[molpro-user] Problem with the calculations of CCSD(T) & CASSCF for benzene

Abolfazl Shiroudi shiroudi at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 13:19:51 GMT 2013

Dear Molpro-users,

Thank you for sending your email and thank a lot for your attention to my
request. I am going to calculate CASSCF for following reaction:

Benzene + OH radical ----> hydroxycyclohexadienyl radical

For each compound, there are many active spaces orbital. Such as for:

- Benzene, max of six active spaces orbital (2, 4, and 6)

- OH radical, max of five active spaces orbital (1, 3, and 5)

I don’t know how to select which active space orbital for each compounds in
this reaction. Could you help me about solve this problem. Thanks in

Best Regards,
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