[molpro-user] CASVB multiple states
Michael Nix
M.G.Nix at leeds.ac.uk
Tue Jul 16 15:50:57 BST 2013
Dear Molpro users,
Does anyone know if it is possible to get several states from a fully variational VB wavefunction calculation. I have tried with water as a test case:
The calculation runs seemingly ok, but the energies of both the states from the VB calculation are identical (see output below)
1PROGRAM * MULTI (Direct Multiconfiguration SCF) Authors: P.J. Knowles, H.-J. Werner (1984) S.T. Elbert (1988)
Number of closed-shell orbitals: 1 ( 1 )
Number of active orbitals: 6 ( 6 )
Number of external orbitals: 34 ( 34 )
State symmetry 1
Number of electrons: 8 Spin symmetry=Singlet Space symmetry=1
Number of states: 2
Number of CSFs: 105 (225 determinants, 225 intermediate states)
1PROGRAM * CASVB (Valence bond MCSCF) Authors: T. Thorsteinsson, D.L. Cooper (1996-2006)
Number of active electrons : 8
active orbitals : 6
Total spin : 0.0
State symmetry : 1
CI vector dump at record 3500.2
Molecular orbitals read from record 2140.2 Type=MCSCF/LOCALIZED (state averaged)
EXTRA SYMMETRY OF MOS IN SYMMETRY 1: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1
Wavefunction dump at record 2141.2
Convergence thresholds 0.10E-01 (gradient) 0.10E-05 (energy) 0.10E-02 (step length)
Weight factors for state symmetry 1: 0.50000 0.50000
Number of orbital rotations: 244 ( 6 Core/Active 34 Core/Virtual 0 Active/Active 204 Active/Virtual)
Total number of variables: 694
1 140 0 0 -76.05206612 -76.07266226 -0.02059614 0.15314356 0.00193678 0.00000000 0.81D+00 0.26
2 27 0 0 -76.08094348 -76.08230019 -0.00135672 0.04037377 0.00000422 0.00000000 0.13D+00 0.35
3 27 0 0 -76.08258017 -76.08264194 -0.00006177 0.01194359 0.00000761 0.00000000 0.23D-01 0.42
4 27 0 0 -76.08266110 -76.08266831 -0.00000722 0.00429805 0.00000304 0.00000000 0.76D-02 0.48
5 27 0 0 -76.08267124 -76.08267245 -0.00000121 0.00167699 0.00000131 0.00000000 0.33D-02 0.53
6 27 0 0 -76.08267295 -76.08267317 -0.00000021 0.00067493 0.00000054 0.00000000 0.14D-02 0.57
7 28 0 0 -76.08267326 -76.08267329 -0.00000004 0.00027557 0.00000022 0.00000000 0.62D-03 0.60
CASVB -- summary of results :
Spatial VB configurations
Conf. => Orbitals
1 => 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6
Number of VB configurations : 1
VB structures : 2
VB determinants : 6
== Starting optimization - step 1 ========
Energy-based optimization (Evb).
Optimization algorithm: dFletch
Maximum number of iterations: 50
Spin basis: Kotani
Generate Kotani spin functions.
Converged ... maximum update to coefficient: 0.258742D-07
Final Evb : -76.0826733083
Number of iterations used: 1
CASVB -- summary of results :
== Wavefunction summary - step 2 =========
Orbital coefficients :
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 -0.0911820 -0.2531360 -0.2289313 -0.3797013 0.2303814 -0.3799745
2 0.2444897 0.6787421 -0.4572484 0.6986149 0.8081230 0.3118124
3 -0.2445503 -0.6789103 0.8085066 -0.3119850 -0.4566062 -0.6986260
4 -0.9337670 -0.1135207 -0.2680998 0.2580340 0.2689622 0.2578063
5 -0.0096241 -0.0267182 -0.1119590 -0.4466633 0.0206513 0.0659489
6 0.0096069 0.0266703 0.0204725 -0.0658775 -0.1122727 0.4466551
Overlap between orbitals :
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1.0000000 0.4615698 -0.0370216 0.0444443 0.0358089 0.0446562
2 0.4615698 1.0000000 -0.7673342 0.7629901 0.7661051 0.7630138
3 -0.0370216 -0.7673342 1.0000000 -0.5052765 -0.8681430 -0.6877886
4 0.0444443 0.7629901 -0.5052765 1.0000000 0.6871184 0.5877157
5 0.0358089 0.7661051 -0.8681430 0.6871184 1.0000000 0.5039956
6 0.0446562 0.7630138 -0.6877886 0.5877157 0.5039956 1.0000000
Structure coefficients :
-0.17019896 0.98540972
Saving VB wavefunction to record : 3208.2
Evb : -76.0826733083
Chirgwin-Coulson weights of structures :
VB spin+space (norm 1.00000000) :
-0.04226258 1.04226258
VB spin only (norm 118.92355302) :
0.02896769 0.97103231
Total number of structure transformations : 2495
Total number of Hamiltonian applications : 1188
Total number of 2-electron density evaluations : 74
Total number of Hessian applications : 1077
Total number of pure orbital Hessian applications : 455
Approximate memory usage (8-byte words) : 10094
CASVB completed on 16-Jul-13 at 15:39:35 after 0.370 CPU seconds
Results for state 1.1
!MCSCF STATE 1.1 Energy -76.082673308319
Nuclear energy 8.90325418
Kinetic energy 75.93525551
One electron energy -122.39794837
Two electron energy 37.41202088
Virial ratio 2.00194136
!MCSCF STATE 1.1 Dipole moment 0.00000000 0.00000016 0.76955895
Dipole moment /Debye 0.00000000 0.00000042 1.95589563
Results for state 2.1
!MCSCF STATE 2.1 Energy -76.082673308319
Nuclear energy 8.90325418
Kinetic energy 75.93525551
One electron energy -122.39794837
Two electron energy 37.41202088
Virial ratio 2.00194136
!MCSCF STATE 2.1 Dipole moment 0.00000000 0.00000016 0.76955895
Dipole moment /Debye 0.00000000 0.00000042 1.95589563
State-averaged charge density matrix saved on record 2141.2 (density set 1)
!MCSCF expec <1.1|DMY|1.1> 0.000000164276 au = 0.000000417521 Debye
!MCSCF trans <2.1|DMY|1.1> 0.000000172427 au = 0.000000438236 Debye
!MCSCF expec <2.1|DMY|2.1> 0.000000164276 au = 0.000000417521 Debye
!MCSCF expec <1.1|DMZ|1.1> 0.769558945693 au = 1.955895625196 Debye
!MCSCF trans <2.1|DMZ|1.1> -0.552675809450 au = -1.404669783781 Debye
!MCSCF expec <2.1|DMZ|2.1> 0.769558945693 au = 1.955895625196 Debye
The energies of the states in the preceding MO based MULTI are different and correct.
Any ideas what i'm doing wrong here?
Dr. Mike Nix
Lecturer in Physical Chemistry
University of Leeds
+44(0)113 343 5960
m.g.nix at leeds.ac.uk
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