use


then you get HF and MP2 static polarizabilities of all sorts within the MP2 

Best wishes,


On Tue, 4 Jan 2011, Elking, Denny (NIH/NIEHS) [G] wrote:

> Dear Molpro Users/Developers Community,
> My question involves calculating dipole-dipole, dipole-quadrupole, quadrupole-quadrupole (and possibly higher order) molecular polarizability tensors.
> As an example, I want to calculate the HF/6-31G* polarizability tensors for water in a Cartesian basis set with its geometry given at the end.
> 1) I can get the dipole-dipole polarizability tensor for water using the "polarizability,DM" keyword
>                      DMX             DMY             DMZ
>  DMX               3.800512        0.953377        0.000000
>  DMY               0.953377        3.677339        0.000000
>  DMZ               0.000000        0.000000        6.630503
> This result agrees with Cadpac.
>                X                         Y                         Z
> X         3.80051678        0.95338204        0.00000000
> Y         0.95338204        3.67734383        0.00000000
> Z         0.00000000        0.00000000        6.63050501
> 2) I can also get the quadrupole-quadrupole polarizability tensor using the "polarizability,SM" keyword
>                       XX                       YY                 ZZ                   XY                  XZ             YZ
>  XX                6.272522       2.751293        4.254370       0.548811        0.000000  0.000000
>  YY                2.751293        6.138914        3.993306        0.485337        0.000000 0.000000
>  ZZ               4.254371        3.993308      15.545155        2.020682       0.000000 0.000000
>  XY                0.548811        0.485337        2.020682        2.216464        0.000000 0.000000
>   XZ                0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        4.512145 2.372242
>   YZ                0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        2.372242  4.205661
> I realize this is not in traceless Cartesian form, but that's ok.  It can be converted to the traceless Buckingham convention later.
> For reference, Cadpac gives the traceless quadrupole-quadrupole polarizability tensor as
> Quadrupole-quadrupole polarisability in atomic units (bohr**5)
>       XX                    YY            ZZ                XY                 XZ          YZ
> XX     2.228177   -0.314077   -1.914100   -0.352099    0.000000    0.000000
> YY   -0.314077    2.325307   -2.011230   -0.399705    0.000000    0.000000
> ZZ   -1.914100   -2.011230    3.925330    0.751804    0.000000    0.000000
> XY   -0.352099   -0.399705    0.751804    1.662349    0.000000    0.000000
> XZ    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    3.384112    1.779185
> YZ    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    1.779185    3.154249
> 3) However, if I try to calculate the dipole-quadrupole polarizability tensor using the "polarizability,DM,SM" keyword, I get something which is not correct.
>                          DMX              DMY               DMZ              XY                     XZ                YZ
> DMX               3.800512        0.953377        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
> DMY               0.953377        3.677339        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
> DMZ               0.000000        0.000000        6.630503        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
>                         XX                       YY               ZZ                 XY                      XZ           YZ                XX
>  XX                3.800512        0.953377        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000   0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
>  YY                0.953377        3.677339        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000   0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
>  ZZ                0.000000        0.000000        6.630503        0.000000        0.000000   0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
>  XY                0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        6.272522        2.751293   4.254370        0.548811        0.000000        0.000000
>  XZ                0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        2.751293        6.138914   3.993306        0.485337        0.000000        0.000000
>  YZ                0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        4.254371        3.993308  15.545155        2.020682        0.000000        0.000000
> It appears the order of the the tensor components is mixed up in the output file and/or some components may be missing, i.e. all the dipole-quadrupole components are 0.0.
> For comparison, the dipole-quadrupole polarizability from Cadpac is
>       XX                    YY            ZZ                XY                 XZ          YZ
> X     1.222188    1.345750   -2.567938   -1.061641    0.000000    0.000000
> Y     1.132216    1.275191   -2.407407   -0.994397    0.000000    0.000000
> Z    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000   -4.803013   -4.502759
> The keyword "polarizability,DM,SM" may be the wrong syntax for calculating the dipole-quadrupole tensors.  On the other hand, if "polarizability,DM,SM"  is the correct, syntax, then
> I suspect Molpro calculates the polarizability tensors correctly, but there seems to be a problem in how the values get printed out.
> Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.  Many thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Dennis Elking
> ***, water cartesian coordinates (XYZ format)
> memory,1,m
> basis=6-31G*
> geomtyp=xyz
> geometry={
> 3
> O   0.04575896   0.04289840   0.00000000
> H  -0.36311204  -0.34041260   0.75865000
> H  -0.36311204  -0.34041260  -0.75865000
> }
> hf
> polarizability,DM

Dr. Tatiana Korona http://tiger.chem.uw.edu.pl/staff/tania/index.html
Quantum Chemistry Laboratory
University of Warsaw
Pasteura 1, PL-02-093 Warsaw, POLAND

`The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.'
                                        Edward John Phelps (1822-1900)
-------------- next part --------------

 Primary working directories    : /home/tania/.scratch:/home/tania/.scratch4
 Secondary working directories  : /home/tania/.scratch4:/home/tania/.scratch
 Wavefunction directory         : /home/tania/wfu/
 Main file repository           : /home/tania/.scratch/

 ARCHNAME  : Linux/x86_64
 FC        : /opt/pgi/linux86-64/8.0/bin/pgf90
 BLASLIB   : -L/opt/pgi/linux86-64/8.0/lib -lacml_mv -lacml
 id        : korona

 Nodes             nprocs
 elf.chem.uw.edu.pl    1

 mxmblk=64; mxmbln=64; ncache=16384; mindgm=32; mindgv=32; mindgc=24; mindgl=8; mindgr=4; noblas=0; nroll=2; minvec=7
 default implementation of scratch files=df  

 ***,water cartesian coordinates (XYZ format)
 O   0.04575896   0.04289840   0.00000000
 H  -0.36311204  -0.34041260   0.75865000
 H  -0.36311204  -0.34041260  -0.75865000

 Variables initialized (649), CPU time= 0.01 sec
 Commands  initialized (439), CPU time= 0.01 sec, 473 directives.
 Default parameters read. Elapsed time= 0.06 sec
 Checking input...

                                         ***  PROGRAM SYSTEM MOLPRO  ***
                         Copyright, University College Cardiff Consultants Limited, 2008

                                    Version 2009.2 linked 21 Apr 2010 04:12:37

 LABEL *   water cartesian coordinates (XYZ format)                                      
 Linux-2.6.18-92.el5/elf.chem.uw.edu.pl(x86_64) 64 bit serial version                    DATE: 05-Jan-11          TIME: 01:24:23  

 Patch level:      1051

 Variable memory set to    1000000 words,  buffer space   230000 words

 SETTING BASIS          =    6-31G*

 Recomputing integrals since basis changed

 Using cartesian basis functions

 Library entry O      S 6-31G                selected for orbital group  1
 Library entry O      P 6-31G                selected for orbital group  1
 Library entry O      D 6-31G*               selected for orbital group  1
 Library entry H      S 6-31G                selected for orbital group  2

1PROGRAM * SEWARD (Integral evaluation for generally contracted gaussian basis sets)     Author: Roland Lindh, 1990

 Geometry written to block  1 of record 700

 Point group  Cs  


 NR  ATOM    CHARGE       X              Y              Z

   1  O       8.00    0.086471902    0.081066227    0.000000000
   2  H       1.00   -0.686182311   -0.643286586    1.433640730
   3  H       1.00   -0.686182311   -0.643286586   -1.433640730

 Bond lengths in Bohr (Angstrom)

 1-2  1.782416133  1-3  1.782416133
     (0.943213995)     (0.943213995)

 Bond angles

  2-1-3  107.09011232

 NUCLEAR CHARGE:                   10
 NUMBER OF CONTRACTIONS:           19   (  13A'  +   6A"  )
 NUMBER OF CORE ORBITALS:           1   (   1A'  +   0A"  )
 NUMBER OF VALENCE ORBITALS:        6   (   4A'  +   2A"  )


 Eigenvalues of metric

         1 0.218E-01 0.176E+00 0.279E+00 0.426E+00 0.498E+00 0.667E+00 0.672E+00 0.785E+00
         2 0.108E+00 0.184E+00 0.670E+00 0.100E+01 0.114E+01 0.233E+01

 Contracted 2-electron integrals neglected if value below      1.0D-11
 AO integral compression algorithm  1   Integral accuracy      1.0D-11

     0.262 MB (compressed) written to integral file (100.0%)


 Memory used in sort:       0.31 MW

 SORT1 READ       13579. AND WROTE        7215. INTEGRALS IN      1 RECORDS. CPU TIME:     0.00 SEC, REAL TIME:     0.00 SEC
 SORT2 READ        7215. AND WROTE       10150. INTEGRALS IN      1 RECORDS. CPU TIME:     0.01 SEC, REAL TIME:     0.01 SEC

 FILE SIZES:   FILE 1:     2.5 MBYTE,  FILE 4:     2.1 MBYTE,   TOTAL:      4.6 MBYTE

 OPERATOR DM      FOR CENTER  0  COORDINATES:    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000

              1      19        2.29       500      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960     1100   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS      S 
                                         1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1300     1700   
                                           T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    ERIS     OPER   

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL       INT
 CPU TIMES  *         0.24      0.03
 REAL TIME  *         0.26 SEC
 DISK USED  *         5.14 MB      

1PROGRAM * RHF-SCF (CLOSED SHELL)       Authors: W. Meyer, H.-J. Werner

 NUMBER OF ELECTRONS:       5+    5-
 CONVERGENCE THRESHOLDS:    1.00E-05 (Density)    1.00E-07 (Energy)
 INTERPOLATION STEPS:              2 (START)      1 (STEP)
 LEVEL SHIFTS:                  0.00 (CLOSED)  0.00 (OPEN) 

 Orbital guess generated from atomic densities. Full valence occupancy:    5   2

 Molecular orbital dump at record        2100.2

 Initial alpha occupancy:   4   1
 Initial beta  occupancy:   4   1
 Wave function symmetry:    1

 ITERATION    DDIFF          GRAD             ENERGY        2-EL.EN.            DIPOLE MOMENTS         DIIS
    1      0.000D+00      0.000D+00       -75.97225298     77.960215  -0.842980  -0.790282   0.000000    0
    2      0.000D+00      0.405D-01       -76.00204165     74.668843  -0.588699  -0.551898   0.000000    1
    3      0.329D-01      0.213D-01       -76.01043992     75.999483  -0.633380  -0.593786   0.000000    2
    4      0.115D-01      0.232D-02       -76.01063546     75.906923  -0.625441  -0.586342   0.000000    3
    5      0.163D-02      0.554D-03       -76.01064825     75.917005  -0.622641  -0.583718   0.000000    4
    6      0.524D-03      0.900D-04       -76.01064872     75.917029  -0.622071  -0.583183   0.000000    5
    7      0.121D-03      0.130D-04       -76.01064873     75.917022  -0.621974  -0.583092   0.000000    6
    8      0.189D-04      0.165D-05       -76.01064873     75.917006  -0.621967  -0.583086   0.000000    5
    9      0.193D-05      0.384D-06       -76.01064873     75.917012  -0.621967  -0.583086   0.000000    0

 Final occupancy:   4   1

 !RHF STATE 1.1 Energy                -76.010648726251
 Nuclear energy                         9.32534184
 One-electron energy                 -123.29449654
 Two-electron energy                   37.95850597
 Virial quotient                       -1.00180526
 !RHF STATE 1.1 Dipole moment          -0.62196697    -0.58308557     0.00000000
 Dipole moment /Debye                  -1.58077880    -1.48195862     0.00000000

 Starting polarizability calculation

 CPHF needed  12 iterations for  3 perturbations.  Total CPU time:    0.01 sec


           Operator   DMX             DMY             DMZ             
            DMX     3.800512        0.953377        0.000000
            DMY     0.953377        3.677339        0.000000
            DMZ     0.000000        0.000000        6.630503

 Average        4.702785

 CPHF needed  11 iterations for  6 perturbations.  Total CPU time:    0.01 sec


           Operator   XX              YY              ZZ              XY              XZ              YZ              
            XX      6.272522        2.751293        4.254370        0.548811        0.000000        0.000000
            YY      2.751293        6.138914        3.993306        0.485337        0.000000        0.000000
            ZZ      4.254371        3.993308       15.545155        2.020682        0.000000        0.000000
            XY      0.548811        0.485337        2.020682        2.216464        0.000000        0.000000
            XZ      0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        4.512145        2.372242
            YZ      0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        2.372242        4.205661

 Orbital energies:

         1.1          2.1          3.1          4.1          5.1          6.1
    -20.556160    -1.346920    -0.568249    -0.497864     0.214130     1.132639

         1.2          2.2          3.2
     -0.719549     0.308011     1.041445

              1      21        2.29       500      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960     1100   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS      S 
                                         1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1300     1700      960(1)
                                           T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    ERIS     OPER    ABASIS    

              2       3        0.29       700     1000     2100   
                                         GEOM     BASIS     RHF  

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL        HF       INT
 CPU TIMES  *         0.28      0.04      0.03
 REAL TIME  *         0.46 SEC
 DISK USED  *         5.14 MB      

1PROGRAM * MP2 (Closed-shell)     Authors: C. Hampel, H.-J. Werner, 1991, M. Deegan, P.J. Knowles, 1992

 Convergence thresholds:  THRVAR = 1.00D-08  THRDEN = 1.00D-06

 Number of closed-shell orbitals:   5 (   4   1 )
 Number of external orbitals:      14 (   9   5 )

 Molecular orbitals read from record     2100.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL (state 1.1)

 Number of N-1 electron functions:               5
 Number of N-2 electron functions:              15
 Number of singly external CSFs:                41
 Number of doubly external CSFs:              1296
 Total number of CSFs:                        1338

 Length of J-op  integral file:               0.00 MB
 Length of K-op  integral file:               0.05 MB
 Length of 3-ext integral record:             0.00 MB

 Integral transformation finished. Total CPU:   0.00 sec, npass=  1  Memory used:   0.08 MW

 Memory needed for MP2:                      0.00 MW

 SCS-MP2 correlation energy:           -0.183024927037   (PS=  1.200000  PT=  0.333333)
 SCS-MP2 total energy:                -76.193673653288

  Reference energy                    -76.010648726251

  Correlated core orbitals:             1.1
  Orbital energies:                   -20.5562

  MP2 core-core energy                 -0.000841828480
  MP2 core-valence energy              -0.001570625990
  MP2 valence correlation energy       -0.184817192082

  MP2 singlet pair energy              -0.115141985123
  MP2 triplet pair energy              -0.072087661430
  MP2 correlation energy               -0.187229646553

 !MP2 total energy                    -76.197878372804

 KEXT needed  1 integral passes. Memory used:   0.04 MW  CPU time:      0.00 sec

 MP2 density written to record 4610.4

 Starting Coupled-perturbed Hartree-Fock, convergence threshold= 1.0D-06

 ITER  FOCK  DIIS      VAR         VARC       CPU
   1     0     1    0.46D-01    0.00D+00     0.00
   2     1     1    0.13D-01    0.00D+00     0.00
   3     1     2    0.38D-02    0.00D+00     0.01
   4     1     3    0.12D-02    0.00D+00     0.01
   5     1     4    0.21D-03    0.00D+00     0.01
   6     1     5    0.43D-04    0.00D+00     0.01
   7     1     6    0.60D-05    0.00D+00     0.01
   8     1     6    0.14D-05    0.00D+00     0.01
   9     1     6    0.14D-06    0.00D+00     0.01

 CPHF convergence reached in  8 macroiterations and    0 microiterations.   Accuracy: 1.4385D-07

 CPHF solution written to record  4661.4

 Dipole moments (unrelaxed):           -0.61964629    -0.58090997     0.00000000
 Orbital relaxation contribution:       0.00743713     0.00697220     0.00000000
 !MP2 dipole moments:                  -0.61220917    -0.57393777     0.00000000

 CPU-time for density and lagrangian:                  0.00 sec
 CPU-time for coupled-perturbed hartree-fock:          0.01 sec

 PROGRAM * POLARIZABILITY     Authors: K. Pflueger and H.-J. Werner, 2003

                              Local implementation by K. Pflueger, 2007

 Starting CPHF iterations, Threshold=  0.10D-05
 CPHF iterations for  9 perturbations converged in 11 iterations

 CPHF solution written to record  4570.4

 Calculating first order MP2 response density

 Computing the perturbed MP2 amplitudes

 Starting CPHF iterations, Threshold=  0.10D-05
 CPHF iterations for  9 perturbations converged in 10 iterations

 SCF polarizabilities

             DMX             DMY             DMZ             
  DMX        3.800512        0.953377        0.000000
  DMY        0.953377        3.677339        0.000000
  DMZ        0.000000        0.000000        6.630503

 Average     4.702784

 MP2 polarizabilities

             DMX             DMY             DMZ             
  DMX        3.904360        0.984462        0.000000
  DMY        0.984462        3.777171        0.000000
  DMZ        0.000000        0.000000        6.643315

 Average     4.774949

 SCF 2nd order properties

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  DMX               3.800512        0.953377       -0.685798       -0.603424       -3.212544
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  DMX              -0.707758        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  DMY               0.953377        3.677339       -0.651973       -0.556656       -3.011716
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  DMY              -0.662929        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  XX               -0.685799       -0.651973        6.272522        2.751293        4.254370
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  XX                0.548811        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  YY               -0.603424       -0.556656        2.751293        6.138914        3.993307
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  YY                0.485337        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  ZZ               -3.212544       -3.011717        4.254370        3.993306       15.545157
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  ZZ                2.020682        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  XY               -0.707759       -0.662930        0.548811        0.485337        2.020682
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  XY                2.216464        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  DMZ               0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  DMZ               0.000000        6.630503       -3.202004       -3.001835

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  XZ                0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  XZ                0.000000       -3.202004        4.512145        2.372242

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  YZ                0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  YZ                0.000000       -3.001835        2.372242        4.205662

 MP2 2nd order properties

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  DMX               3.904360        0.984462       -0.839650       -0.727340       -3.425993
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  DMX              -0.722159        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  DMY               0.984462        3.777171       -0.768190       -0.700842       -3.211822
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  DMY              -0.678239        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  XX               -0.839650       -0.768190        6.285260        2.975345        4.724162
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  XX                0.642649        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  YY               -0.727340       -0.700842        2.975345        6.127377        4.452774
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  YY                0.579397        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  ZZ               -3.425993       -3.211822        4.724162        4.452774       16.347268
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  ZZ                2.100596        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  XY               -0.722159       -0.678240        0.642649        0.579396        2.100596
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  XY                2.103034        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  DMZ               0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  DMZ               0.000000        6.643315       -3.215373       -3.014368

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  XZ                0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  XZ                0.000000       -3.215373        4.509422        2.405089

                      DMX             DMY             XX              YY              ZZ              
  YZ                0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
                      XY              DMZ             XZ              YZ              
  YZ                0.000000       -3.014368        2.405089        4.198695

 Total CPU-time for polarizabilities:                            0.05 sec
 CPU-time for CPHF iterations:                                   0.01 sec
 CPU-time for perturbed MP2 amplitudes and density:              0.00 sec
 CPU-time for left sides of first order Z-CPHF equations:        0.03 sec
 CPU-time for Z-CPHF iterations:                                 0.01 sec

              1      22        2.37       500      610      700      900      950      970     1000      129      960     1100   
                                          VAR    BASINP    GEOM    SYMINP    ZMAT    AOBASIS   BASIS     P2S    ABASIS      S 
                                         1400     1410     1200     1210     1080     1600     1650     1300     1700      960(1)
                                           T        V       H0       H01     AOSYM     SMH    MOLCAS    ERIS     OPER    ABASIS    
                                         1700(1)  1380   
                                         OPER     JKOP   

              2       3        0.29       700     1000     2100   
                                         GEOM     BASIS     RHF  

 PROGRAMS   *        TOTAL       MP2        HF       INT
 CPU TIMES  *         0.41      0.11      0.04      0.03
 REAL TIME  *         0.91 SEC
 DISK USED  *         5.14 MB      

        MP2             HF-SCF  
    -76.19787837    -76.01064873
 Variable memory released
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