[molpro-user] Unreasonable T2 norm for CCSD(T) calculation with cc-pCVTZ but not for cc-pCVDZ

Paul Jerabek paul.jerabek at chemie.uni-marburg.de
Thu Feb 5 14:51:55 GMT 2015

Dear all,

I'm trying to calculate the core electron ionization energy for CO with
CCSD(T) including core-valence correlation. The problem arises with the
singly 1s(C) core-electron ionized CO molecule.

With a cc-pCVDT basis I get a nicely converged CCSD(T) result.  When
using the larger basis cc-pCVTZ, the calculation stops with the
"unreasonable norm" error and a large value for the t2 norm vector.

Also: The MP2 part of the CCSD(T) calculation won't converge with the
cc-pCVTZ basis as well, although I overcame this obstacle by playing
around with the DIIS options: "diis, 1,1,6,1" worked for me.

Do you have any idea what exactly causes the problem at the cc-pCVTZ
level and how to deal with it this? I'd really like to get the energies
at the  CCSD(T)/cc-pCVTZ level of theory.

Thank you very much for your help!!


- Inputs and outputs:

My cc-pCVTZ input:



 C         0.0000000000        0.0000000000        0.0000000
 O          0.0000000000        0.000000000       -1.12800000

WF, elec=13, sym=1, spin=1;

! The following creates the 1s(C) core hole:
WF, elec=13, sym=1, spin=1;
rotate, 2.1,5.1,0;
open, 2.1;


Generating this output for the CCSD(T) part:

1PROGRAM * CCSD (Unrestricted open-shell coupled cluster)     Authors:
C. Hampel, H.-J. Werner, 1991, M. Deegan, P.J. Knowles, 1992

 Convergence thresholds:  THRVAR = 1.00D-08  THRDEN = 1.00D-06

 CCSD(T)     terms to be evaluated (factor= 1.000)

 Number of closed-shell orbitals:   6 (   4   1   1   0 )
 Number of active  orbitals:        1 (   1   0   0   0 )
 Number of external orbitals:      79 (  33  19  19   8 )

 Memory could be reduced to 2.50 Mwords without degradation in triples

 Number of N-1 electron functions:              13
 Number of N-2 electron functions:              78
 Number of singly external CSFs:               382
 Number of doubly external CSFs:            108930
 Total number of CSFs:                      109312

 Molecular orbitals read from record     2101.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL
(state 1.1)

 Integral transformation finished. Total CPU:   0.03 sec, npass=  1
Memory used:   0.30 MW

 Starting RMP2 calculation

  DEN1      VAR(S)    VAR(P)  DIIS     TIME
   1      1.26767668    -0.49403951  -102.35576095    -0.49403951
-0.00556325  0.11D-04  0.88D-01  1  1     0.04
   2      1.24402423    -0.49386440  -102.35558584     0.00017510
-0.00474534  0.12D-04  0.75D-01  2  2     0.05
   3      1.17062309    -0.49303741  -102.35475885     0.00082700
-0.00214434  0.47D-05  0.19D-01  3  3     0.05
   4      1.19163131    -0.49336773  -102.35508917    -0.00033032
-0.00280304  0.37D-05  0.29D-01  4  4     0.06
   5      1.14022363    -0.49331910  -102.35504054     0.00004862
-0.00008010  0.35D-06  0.78D-03  5  5     0.07
   6      1.14287798    -0.49347226  -102.35519370    -0.00015315
-0.00016096  0.11D-06  0.15D-02  6  6     0.07
   7      1.13954710    -0.49342221  -102.35514365     0.00005005
-0.00003111  0.15D-06  0.22D-03  6  1     0.08
   8      1.13958229    -0.49353959  -102.35526103    -0.00011738
-0.00000080  0.92D-08  0.13D-03  6  6     0.08
   9      1.14034754    -0.49350265  -102.35522409     0.00003694
-0.00001444  0.15D-08  0.25D-03  6  5     0.09
  10      1.13949383    -0.49358308  -102.35530452    -0.00008043
-0.00000358  0.15D-08  0.20D-04  6  4     0.09
  11      1.13948118    -0.49359562  -102.35531706    -0.00001254
-0.00000445  0.53D-09  0.35D-04  6  2     0.10
  12      1.13955524    -0.49358821  -102.35530965     0.00000741
-0.00000303  0.18D-09  0.20D-04  6  3     0.10
  13      1.13954808    -0.49359154  -102.35531298    -0.00000333
-0.00000306  0.97D-10  0.22D-04  6  1     0.11
  14      1.13956163    -0.49358927  -102.35531071     0.00000227
-0.00000303  0.88D-10  0.23D-04  6  6     0.11
  15      1.13954749    -0.49359911  -102.35532055    -0.00000983
-0.00000350  0.66D-10  0.33D-04  6  5     0.11
  16      1.13957530    -0.49359128  -102.35531272     0.00000783
-0.00000292  0.40D-10  0.21D-04  6  4     0.12
  17      1.13975404    -0.49356581  -102.35528725     0.00002547
-0.00000226  0.53D-10  0.90D-05  6  3     0.12
  18      1.13969374    -0.49357987  -102.35530131    -0.00001406
-0.00000223  0.18D-10  0.13D-04  6  2     0.13
  19      1.13981644    -0.49357693  -102.35529837     0.00000293
-0.00000248  0.11D-10  0.20D-04  6  4     0.14
  20      1.13985209    -0.49356639  -102.35528782     0.00001055
-0.00000197  0.22D-10  0.70D-05  6  2     0.15
  21      1.13967732    -0.49359340  -102.35531484    -0.00002702
-0.00000330  0.14D-10  0.37D-04  6  3     0.16
  22      1.13978183    -0.49358187  -102.35530331     0.00001154
-0.00000266  0.18D-10  0.24D-04  6  2     0.16
  23      1.13985227    -0.49356499  -102.35528643     0.00001688
-0.00000212  0.20D-10  0.72D-05  6  3     0.17
  24      1.13968904    -0.49359119  -102.35531263    -0.00002620
-0.00000296  0.15D-10  0.30D-04  6  2     0.17
  25      1.13977038    -0.49358362  -102.35530506     0.00000757
-0.00000278  0.17D-10  0.27D-04  6  3     0.18
  26      1.13982646    -0.49356695  -102.35528839     0.00001667
-0.00000200  0.19D-10  0.69D-05  6  2     0.19
  27      1.13969005    -0.49359153  -102.35531297    -0.00002458
-0.00000303  0.15D-10  0.32D-04  6  3     0.19
  28      1.13976301    -0.49358524  -102.35530668     0.00000629
-0.00000296  0.17D-10  0.30D-04  6  2     0.20
  29      1.13978672    -0.49357212  -102.35529356     0.00001313
-0.00000181  0.17D-10  0.60D-05  6  3     0.21


 Spin contamination <S**2-Sz**2-Sz>     0.01026906
  Reference energy                   -101.861721439818
  RHF-RMP2 correlation energy          -0.493572115599
 !RHF-RMP2 energy                    -102.355293555417

 Starting UCCSD calculation

  DEN1      VAR(S)    VAR(P)  DIIS     TIME
   1      7.56966322    -0.48016065  -102.34188209    -0.48016065
-0.31678089  0.58D-02  0.61D+01  1  1     0.36


 Norm of t1 vector:      0.09135834      S-energy:    -0.00521914
T1 diagnostic:  0.01443667

D1 diagnostic:  0.03480135
 Norm of t2 vector:      2.56150676      P-energy:    -0.47494151
                                         Alpha-Beta:  -0.37116672
                                         Alpha-Alpha: -0.04996811
                                         Beta-Beta:   -0.05380668

 Doubles amplitudes (print threshold =  0.500E-01):

         I         J         SYM. A    SYM. B    A         B      T(IJ,
AB) [Alpha-Alpha]

         7         6         2         3         1         1      0.05116033
         7         6         3         2         1         1     -0.05116033

         I         J         SYM. A    SYM. B    A         B      T(IJ,
AB) [Beta-Beta]

         3         2         1         1         1        21      0.11558142
         3         2         1         1        21         1     -0.11558142
         4         2         1         1         1        21      0.09454732
         4         2         1         1         1        22      2.11412607
         4         2         1         1        21         1     -0.09454732
         4         2         1         1        22         1     -2.11412607

         I         J         SYM. A    SYM. B    A         B      T(IJ,
AB) [Alpha-Beta]

         3         2         1         1        21         1      0.21097982
         3         2         1         1        22         1      0.05146041
         2         3         1         1        21         1      0.29802902
         2         3         1         1        22         1      0.07194777
         4         2         1         1        22         1      0.26354643
         2         4         1         1        21         1      0.06646343
         2         4         1         1        22         1      1.31945707
         6         6         2         2         1         1     -0.09221865
         7         7         3         3         1         1     -0.09221865
         7         6         3         2         1         1     -0.06479562
         6         7         2         3         1         1     -0.06479562


 Spin contamination <S**2-Sz**2-Sz>     0.08566146

  Correlated core orbitals:             1.1       2.1
  Orbital energies:                   -21.2251   -2.0818

  UCCSD core-core energy               -0.055641118427
  UCCSD core-valence energy            -0.112063864274
  UCCSD valence correlation energy     -0.312455667665


  Reference energy                   -101.861721439818
  UCCSD singles energy                 -0.005219140527
  UCCSD pair energy                    -0.474941509839
  UCCSD correlation energy             -0.480160650366

 !RHF-UCCSD energy                   -102.341882090184

 Program statistics:

 Available memory in ccsd:               799999438
 Min. memory needed in ccsd:                363878
 Max. memory used in ccsd:                  491028
 Max. memory used in cckext:                437954 ( 1 integral passes)
 Max. memory used in cckint:                302473 ( 1 integral passes)

 ? Error
 ? No convergence. This error exit can be avoided using the NOCHECK option
 ? The problem occurs in ccsd

My cc-pCVDZ input is as follows:



 C         0.0000000000        0.0000000000        0.0000000
 O          0.0000000000        0.000000000       -1.12800000

WF, elec=13, sym=1, spin=1;

! The following creates the 1s(C) core hole:
WF, elec=13, sym=1, spin=1;
rotate, 2.1,5.1,0;
open, 2.1;


Generating this output for the CCSD(T) part:

1PROGRAM * CCSD (Unrestricted open-shell coupled cluster)     Authors:
C. Hampel, H.-J. Werner, 1991, M. Deegan, P.J. Knowles, 1992

 Convergence thresholds:  THRVAR = 1.00D-08  THRDEN = 1.00D-06

 CCSD(T)     terms to be evaluated (factor= 1.000)

 Number of closed-shell orbitals:   6 (   4   1   1   0 )
 Number of active  orbitals:        1 (   1   0   0   0 )
 Number of external orbitals:      29 (  13   7   7   2 )

 Memory could be reduced to 0.46 Mwords without degradation in triples

 Number of N-1 electron functions:              13
 Number of N-2 electron functions:              78
 Number of singly external CSFs:               154
 Number of doubly external CSFs:             16890
 Total number of CSFs:                       17044

 Molecular orbitals read from record     2101.2  Type=RHF/CANONICAL
(state 1.1)

 Integral transformation finished. Total CPU:   0.01 sec, npass=  1
Memory used:   0.10 MW

 Starting RMP2 calculation

  DEN1      VAR(S)    VAR(P)  DIIS     TIME
   1      1.12409217    -0.38855487  -102.17840478    -0.38855487
-0.00170845  0.11D-04  0.75D-03  1  1     0.01
   2      1.12590721    -0.39038223  -102.18023214    -0.00182737
-0.00000500  0.11D-06  0.21D-05  2  2     0.01
   3      1.12598549    -0.39044480  -102.18029471    -0.00006257
-0.00000003  0.15D-08  0.19D-07  3  3     0.01
   4      1.12599306    -0.39045144  -102.18030135    -0.00000664
-0.00000000  0.21D-10  0.16D-09  4  4     0.01
   5      1.12599334    -0.39045148  -102.18030139    -0.00000003
-0.00000000  0.21D-12  0.11D-11  5  5     0.01

 Norm of t1 vector:      0.03516262      S-energy:    -0.00321409
T1 diagnostic:  0.00027154
 Norm of t2 vector:      0.35320947      P-energy:    -0.38723739
                                         Alpha-Beta:  -0.29058556
                                         Alpha-Alpha: -0.04917439
                                         Beta-Beta:   -0.04747745

 Spin contamination <S**2-Sz**2-Sz>     0.00993509
  Reference energy                   -101.789849910161
  RHF-RMP2 correlation energy          -0.390451477943
 !RHF-RMP2 energy                    -102.180301388104

 Starting UCCSD calculation

  DEN1      VAR(S)    VAR(P)  DIIS     TIME
   1      1.11229466    -0.36958544  -102.15943535    -0.36958544
-0.01717517  0.42D-02  0.36D-02  1  1     0.03
   2      1.12851095    -0.38441097  -102.17426088    -0.01482553
-0.00248284  0.26D-03  0.81D-03  2  2     0.06
   3      1.13880762    -0.38898714  -102.17883705    -0.00457618
-0.00050990  0.11D-03  0.12D-03  3  3     0.08
   4      1.14645710    -0.39199507  -102.18184498    -0.00300793
-0.00018231  0.27D-04  0.36D-04  4  4     0.10
   5      1.15013310    -0.39273917  -102.18258908    -0.00074409
-0.00008220  0.32D-05  0.20D-04  5  5     0.12
   6      1.15221476    -0.39315130  -102.18300121    -0.00041214
-0.00004124  0.21D-05  0.11D-04  6  6     0.15
   7      1.15307829    -0.39342898  -102.18327889    -0.00027767
-0.00002168  0.40D-05  0.50D-05  6  1     0.18
   8      1.15336241    -0.39346566  -102.18331557    -0.00003668
-0.00001331  0.32D-05  0.28D-05  6  3     0.20
   9      1.15401855    -0.39372727  -102.18357718    -0.00026161
-0.00000572  0.67D-06  0.16D-05  6  2     0.22
  10      1.15437935    -0.39378095  -102.18363086    -0.00005368
-0.00000179  0.11D-06  0.60D-06  6  5     0.24
  11      1.15480576    -0.39385868  -102.18370859    -0.00007773
-0.00000043  0.98D-07  0.95D-07  6  4     0.26
  12      1.15491062    -0.39385889  -102.18370881    -0.00000022
-0.00000019  0.48D-07  0.43D-07  6  6     0.29
  13      1.15498805    -0.39386528  -102.18371519    -0.00000638
-0.00000006  0.75D-08  0.18D-07  6  1     0.31
  14      1.15500282    -0.39386034  -102.18371025     0.00000494
-0.00000002  0.13D-08  0.47D-08  6  3     0.33
  15      1.15500066    -0.39385580  -102.18370571     0.00000454
-0.00000001  0.34D-09  0.20D-08  6  2     0.36
  16      1.15499853    -0.39385514  -102.18370505     0.00000066
-0.00000001  0.49D-09  0.18D-08  6  5     0.38

 Norm of t1 vector:      0.12340148      S-energy:    -0.00480873
T1 diagnostic:  0.01684129

D1 diagnostic:  0.03924278
 Norm of t2 vector:      0.37385907      P-energy:    -0.38904641
                                         Alpha-Beta:  -0.31570541
                                         Alpha-Alpha: -0.03770254
                                         Beta-Beta:   -0.03563847

 Singles amplitudes (print threshold =  0.500E-01):

         I         SYM. A    A   T(IA) [Alpha-Alpha]

         6         2         1      0.06824784
         7         3         1      0.06824784

 Doubles amplitudes (print threshold =  0.500E-01):

         I         J         SYM. A    SYM. B    A         B      T(IJ,
AB) [Alpha-Beta]

         4         4         2         2         1         1     -0.05458637
         4         4         3         3         1         1     -0.05458637
         6         6         2         2         1         1     -0.12357167
         7         7         3         3         1         1     -0.12357167
         5         6         2         1         1         1     -0.05688095
         5         7         3         1         1         1     -0.05688095
         7         6         3         2         1         1     -0.07404280
         6         7         2         3         1         1     -0.07404280

 Spin contamination <S**2-Sz**2-Sz>     0.00671828

 Memory could be reduced to 0.51 Mwords without degradation in triples

  Correlated core orbitals:             1.1       2.1
  Orbital energies:                   -21.2420   -2.0950

  UCCSD core-core energy               -0.044277318985
  UCCSD core-valence energy            -0.067552227320
  UCCSD valence correlation energy     -0.282025593229


  Reference energy                   -101.789849910161
  UCCSD singles energy                 -0.004808728256
  UCCSD pair energy                    -0.389046411278
  UCCSD correlation energy             -0.393855139534
  Triples (T) contribution             -0.014392247539
  Total correlation energy             -0.408247387073

  RHF-UCCSD energy                   -102.183705049695
  RHF-UCCSD[T] energy                -102.199882100889
  RHF-UCCSD-T energy                 -102.197637602862
 !RHF-UCCSD(T) energy                -102.198097297234

 Program statistics:

 Available memory in ccsd:               799999438
 Min. memory needed in ccsd:                 61788
 Max. memory used in ccsd:                   81128
 Max. memory used in cckext:                112394 (16 integral passes)
 Max. memory used in cckint:                 98436 ( 1 integral passes)

Dr. Paul Jerabek
Fachbereich Chemie, AK Berger, Theoretische Chemie
Philipps-Universität Marburg
D-35032 Marburg

Phone: +49-(0)6421-28-27001

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